
Summary: The life of prayer


The great need of our day in our church life is more prayer.

1 Peter 4:7 RV. The closing words, "BE SOBER UNTO PRAYER."

The word translated "be sober" means to be "calm and collected in spirit."

Prayer is of great importance!

"That ye may Give Yourselves unto Prayer." 1 Corinthians 7:5 RV.

Prayer demands concentration and focus.

Prayer has purpose.

"Continuing steadfastly in prayer, watching therein with supplication." Colossians 4:2 RV.

To be steadfast we must maintain continuous attention to prayer.

Prayer is the business of the church.

"That ye strive together." Romans 15:30.

Prayer is not a solo event, prayer invites community together.

Set apart time for prayer.

Prepare for prayer.

Be thankful at all times.

Pray for others and pray with others.

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