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Sermons on our weaknesses:

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  • "Strengthening Our Weaknesses”

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 17, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    This chapter comes on the very heels (less than a week) of one of the most tremendous victories of David’s life. What a contrast! Here he nearly took a life long plunge to the bottom in a moment of weakness. We all have our weaknesses. But admittin

    Dr. Dennis Deese “STRENGTHENING OUR WEAKNESSES” (The Leader’s Weakness) I SAMUEL 25:1-44 This chapter comes on the very heels (less than a week) of one of the most tremendous victories of David’s life. What a contrast! Here he nearly took a life long plunge to the bottom in a moment of more

  • Touched By Our Weakness

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Feb 8, 2006
    based on 64 ratings

    Jesus knows all about our struggles

    Intro: the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ is one of the most important doctrines in scripture, that Jesus (part of the Trinity) became man. False religions all attack the concept of the God-man. They give us that Jesus was a prophet, teacher, miracle worker, but not Divine. God had to become man more

  • Delighting In Our Weaknesses

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Feb 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    'Delighting in our weaknesses, really?' Yes, really. Last week we looked at how Paul learned the secret to contentment. As we needed to learn the secret to contentment, we also need to learn the secret to delighting in our weaknesses.

    DELIGHTING IN OUR WEAKNESSES 2nd Cor. 12:7-10 Last week I mentioned that my sermon title, Being Content During Covid, probably caused you to think, 'he can't be serious'. Well, you might have the same reaction to today's sermon title. 'Delighting in our weaknesses, really?' more

  • The Helper In Our Weakness Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Dec 11, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, we will explore the biblical teachings on the Holy Spirit’s role in our lives, particularly in our moments of weakness.

    As believers, we often face challenges and struggles that leave us feeling weak and powerless. However, the Bible teaches us that we are not alone in our weakness. The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is our helper and comforter, empowering us to overcome our weaknesses and live a life more

  • God's Power In Our Weakness Series

    Contributed by Rick Duncan on Nov 17, 2003
    based on 68 ratings

    In the Bible is a man who tried and tried to follow Christ closely but failed time and time again… miserably. His name is Peter. Yet God showed His power in Peter’s life. If he can do that with Peter, he can do that with you.

    A spiritual leader named Henry Varley shared some words that still serve to challenge God’s people. Here are the words: “The world has yet to see what God will do with and for and through and in and by a man who is fully consecrated to Christ.” God used these words to change a man named D.L. more

  • Giving God Our Weaknesses

    Contributed by Jay Robison on Nov 6, 2012

    As we give God even our weaknesses we find a new depth to God's love for us and we also discover that God can use those weaknesses for God's glory

    What is your Achilles’ Heel? Achilles warrior in ancient mythology Believed to be invincible in battle Except for one weakness in his heel, touch it Achilles helpless What are your weaknesses? What is your Achilles’ heel? Weaknesses or vulnerabilities that hold us back May be a more

  • Our Weakness, His Strength Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Dec 25, 2012

    Gethsemane communicates to us that there is a spiritual reality beyond what we can see and experience for now – God’s holiness, his perfect justice, the pure love between Father and Son, the horribleness of sin, our full depravity, the reality and necessi

    Introduction We have all experienced moments in our lives when we felt like the weight of the world was on our shoulders. A difficult decision lay before us, and the responsibility felt as though it would crush us. Either the task was extremely difficult to accomplish, or the consequences of our more

  • Strength In Weakness

    Contributed by Philip Beals on Sep 16, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    In our weakness we can always count on God to be our strength.

    Strength in Weakness There is a chorus we used to sing as kids that goes like this: - “My God is so great, so strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do.” You are probably familiar with it. Of course when we sing it, do we really pay attention to the meaning of the words. more

  • Our Strength Grows Out Of Our Weaknesses

    Contributed by Selvan John on Aug 22, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    If you are afraid about your weakness, here is the Word of God for you. Carry on with Jesus...

    “Our strength grows out of our weaknesses” Ralph Waldo Emerson, I would like to start with this quote and boast about weakness. When we boast we always boast of our achievements and never in the slightest idea of boasting our weakness. We are scared to share that we are weak in some areas of more

  • The Strength Of Seeing Our Weak Flesh Series

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Feb 23, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    A sermon looking at the sleep of the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, and how Jesus used it for our good.

    February 23, 2005 Matthew 26:36-46 Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, “My more

  • Acknowledging Our Weakness To Become Strong

    Contributed by Glen Vanderkloot on Nov 30, 2004
    based on 75 ratings

    God’s power is strongest when we can admit our weaknesses

    As I was growing up, my favorite children’s story was ‘The Little Engine that Could’ attributed to Mabel C. Bragg, a teacher in Boston, Massachusetts. The gist of the story is that a long train must be pulled over a high mountain. Larger and more powerful engines are asked to pull the train more

  • Our Weaknesses Can Strengthen Us Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jan 27, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Strength out of weakness, sounds a little impossible doesn’t it? How can something that makes us weak cause us to be strong? For when I am weak, then I am strong. How do we apply this in our own lives today? How can our weaknesses strengthen us?

    Our Weaknesses Can Strengthen Us Strength out of weakness, sounds a little impossible doesn’t it? How can something that makes us weak cause us to be strong? It sounds like a paradox, strength out of weakness, it is a phrase that at first may not seem to make a lot of sense, many in the world more

  • Turning Weakness Into Strength

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Apr 4, 2011
    based on 7 ratings

    Jesus said that His strength is perfected in our weakness. If we acknowledge our weakness, He can use it for His glory!...

    Turning Weakness into Strength April 3, 2011 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must trust in the Lord to be our strength when ours have failed. Focus Passage: I Samuel 13:15-23 Supplemental Passage: And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient more

  • How The Spirit Helps Us In Our Weakness

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 22, 2001
    based on 4 ratings

    How the Spirit Helps us In our Weakness

    Jan 4th Rom 8:26,27 Theme - The Spirit helps us in all our weakness. Why is it true that when we are weak then we are strong in Christ? Humility like darkness, tends to reveal more of the Spirit’s light. The Spirit of God has a way of taking our individual weaknesses and making us strong more

  • The Spirit Helps Us In All Our Weakness.

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 29, 2003
    based on 58 ratings

    How the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses.

    Rom 8:26,27 Theme - The Spirit helps us in all our weakness. What are the problems of using human strength to overcome our weaknesses? People who do tend to live more in the flesh than by the Spirit. The flesh profits nothing. The mind set on the flesh is death but the mind set on the Spirit more