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  • Orthodox Christianity Series

    Contributed by Robert Leroe on Sep 4, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    The Eastern Orthodox Church has been described as an “unknown world” for most Americans, yet it represents a major segment of Christianity.

    World Religions>>Orthodox Christianity -Pastor Bob Leroe, Cliftondale Congregational Church, Saugus, Massachusetts The Christian world can be divided into 3 main branches: Catholics, Protestants, and the Orthodox. This 3rd stream has been described as an “unknown world.” It is foreign and more

  • Happy [orthodox] Easter!

    Contributed by Simon Rundell on May 15, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    The difference in dating Western and Eastern Easter

    In the name of the +Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen (the organist strikes up the first line of “Jesus Christ is Risen today”) Yes, Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is risen today! Now, we know that the resurrection of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour is proclaimed each and every more

  • Christ's Message To Sardis Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Nov 4, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The analysis of Christ's message to Sardis as set forth in Revelation 3:1-6 teaches us that a church may be orthodox but dead.

    Scripture We are currently in a series of messages titled, “Christ’s Message to the Seven Churches,” that is based on the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation. In Revelation 1 the resurrected and glorified Christ revealed himself to his Apostle John, and told him to more

  • The Seven Major Themes Of The Bible

    Contributed by Alvan Lewis on Mar 7, 2022

    What are the major themes of the Bible that Christian ministers ought deal with in their preaching?

    The Seven Major Themes of the Bible Luke 6:17-26 Do preachers repeat themselves? The good ones do! Certainly, Jesus did. A good preacher repeats himself Sunday after Sunday. I’m not talking about telling the same stories repeatedly; nor am talking about using old, worn-out phases that everyone more

  • Exhortation Of The Saints Series

    Contributed by Jerry Smith on Oct 15, 2020

    In this lesson Jude is going to shift from his denunciation of the false teachers to exhortation of the saints.

    We move into Jude 1:17-19. In this lesson Jude is going to shift from his denunciation of the false teachers to exhortation of the saints. 17 But, dear friends, remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ foretold. Jude comes back to the use of the words, “dear friends or beloved”. He has more

  • Christ's Message To Pergamum Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 14, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    The analysis of Christ's message to Pergamum as set forth in Revelation 2:12-17 teaches us that a church may be orthodox but tolerant.

    Scripture We are currently in a series of messages titled, “Christ’s Message to the Seven Churches,” that is based on the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation. In Revelation 1 the resurrected and glorified Christ revealed himself to his Apostle John, and told him to more

  • This We Believe: "The Holy Catholic Church" Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    Orthodox Christianity believes in one, holy, catholic, apsotolic church.

    This We Believe— “I Believe in the Holy Catholic** Church; The Communion of Saints” Ephesians 4: 1-6 We have all heard the little children’s rhyme where we put our hands together and say, “Here’s the church, here’s the steeple. Open the door and here’s the people.” We come this morning to more

  • Managing The Season Of Transition

    Contributed by William L. Vincent on Aug 23, 2011
    based on 14 ratings

    Change is one of the most feared things that human beings encounter. ...Yet, it is impossible to get from where we are to where we are going without making a transition. I feel that a greater part of our success as a Christian, and as a Church is how we m

    Managing the Season of Transition By: W. Vincent Preached @ Solid Rock Church, Huntsville AL. Deut 4:22-23 But I must die in this land, I must not go over Jordan: but ye shall go over, and possess that good land. 23 Take heed unto yourselves, lest ye forget the covenant of the LORD your God, which more

  • Facing Up To Legalism Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Jan 30, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    # 15 in series. “One of the most serious problems facing the orthodox Christian church today is the problem of legalism."

    A Study of the Book of John “That You May Believe” Sermon # 15 “Facing Up To Legalism” (John 5:9-13,15, Gal 1:6-10, 2:1-5, 11-14) The subject that I want to talk to you about this morning is legalism. You know it’s kind of odd but, I more

  • The House Of Prayer

    Contributed by Ronnie Knight on Apr 23, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    We may be the most orthodox in belief; we may be the most inspirational in our music, but with out prayer we have no power.

    The House of Prayer Introduction: Jim Cymballa, pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle, told his small congregation that “if they called upon the Lord, He had promised in His word to answer, to bring the unsaved to Himself, and to pour out His Spirit among them. If they did not call upon the Lord, He had more

  • Dead Bones For Living Souls Series

    Contributed by Ovidiu Radulescu on May 26, 2009
    based on 60 ratings

    That strange story about the dead bones of Elisha and the man coming back to life, is a picture of a creative God who will try to get the attention of His coldhearted people anyway... Elisha and the prophets of God, and all God’s people in general, includ

    We come here today pay our respect to _____________________ and to comfort members of the family and friends. We belong to a larger family, the family of believers in Jesus Christ, the conqueror of death. And this is the hour when our belief in Him is tested. This is the moment when our declared more

  • Sanctity Of Life - Prolife

    Contributed by James Cloud on Apr 4, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    This deals with the early church's views on abortion and the sanctity of life. Abortion is not a new issue for the church and this present the orthodox viewpoint regarding this controversial topic.

    Sanctity of Life Sermon Fr. James Cloud Many of you may not know, but approximatelyfour years ago I joined the Order of Holy Innocents under the Anglican Priests for Life. This sermon's focus has always been a topic close to my heart and something with which I know is very close to the heart of more

  • King Agrippa I Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 29, 2022

    Agrippa zealously pursued orthodox Jewish policies, earning the friendship of the Jews. According to the New Testament, he vigorously repressed the Jewish Christians.

    King Agrippa I King Agrippa I Born: c.10 B.C.E. Died: 44 Title / Office: king (41-44), Judaea Herod Agrippa I, original name Marcus Julius Agrippa, (born c. 10 B.C.E.—died 44 C.E.), King of Judaea (41–44 C.E.), a clever diplomat who, through his friendship with the Roman imperial family, more

  • How Does God Know All Things? Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on May 25, 2014

    Orthodox Christians have always held that God has absolute and exhaustive knowledge of everything, including the future. But how is He certain about the future?

    Sometimes, there are statements made in the Bible which are very meaningful, yet easy to overlook. I believe that this passage in the Sermon on the Mount is one such statement. Jesus is telling us something about the nature of God in this passage which is so sublime that it should cause our more

  • Paul's Authority

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 29, 2023

    Did Paul just go about his missionary work without checking with others in the broader church to make sure that his message was orthodox?

    The letter to the churches in Galatia describes a problem that still exists today, how they had fallen backwards from the grace of the Gospel into outward works of the law like circumcision. Thus, the theme of Galatians is justification by faith in Christ’s death and resurrection apart from the more