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Sermons on our life redeemed:

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  • Living A Life Of Holiness Series

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Feb 12, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The first 21 verses of 1 Peter could be summed this way (vs.3-12) living a life of Holiness and verses (vs.13-21) fear for God. Not a fear of bodily harm but a respect and concern as we struggle to live a life before the righteous God (1Pet 1:16)

    Intro Illustration: David Kinnaman, president of the Barna Group, discusses some disheartening research concerning the failure of Christians in our day to remain distinct: "In virtually every study we conduct, representing thousands of interviews every year, born again Christians (talking about more

  • Recognizing The Redeemer

    Contributed by Steve Sheek on Dec 24, 2018

    Recognizing our redeemer changes our relationships, attitudes and actions. Lessons from Egypt and Emmaus

    20181218 Parsha Vayigash – Recognizing the Redeemer Readings Genesis 44:18-47:27 Luke 24:30-48 This week’s Parsha is Vayigash. That means “He approached”. In the last Parsha we saw Joseph coming to power in Egypt. Egypt was just about the most powerful nation in the world at that time. more

  • Redeeming The Dash

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 16, 2014

    How we live our lives speaks volumes about our faith

    Redeeming the Dash John 10:10 Men’s Breakfast Devotional Life in all of its complexities and all of its chaos is boiled down to very few things. Sooner or later our lives will be marked by two numbers, two dates to be precise. The first of those dates we all know well, our birthday, our more

  • Jesus And Our Redeemer! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Mar 1, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    What did Jesus mean when he said to us, "I came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give my life as a ransom."? A RANSOM? Listen!

    Job's hope came through the toughest times of his life as he lost every thing, almost dying, and hated by his friends, he said, 'I know that my Redeemer lives!" (Job 19:25) It meant that God would rescue him, and deliver, and claim and avenge him in his life. In the NT, the Greek more

  • Redeemed Redeemed

    Contributed by Monte Brown on Oct 10, 2012

    Eternal life requires redemption, so what does it mean to be redeemed. It is the act or process of buying back.

    Redeemed Redeemed Introduction Today there seems to be those that teach that there is many ways to God. I would like to state the Word of God, the Holy Bible is the infallible Word of God and it states that there is only one way to God and that plan was given as a promise in Genesis 3:15 and more

  • Redeeming The Time Series

    Contributed by Lane Hastie on Jul 27, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Without question…we are all called to be good-stewards of the time God has given us. BUT…we’re called to be more than managers of our time. We are specifically called to REDEEM the time.

    I’d like you to imagine with me…that your bank account has just been credited with $1440. And let’s imagine that this happens every single day. No balance is allowed to be carried over from one day to the next. The entire balance is deleted each evening. What would you do? Hopefully…you’d more

  • Our Kinsman-Redeemer Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on May 7, 2015

    It is this word which describes Boaz that is at the center of the Book of Ruth and points directly to Jesus Christ which is the point of our time together today… Jesus Christ is our Kinsman-Redeemer.

    BOOK OF RUTH: “OUR KINSMAN REDEEMER” RUTH 1:1-4:22 INTRODUCTION The Book of Ruth in the Old Testament is one of my favorite books in the entire Bible. It is a short historical story with a simple divine plot which speaks directly to our lives today. I find the people to be real as more

  • God Is Our Redeemer Series

    Contributed by Frederick Baker Ii on Sep 24, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is part of a series that will have at least 26 parts to it when I am done. I have laid the series to the side for a time and plan to pick it back up soon.

    “God Is Our Redeemer” Text: Job 19:25 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: Meaning: Redeemer-- גּאל gâ’al gaw-al’ A primitive root, to redeem (according to the Oriental law of kinship), that is, to be the next more

  • Jesus - Our Redeemer

    Contributed by Gbemisola Fafowora on May 17, 2018

    Jesus is our redeemer who has paid the price for our freedom.

    In Matthew 26:36-46 Jesus knew that His time was nearly up to be crucified and He knew that was the reason He came to earth as a man to die for us all. So that we could be redeemed from the hands of Satan, and be reconciled back to His father. He prayed in the garden with deep pain because He knew more

  • Jesus, Our Redeemer

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Jan 24, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    How God took the "Redemption of the Firstborn" to proclaim the Redemption of mankind though Jesus

    Sharrington 02-02-03 Presentation of Christ in the Temple With all the festivities around Christmas and Epiphany, it is easy to lose sight of the fact that Jesus was an Orthodox Jew. Story: When I was younger, I used to wonder what, on earth, possessed Matthew and Luke to record the more

  • Our Redeemer And Lord

    Contributed by Gregory Lilly on Jan 21, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    In this message this us learn some characteristics of our Redeemer and Lord. Let us learn how wonderful Jesus is in our lives.

    Colossians 1:14-20 Introduction: Paul was writing to the Colossians, praying for them to continue in faith and also revealing to them the preeminence of Christ in creation and redemption. Here Paul will reveal 7 characteristics of Jesus Christ. Let us also more

  • Redeeming Our Denials

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    There is a bit of Peter in all of us. We are weak in the face of temptation. We feel like failures. Some people even keep a spiritual scorecard reminding them that they struck out. Jesus is willing to forgive our failures and call us into His service. A

    Opening illustration: It’s my duty to grill the chicken, fish, beef, potatoes, or whatever else my wife has on the menu. And while I’m not the greatest chef when it comes to outdoor cooking, I love the unforgettable aroma of grilling over a charcoal fire. So the mention of a “fire of coals” in John more

  • Our Redeemer Lives

    Contributed by Pr. Lynell Aljoe-Thurman on Nov 9, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Job Suffered and he understood that God was mighty and powerful. Job knew his Redeemer lived!

    Prayer Let us Pray: Merciful Creator, we humbly come before you to seek your directions in our lives. Helps us to live holy lives that are acceptable to you. God you never disappoint us and we are thankful for this and other blessing that we have received from you. None of these blessings are more

  • Our Strong Redeemer

    Contributed by David Mingus on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 14 ratings

    Our Redeemer is Strong Enough to: 1.

    Our Redeemer is Strong Enough to: 1. Save Only the Redeemer can save--not we ourselves--not our Church--but He alone 2. Sanctify He is the only strength behind sanctification--not our own strength, works, intensity, but He and His strength. 3. Solve The Redeemer is the only more

  • Choices Of A Redeemed Life Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on May 7, 2002
    based on 180 ratings

    Deciding to put off the old and put on the new.

    The Choices of a Redeemed Life Ephesians 4:22-32 · This morning we looked at Paul’s command to not ‘walk like the Gentiles’. To not live like the world. 1) THE CONDITION OF THEIR MINDS 2) THE CONDITION OF THEIR HEARTS · Tonight we will look at Paul’s second command in this passage. This more