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  • The Invisible People

    Contributed by Sylvester Fergusson on May 8, 2021

    Many are living amonst us who we do not see or take notice of. Thier opinions do not matter. Their history do not matter. They are irrelevant as far as we are concerned. God has called us to change this.

    THE INVISIBLE PEOPLE Opening Song # 21 Scripture Reading Jh. 14: 1-4 Closing Song # 506 It is told by the Doctor Luke in chapter 7 and verse 36 of His gospel that one of the Pharisees whose name was later known to be Simon, invited Jesus to eat with him. This may seem a strange occurrence to more

  • A People Of Grace Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jun 18, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    God made certain promises to the nation of Israel, which He will fulfill. For even though they've blown it badly, God has promised to see Israel through on the basis of His own integrity and faithfulness.

    ROMANS 11: 1-10 A PEOPLE [REMNANT] OF GRACE The thrust of Romans 9–11 has primarily been Israel's rejecting Christ and rebelling against God, and God's choosing and turning to Gentiles in grace. These themes continue in chapter 11, but God's sovereign choice also involves His restoring more

  • No Perfect People

    Contributed by Bret Bone on Apr 20, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    How many of you have noticed the poster hanging at the end of the office hallway. 16 months ago when my family and I were asked to come and see if this was the church and the community that God had prepared for us to minister in… The caption that is pri

    Video Chairs Slide #1 Prayer How many of you have noticed the poster hanging at the end of the office hallway. 16 months ago when my family and I were asked to come and see if this was the church and the community that God had prepared for us to minister in… The caption that is printed on more

  • Thankful People Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Nov 23, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    How do we show God that we are truly thankful people?

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Did you get enough to eat over the Thanksgiving holiday? My scale said GET OFF! • As I reflect on the issue of be thankful I want to share a few things I am thankful for. • I am thankful that there are not twice as many congressmen and half as many doctors. • I am thankful more

  • Fickle People Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Apr 2, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the 47th Sermon in the Series Action. This series began during the COVID 19 pandemic and is a call for the Church to be the Church.

    Series: Action [#47] FICKLE PEOPLE Acts 16:16-40 Introduction: Today, we celebrate Palm Sunday. This was the day that had been prophesied in Zechariah 9:9. John 12:12-15 This happened on Sunday; but by Friday, these same people were yelling “Crucify Him”. That’s fickle and it still more

  • Answered Prayers

    Contributed by Roger Thompson on Jun 17, 2002
    based on 94 ratings

    A sermon about how prayers are answered.

    TOPIC: ?How Are Prayers Answered?? TEXT: John 15:5-8; Matthew 7:7-8; Matthew 21:21-22 At a church in Kentucky, a little boy got a little too rambunctious during the worship service. His father picked the boy up and started for the door. As they were heading down the aisle, the boy said, at more

  • The People's Priest

    Contributed by John Stevenson on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 116 ratings

    So the priest who is anointed and ordained to serve as priest in his father=s place shall make atonement: he shall thus put on the linen garments, the holy garments, 33 and make atonement for the holy sanctuary; and he shall make atonement for the tent of meeting and for the altar, He shall also ma

    So the priest who is anointed and ordained to serve as priest in his father=s place shall make atonement: he shall thus put on the linen garments, the holy garments, 33 and make atonement for the holy sanctuary; and he shall make atonement for the tent of meeting and for the altar, He shall also more

  • The Peculiar People

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Apr 24, 2002
    based on 65 ratings

    This sermon addresses the mission of Christians in the world as a royal priesthood.

    THE PECULIAR PEOPLE Text: First Peter 2:2-10 The King James Version of the Bible distinguishes the wording of God’s people, calling us "a peculiar people" as opposed to other versions of the Bible. The Greek word that is used here is peripoiesis which means "possession--- purchased more

  • A People With Purpose Series

    Contributed by Ryan Akers on Aug 27, 2010

    Part 1 the of the series Breaking Free looks at the church. What should the true church today look like?

    Breaking Free Part 1: A People with Purpose Pastor Ryan Akers Starting a new 3 week series today called Breaking Free. This is not about breaking free from things like worry or addiction or anything like that. This series is all about the church and about us breaking free of the stereo types and more

  • Holy People Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Sep 20, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Holiness is not a popular subject these days. Maybe because there are so few people who count holiness as a goal, or even as a value. But the Bible says a lot about holiness.

    Colossians 1:2 To God’s holy people in Colossae, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ: Grace and peace to you from God our Father. We’ve talked about grace & peace in previous devotions (Ephesians 1 & Philippians 1). Today, let’s focus on holiness. Holy People Have you thought much about more

  • People With A Purpose Series

    Contributed by Tiger Gullett on Jan 20, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    "The second message in a series of messages from the sermon on the mount dealing with The Importance Of Our Attitudes."

    Introduction: Last week we looked at The Beattitudes, and the effect that our attitudes today will have on the future events of our life. Today, we are going to look at the importance of "Our Attitude Toward Our Purpose." Everybody likes to have purpose. Even dogs like to feel like they have a more

  • People With A Vision

    Contributed by James May on Jun 13, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    We must have the Mind of Christ if we are going to have a proper vision for our churches.

    People With a Vision By Pastor Jim May What does it mean to have a vision? I want to quickly give you a few definitions that I believe pertain to everyone of us tonight. We must be people with a vision, but what does that mean? Having vision is defined as: -the act or power of sensing with more

  • People Of The Book

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jan 29, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    If we would be "People of the Book" we must weave the Word of God into the very fabric of our daily lives.

    Title: People of the Book Text: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6 and 8-10 (Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Psalm 119; James 1:22) Transition: And the thesis statement is: Thesis: If we would be People of the Book we must weave God’s Word into the very fabric of our daily lives. Introduction Following a time when more

  • The Chosen People Series

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Mar 14, 2009

    For millennia the Jews have suffered oppression, slavery, genocide and many, many more hardships to numerous to list. Yet the Bible records them as being the chosen people. Just what they have been chosen for?

    The Chosen People Romans 9:1-5 Genesis 12 1 Please Pass the Patriarchs Last week I presented a message called The Right Place at the Right Time. I was using the life story of Jacob in the bible to illustrate how some of us try to put ourselves in what we think is the right place at the right more

  • The People Of God

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Mar 2, 2013

    1. We grow in goodness (vs. 1-3). 2. We have been chosen as children (vs. 2, 9, 10). 3. We should send up spiritual sacrifices (vs. 4-7). 4. We are people of praise (vs. 7-9). 5. We make it by mercy (vs. 10).

    The People of God 1 Peter 2:1-10 Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - Nov. 11, 2012 *Our oldest daughter, Becky, graduated from the New Orleans Seminary in 2005. We tried to go down whenever we could. And one time we went out to eat at the Piccadilly Cafeteria near the school. *As we more

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