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  • Finding The Lost Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Oct 9, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    This is the fourth sermon in a series of five to help my congregation become more outward focused. It is based on the church outreach program titled - "Outflow". God wants us to seek the lost, rejoice when the lost are found, and keep looking.

    Finding The Lost – Overflowing Outreach Over the past few weeks we have been looking at how God wants to give us an overflowing life – an abundant life. A life so full of His joy, His peace, and His love – that it spills over into the lives of those who are around us. In John ten – ten it more

  • Blessings Lost

    Contributed by Chanon Mullens on Oct 22, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    The penalty of envy and the blessings lost because of it

    Paul is here preaching in Antioch of Pisidia and his theme being “Justified by Faith.” Often times we get uneasy when we see new and different things going on in the church but most of the time these uneasy feelings cause us to loose God’s blessings and bestow them upon someone else or another more

  • Lost In The Sauce

    Contributed by Juan Lane on Nov 22, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Where does the confusion come from?

    Lost In The Sauce Where does the confusion come from? Scripture Reference: Proverbs 3:5-7 Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. 7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the more

  • Lost In The House

    Contributed by Manuel Amparo on Mar 14, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    The Canaanite woman is an example of those who are lost in the house; Jesus called her “the lost sheep of the house of Israel”.

    SERMON TITLE LOST IN THE HOUSE Matthew 15:21-28 21 Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed more

  • "Lost 2"

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Mar 26, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that just as the DONKEYS were LOST - SAUL was "LOST 2".

    ”LOST 2” 19 March 2006 1 Samuel 9:3-6; 17-20; 10:9 (RSV) by U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris CP Walker, Taegu South Korea BIG IDEA: Every believer needs to know that there is great JOY in the HEART of GOD when someone who was LOST is FOUND. REFERENCES: 1 Samuel 9:1-27; Matthew 6:21 more

  • Lost In The Crowd

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Apr 24, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The actions of the crowd and Jesus’ response.

    Lost In the Crowd? John 12:12-18 April 9, 2006 There were 2 crowds there on the day Jesus came riding into Jerusalem on the donkey. 2 Crowds. 1 crowd was in Jerusalem for historical reason. They had come from all over to recognize the annual religious festival of Passover. 2,700,000 people, more

  • "Lost And Found" Series

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on Feb 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon based around the lost sheep parable pointing to Jesus the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheeps seeks out the lost with great rejoicing.

    Lost and found: Luke 15: 1- 7 The Good Shepherd Several famous people were asked what they felt was the saddest word in the English language. Here’s what some of them said, • Poet T. S. Eliot: “The saddest word in the English language is, of course, ‘saddest.’” • Lyricist Oscar Hammerstein II: more

  • Lost In The House

    Contributed by Christopher Rainer on Feb 29, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    A discussion on how SOMETIMES, it’s not the son who left home who causes the trouble; sometimes, it’s the son who was left at home...

    Lost In The House [Part I] Sub Topic: Pouting And Out Of Place Scripture Text: Luke 15:25 – 30 Introduction: The more I study this passage, the more I am apt to believe that the passage centers upon the suggestion that “lostness” is not predicated upon a position as much as it is upon a more

  • Not One Is Lost

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Mar 9, 2008

    Description of Jesus never giving up on seeking us out and wanting to restore our lives.

    Not one is lost! Luke 15:8-10 Introduction Go with me in your bibles to Luke, Chapter 15. This morning, we are one more week closer to celebrating the greatest gift we have ever been given, and that is the gift Jesus Christ gave us freely on the cross. It was God’s greatest pleasure to more

  • Lost In Translation Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 27, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How well do you know Jesus, really? Jesus probes some Jews who say they believe but don’t. Jesus says the truth will set us free, but sometimes we are speaking a different language and so can’t understand what he is saying at first.

    How well do you know Jesus? Some of us grew up in church and think we know him. He’s the guy who walked on water and changed water into wine and started that Golden Rule thing. Others know Jesus as a good man who gave us a lot of good advice on how to live. To others Jesus is love guy-love your more

  • Lost Christians

    Contributed by Rex E. Faile on Jan 30, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A message to stir the church from complacency to commitment. A message for revival and repentance.

    LOST CHRISTIANS Scripture: Luke 15:4-7 A Message by Pastor Rex E. Faile, Sr. Lakewood Christian Church Luke 15:4-7 4 What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? 5 And more

  • Lost Sheep

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Sep 25, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    What happens when believers stray and how we make it back into the fold.

    25, September 2005 Dakota Community Church Lost Sheep Proverbs19: 27 Stop listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge. 1Peter 2: 25 For you were like sheep going astray, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. Isaiah 53:6 We more

  • Lost And Found Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 9, 2006

    This chapter shows us the attitude of God towards the person who is lost, and compares it with our attitude. Essentially the three parables Jesus tells in this chapter are against the Pharisees who were the shepherds of Israel, but would not care for o

    This chapter shows us the attitude of God towards the person who is lost, and compares it with our attitude. Essentially the three parables Jesus tells in this chapter are against the Pharisees who were the shepherds of Israel, but would not care for or seek after the lost sheep, the kind of more

  • Is God Lost

    Contributed by Richard Deem on Jul 3, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Those who read the Bible [the Old Testament in particular] will readily recognize the fact that both God’s enemies and His people from time to time wondered if He was lost! They must have felt this way, because they were always asking where He was

    IS GOD LOST? TEXT: Joel 2:17 "Let the priests, the LORD’S ministers, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, "Spare Thy people, O LORD, And do not make Thine inheritance a reproach, A byword among the nations. Why should they among the peoples say, ’Where is their God?" INTRO: more

  • Lost And Found

    Contributed by Doug Lyon on Jul 15, 2007

    Potential rulership in Christ’s earthly kingdom

    Shiloh Bible Church Hebrews 2:5-9 Lost and Found Introduction A young man emerged from the Metro train in Washington, DC. The date was January 12th of this year. He positioned himself against a wall beside a trashcan. By most standards, he was nondescript—a young white man in jeans, a more

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