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  • Preaching The Gospel In Unfamiliar Places

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Sep 9, 2012

    How a people understand themselves and their world goes far in determining how we should present the Gospel.

    PREACHING THE GOSPEL IN UNFAMILIAR PLACES Romans 1:16 & Genesis 3:7-10 Big Idea: How a people understand themselves and their world goes far in determining how we should present the Gospel. INTRO: In Romans 1 the Apostle Paul says, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power more

  • Joseph Of Arimathea Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Oct 7, 2012

    I challenge you Christians not just be happy sitting in the pew and enjoying the show, get involved in His Work, get into the manufacturing unit! Stay back! Will you be the one?

    Stay back! Will you be the one? John 19:38-After this, Joseph of Arimathea, being a disciple of Jesus, but secretly, for fear of the Jews, asked Pilate that he might take away the body of Jesus; and Pilate gave him permission. So he came and took the body of Jesus.” Industrialist Rajiv more

  • Be At Peace Series

    Contributed by Betty Johnson on Apr 21, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    How can we preach peace, when we are living in an age of martyrdom? A message focusing on the body of Christ using two stories of the 21 men martyred in Libya for their faith.

    So Send I You Series: Be At Peace Scripture: John 15:18-19; 16:1-2 Twenty-one young men, - the oldest was 42 - forced onto a beach in Libya, and brutally murdered - for no other crime than their faith in Jesus Christ. People of the Cross. Martyred. Saeed Abedini, an American citizen - a more

  • God's Signature

    Contributed by Horace Wimpey on Aug 23, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    In the story of Noah, we see the covenant God and his signature of his covenant for all mankind.

    God’s Signature Genesis 9: 1-17 (NLT) Intro: A few months back, my eldest son and I were leaving wal-mart in Covington. While we were in the store, a storm had come and we were driving out of the parking lot and DJ said look at that dad, pointing to the sky. In the sky was a beautiful rainbow more

  • We Are Family

    Contributed by Leon Drake on Dec 16, 2012

    The Church is a family - good, bad, or ugly, we are to love one another.

    Rules for Living with Others 5 Do not speak angrily to an older man, but plead with him as if he were your father. Treat younger men like brothers, 2 older women like mothers, and younger women like sisters. Always treat them in a pure way. 3 Take care of widows who are truly widows. 4 But if a more

  • "I Want More!"

    Contributed by David Nolte on Jan 1, 2017

    N ew Year Sermon

    “I WANT MORE!” Philippians 4:4-13 David P. Nolte The story of Oliver Twist is a sad one. Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse in 1830s England. His mother, whose name no one knows, is found on the street and dies just after Oliver's birth. Oliver spends the first nine more

  • Working In God’s Vineyard Series

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on Jun 5, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    When God tells you to go and work in His vineyard, He is telling you less of self more of God’s needs. He is telling you get out of your comfort zone, go and reach out to others, go and minister to others.

    In Matthew 21:28-31, Jesus told an interesting parable on Christian service and the kind of attitude to service that pleases Him. A father approached two of his sons and told each son to go and work today in the vineyard. In other words, go and occupy for me in my vineyard. Same assignment, same more

  • What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 10, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    In this lesson, I want to note some of the areas where Jesus has made a difference because he had been born.

    Scripture Almost twenty-five years ago, Dr. D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe published a book titled, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? It is a wonderful study about the incredible impact of Jesus on world history. This message is based on that book. Our Scripture text for this message is more

  • What Is The Real Meaning Of Christmas - Unwrapping Christmas Series

    Contributed by Kelly Benton on May 10, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    Do we go through all the decorating, & buying presents, & preparing elaborate meals, but somehow forget whose birthday it really is? What does Christmas mean to you?

    What is the real meaning of Christmas? - Unwrapping Christmas Scripture: Luke 2:8-14 Date: 6 December 2009 Purpose: Do we go through all the decorating, & buying presents, & preparing elaborate more

  • Do Not Believe Every Person/Spirit Series

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Aug 3, 2010
    based on 34 ratings

    1- We should refuse false prophets 2- We should recognize true believers 3- We should realize true power

    INTRO.- Let me name some people to see your reaction in regard to whether you believe them or not. Please give me thumbs up or thumbs down, depending on whether you believe them or not or believe in them; good, bad or otherwise. - Donald Trump (Mr. Combover. He talks a lot) - Bill Gates (He more

  • Living For The Return

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Aug 28, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    This sermon is a take off from a previous sermon of mine entitled "For the Love of Christ." It discusses the return of Christ and how we must live today for our hope of tomorrow.

    WE’VE ALL HEARD ABOUT ··· The return of Jesus Christ, and how He will then take us home with Him. WHEN I WAS VERY YOUNG ··· I was afraid of Jesus. My older brother said if I wasn’t careful, Jesus would reach out from the radio and pull me in with Him. THAT’S THE SAME BROTHER ··· Who told me I more

  • The View Of The Ministry Series

    Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Aug 28, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    God teaches us all to be soul winners for Him. Soul winning is not JUST for our ministers/pastors but for everyone of us to succeed in. Here is what can happen.

    “HOW TO VIEW THE MINISTRY” 8-29-2010 New Liberty Christian Church, Veedersburg, IN with Pastor Rich McQuinn TEXT: JOHN 1:40-46 INTRODUCTION: His name was Kenny Benskin. I was really stuck in the mud when I first met him at 10:00 p.m. I was 19, the minister of a lovely small more

  • God Cares

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 9, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    Showing how God cares through the story of Esther - PowerPoint slides aere available for this sermon on request - email:

    God’s care Reading: Esther chapters 2 verse 5-11.. Ill: Top 6 things that people tend to forget: • 6: faces • 5: what was said • 4: words • 3:telephone numbers • 2: where something is • 1: names! Be assured of this: • God not only knows you by name, but he will never ever more

  • Bag Of Bones

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Peter heals the crippled beggar. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Acts chapter 3 verses 1-26. The emphasis in Acts chapters 3 and 4 is on the name of Jesus: • There are 8 very strong references to it; • (3:6, 3:16, 4:7, 4:10, 4:12, 4:17, 4:18, 4:30) • A name can be much more than identification; • It can carry authority, reputation and more

  • Faith That Works Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Oct 27, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Our faith works.

    You Can Listen to the Full Sermon Here:- Message James 2:14-26 "Faith that Works" Story 1 - Blondin In the late 1800’s there was a famous French tightrope walker called Charles Blondin. Blondin’s greatest act of fame came more

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