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  • Order In The Gym I: Battle Of The Sexes? Series

    Contributed by Todd Leupold on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    What is meant by Paul’s inspired words in 1 Cor about women being silent in church? Why is this so and how is it important for all of us to understand? What, if anything, is cultural or unique to Corinth and what are the universal principles?

    SERIES: PRESCRIPTIONS FOR A HEALTHY & HOLY CHURCH: A Study in 1 Corinthians Applied To The Church Today III. MAINTAINING PROPER DIET & EXERCISE D.) ROLES & EQUIPMENT (Offices & Gifts) “Order In The Gym II: BATTLE OF THE SEXES?” (1 Cor. 14:33-40) Rev. Todd G. Leupold, Perth Bible Church, July more

  • Top Secret: Battle Orders Inside

    Contributed by Jerry Mckee on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a good devotional about Spiritual warfare.

    TOP SECRET: BATTLE ORDERS INSIDE Ephesians 6:10-18 I. The Enemy a. We’re not fighting flesh and blood b. We’re fighting principalities c. We’re fighting powers of darkness d. We’re fighting spiritual wickedness in high places II. The Armor a. Loins girded about with truth i. God is the only more

  • Knowing Your Place In The Order Of Worship

    Contributed by David Cook on Feb 1, 2010

    Know your place in the body of Christ

    INTRO: A job well done is to be celebrated and certainly Nehemiah along with God’s people were primed for worship after the rebuilding of the walls. God’s hand was upon Nehemiah as he sought to move God’s people forward in obedience. However, Nehemiah still had much work to do in more

  • Keeping Order Among Our Passions Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ is our shepherd, because we are prone as sheep to wander about in pursuit of pleasure, and be devoured by our passions.

    Tuesday of 4th Week of Easter May 5, 2009 “If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” So Jesus talks about sheep. As the Jews of His day–and ours, for that matter–saw it, Jesus never talked plainly. But that wasn’t Jesus’ problem with the Jews, or us, for that matter. Our problem is that Jesus more

  • Who’s Giving The Order? Series

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Aug 30, 2012

    A study of the Gospel of Matthew 8: 5 – 13

    Matthew 8: 5 – 13 Who’s Giving The Order? 5 Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, pleading with Him, 6 saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented.” 7 And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.” 8 more

  • The Invincible Order Of The Barley Bread Eaters

    Contributed by Philip Harrelson on Jan 6, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Gideon serves as a great example of a man who overcame the attack of an overwhelming enemy.

    Judges 7:9-15 KJV And it came to pass the same night, that the LORD said unto him, Arise, get thee down unto the host; for I have delivered it into thine hand. [10] But if thou fear to go down, go thou with Phurah thy servant down to the host: [11] And thou shalt hear what they say; and more

  • How To Have Your Relationships In Order Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Aug 13, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    This is the reworking of a sermon I did several years ago. 1. God is concerned about your relationship with YOURSELF 2. God is concerned about your relationship with OTHERS 3. God is concerned about your relationship with HIM

    How To Have Your Relationships In Order TEXT: Luke 15:11-32 Let us begin this morning by reading our text. It is found in the gospel of Luke chapter fifteen: And He said, "A man had two sons. "The younger of them said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of the estate that falls to me.' So more

  • Get Your House In Order Spiritually Series

    Contributed by Frederick Baker Ii on Sep 14, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    It is very important for us to get our house in order spiritually.

    “Get Your House In Order Spiritually” Scripture Reading: II Kings 20:1 ““In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.”” Text: Ephesians 5:21-6:4 more

  • Get Your House In Order Physically Series

    Contributed by Frederick Baker Ii on Sep 14, 2008
    based on 9 ratings

    This sermon give the physical responsibility of each member of the family

    “Get Your House In Order Physically” Text: II Kings 20:1 “In those days was Hezekiah sick unto death. And the prophet Isaiah the son of Amoz came to him, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live.” Timothy 2:15-17 15 Study to shew thyself more

  • Steps In Order To See God At Work

    Contributed by Gerald Steffy on Sep 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God works in mysterious and miraculous ways when we take the proper steps to allow Him to do His work.

    STEPS IN ORDER TO SEE GOD AT WORK Luke 1:5-25 Proposition: Objective: My purpose is to challenge people to look to where God is at work in our lives, our church and our community. INTRODUCTION: Illus: A missionary went to a remote Indian village in Peru. If you were to visit the main more

  • Going Back In Order To God Forward Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Feb 12, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Part 3 in series Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, this message looks at false messages we learn in childhood and their effects on us in adulthood, and explains why the pain of moving out of the false self is preferable to the pain of staying in it.

    Going Back in Order to God Forward Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, prt. 3 Wildwind Community Church October 24, 2010 In order to not cause confusion, I am naming each of the sermons in this series after whatever we’re covering in the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality book that week. So more

  • In Order To Be Exalted, I Need To Be Humbled

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Aug 26, 2022

    God works through humility to give us grace

    8.28.22 Proverbs 25:6–7 6 Do not honor yourself in a king’s presence. Do not stand in a place reserved for great people, 7 because it is better to be told, “Come up here,” than for you to be humiliated before a ruler. In Order to Be Exalted, I Need to Be Humbled Where’s my seat? You go to more

  • Ephesus' Operations Order (Full) Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Feb 18, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that the Christian must prepare to be “fit-to-fight.” Paul gives the saints at Ephesus their operations order to engage the forces of evil successfully. It outlines the enemy situation, rules of engagement, and equipment safeties (protections).

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Enemy Situation 2. The Engagement Strategies 3. The Equipment Safeties Remarks. 1. In this lesson today, we will discuss the theme: “Ephesus’ Operations Order.” This lesson will deal with the saint’s need to understand the enemy situation in this fight; the battle more

  • Ordering My Steps In His Word

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Jan 6, 2024

    Every January many of us make decisions to change our lives in the upcoming year. For me, this year will be a re-emphasis on ordering my life according to God's Word.

    I’ve been thinking about this year and the plans that the Lord has on the drawing board for me and for you. I understand clearly that He has a plan for me, I also understand that He can’t “download” the plan into my spirit, and ultimately, my life if I am not ready to receive it and walk in it. more

  • Simply Irresistible Series

    Contributed by Rob Jansons on Sep 14, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Fourth sermon in the series on salvation, examining the "order of salvation" and how God's grace works behind the scenes in our lives during the process.

    We are talking about our salvation. Spending time thinking about how God saves us. In once sense, it doesn’t really matter - we are saved! Thank God. Why analyze it? But on the other hand, it is helpful to our understanding of God and to our Christian life if we spend some time thinking more

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