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  • Overcoming Life's Problems

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 14, 2000
    based on 107 ratings

    All of us are faced with problems. We must have a right spiritual focus in order to overcome.

    OVERCOMING LIFE’S PROBLEMS Jude 17-23 INTRO.- Is life ever stressful? Do we ever experience problems and pain in life? I say, when don’t we? ILL.- A violinist was told by a surgeon that he needed an operation "But, doctor," said the violinist, "I have concerts booked ahead. If you operate, more

  • Understanding The Root Problem

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 13, 2001
    based on 64 ratings

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened

    This past week we learned what people are capable of…and we know why. The ultimate enemy is sin. As we try to recover from the shock of the most horrific terrorist attack in history, there’s a crying, desperate need to make some sense of what’s happened. I want to emphasize that, while more

  • The Problems With Playing God Series

    Contributed by Tim George on Sep 17, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    This passage deals with how pride tends to cause us to play God and the problems that go along with that.

    "Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge more

  • Problems That Are Not From The Enemies

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on Sep 30, 2001
    based on 255 ratings

    Five reasons why Christians suffer

    I would like you to open your mind and be very attentive, as you read this message. Don’t allow the enemies to make you miss one sentence from what you are about to read now. This message discusses the problems that are not from the enemies. A careful search of the word of God will make us to more

  • The Problem Of Cultural Christianity

    Contributed by Steve Johnson on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Cultural Christianity, or "Hollow Christianity" is characterized by worthless worship, worthless words and worthless wisdom....

    "The Problem of Cultural Christianity" Matt. 15: 1-20 Introduction: 1. What is Cultural Christianity? There are many possible answers. 2. As we go through the sermon this morning, You might arrive at your own answer. 3. I believe it is best summed up as "A religion of symbolic devotion". 4. more

  • The Answer To America's Problems Series

    Contributed by Michael Demastus on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    This is the 2nd sermon in the America Series...

    “The Answers To America’s Problem” Introduction: *A preacher went to call on one of the ladies in his congregation. When he arrived at her house, her front door was open with the screen door closed. Windows were open and the TV was on. He walked up to the door and knocked. “Sister Jones. Sister more

  • Solution To A 'grave' Problem!

    Contributed by Dennis Marquardt on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 1 rating

    Easter sermon ... resurrection of Christ

    "SOLUTION TO A ’GRAVE’ PROBLEM!" TEXT: John 20:1-31 INTRO: There is no event greater in human history than the resurrection of Jesus Christ! If there is no resurrection, there is no Christianity! The apostle Paul says this clearly: (I Cor. 15:17-19) "And if Christ has not been raised, your more

  • Avoid The Problems Of Miscommunication

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 20 ratings

    We ought to speak the truth we feel With careful thought for those who hear; For truth and love must try to sense What others feel, what others fear

    Avoid the Problems of Miscommunication (I Thes 2:6-12) Many problems in our relationships grow out of miscommunication. Failure to communicate love, truth and relevance often leads to alienation. Many people mistakening assume they are friends but through miscommunications they have drifted in more

  • Problems Of Presumptuous Sins

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 10 ratings

    How to overcome Presumptuous Sins

    The Problems of Being Presumtuous Illustration:It is he who is in the wrong who first gets angry. William Penn. Presumption is an act of overstepping one’s proper bounds, it involves excessive effrontery or forwardness. To presume means that one takes upon oneself, without permission or more

  • The Problems Of Counterfeit Goodness

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    Many people practice counterfeiting without actually realizing what they are doing. A counterfeiter tries to make an imitation of something genuine to deceive, defraud or pretend something to be what it is not in reality. Ananias’s lie to the Holy Spirit

    1. Many people practice counterfeiting without actually realizing what they are doing. A counterfeiter tries to make an imitation of something genuine to deceive, defraud or pretend something to be what it is not in reality. Ananias’s lie to the Holy Spirit was probably the crowning act of a more

  • The Problems Created By Desertion

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 28 ratings

    We live in an age when it is common for Fathers to desert their wives or children because they get tired of marriage. Some desert their callings because of the sufferings involved seem tougher than they originally conceived.

    Illustration:During WWII six Navy pilots left their aircraft carrier on a mission. After searching the seas for enemy submarines, they tried to return to their ship shortly after dark. But the captain had ordered a blackout of all lights on the ship. Over and over the frantic pilots radioed, asking more

  • Overcoming The Problems Of Complacency

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 80 ratings

    Overcome the problems of apathy, indifference and complacency by discovering key errors to avoid.

    Overcoming the Problems of Complacency, Indifference and Apathy (Judges 18) Many Christians are suffering from the problem of an apathetic attitude to God’s priorities. By their complacent attitudes some believers fall into the trap of selfish indifference to the passions of God for the five more

  • Problems At The Altar Of Prayers Series

    Contributed by Daniel Olukoya on May 17, 2001
    based on 149 ratings

    Warfare Praying

    PROBLEMS AT THE ALTAR OF PRAYERS Dr. D. K. Olukoya The topic you are about to study is titled "Problems at the alter of prayers." Our first text for this message is Luke 18 verses 1 to 8. In this passage, you will see the need to continuously trouble God with prayers as God would not hesitate more

  • The Answer To Your Problems

    Contributed by Jay Mcphearson on Sep 24, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    Jesus is bigger than what you are going through

    Intro: (Start w/Blank) In Budapest, a Jewish man went to his rabbi and complained, "Life is unbearable for my family & I. There are nine of us living in one room. What can I do?" The rabbi thought about it for a moment and answered, "Take your goat into the room with you." The man was more

  • Running From A Problem

    Contributed by Larry Jacobs on May 15, 2006
    based on 31 ratings

    You cannot run from God. Elijah tried too but finally he had to come back to the same spot where he left and face the problem with God’s help.

    Our Web Site: ----------------- RUNNING FROM A PROBLEM 1 KINGS 19 You cannot read first & second Kings without realizing the impact of two prophets during that period. Elijah and Elisha. A. It is just assumed that Elijah and Elisha are kind of spiritual twins. Their more

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