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  • Round Yon Virgin Mother And Child Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Dec 11, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Part 2 of 2 in series "Why a Virgin?" This involves theological and practical reasons why Jesus had to be born of a virgin.

    Matthew 1:18-25 – Round Yon Virgin Mother and Child Pastor Ben Patterson tells the following story: My 5-year-old niece, Olivia, and her best friend, Claire, were participating in a nativity play at school. Claire was playing Mary, and Olivia was an angel. Before the show, a young boy was more

  • Is It Time? Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 5, 2022

    Ask 5 questions when you consider marriage: Is it the right time? Is it the best use of my time? Can I please God and my potential spouse at the same time? Is it my time? Is it for all time?

    A married couple was celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. At the party everybody wanted to know how they managed to stay married so long in this day and age. The husband responded, “When we were first married, we came to an agreement. I would make all the major decisions, and my wife would more

  • Facing The Consequences Of Mistakes: Thrashing Threshing Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Aug 6, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    All have sinned; that holds back from being what we could be. Admit that sin is real; acknowledge responsbility for its consequences; see that always there is a price to be paid for sin, but Jesus paid it all. Montgomery Hills Baptist Church

    The longer we live, the more we have to be thankful for. Isn’t that true? The longer we live, the more blessings we receive, and therefore the more we have to be thankful for. If you are thirty years old, you can count your blessings, name them one by one. If you are fifty years old, you can more

  • Me? ... A Sheep!

    Contributed by Matthew Mobley on Mar 28, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    A perspective on Psalm 23 aided by a real-life shepherd.

    Me? ... A Sheep! Psalm 23 April 29, 2007 Pastor Ben Patterson of Santa Monica, California shares the following story about his 5-year old niece, Olivia, who along with her best friend Claire were participating in a Christmas nativity play at school. Claire was playing Mary and Olivia was an more

  • Mary's Song Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 23, 2012

    Humility, surrender, God's power and plan

    MARY’S SONG Luke 1: 46-56 (p724) Dec. 4, 2011 (Don’t read scripture until at the end of Introduction) INTRODUCTION: If you do a Google search for Christmas songs you’ll pull up around 55 million websites. But if you refine the search you can look under Keywords “Songs more

  • Hang On To Him

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Jun 22, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    Brief outline from a message given at a nursing home, but suitable for any audience.

    Hang on to Him! Psalm 73:23-24 23 Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. 24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Four promises from God in this passage: 1. He promises us His Presence (v. 23). 2. He promises His strength and more

  • Dealing With Divorce: Hope For The Hard-Hearted And The Heavy-Hearted

    Contributed by Johnny Creasong on May 3, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    What does the Bible say causes divorce? Why is it such an epidemic in our land? Here’s hope for the hard hearted and the heavy hearted!

    Dealing with Divorce: Hope for the Hard Hearted and the Heavy Hearted No one knows the pain of divorce more than one who has been divorced. Divorce is not a topic that I can talk about from personal experience; in twenty-seven years of marriage Ronda and I have never even entertained the idea. more

  • Thrashing Threshing Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 22, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    In an attempt to give meaning to our lives, we "thrash" -- do something impulsive that has to be acknowledged as sin and has inescapable consequences. But as we confess our sin God "threshes" us, dividing the positive from the negative, so that we recove

    The longer we live, the more we have to be thankful for. Isn’t that true? The longer we live, the more blessings we receive, and therefore the more we have to be thankful for. If you are thirty years old, you can count your blessings, name them one by one. If you are sixty years old, you can more

  • Special Lessons For Spiritual Leaders

    Contributed by Melvin Shelton on Jul 12, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    The Bible places a premium on spiritual leadership. The Bible places high standards on those who serve in the churches with a position of leadership.

    Special lessons for spiritual leaders Malachi 2:1-17 06/04/06 The Bible places a premium on spiritual leadership. The Bible places high standards on those who serve in the churches with a position of leadership. The Bible places high standards on those who serve as deacons. The Bible places high more

  • Babel And Bubbles, Babies And Beginnings

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 6, 2002
    based on 20 ratings

    God gives confusion when we act out of pride; but He wants in His church to reconcile all of us to one another, and does so through the model of the Christ of the cross.

    I am becoming an expert in baby talk. Thanks to two young granddaughters, I am learning all over again the special language of infants. What their tiny mouths utter is not nonsense. They have their own language. Just because I have become accustomed to the language of the adult world – more

  • Don't You Get Weary, Children Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Aug 5, 2002
    based on 36 ratings

    There are many thankless tasks we have to perform, of which, to some, church participation may be one. But God teaches us that if we do something out of love, it is not burdensome, and the Cross and Empty Tomb teach us that it is not futile.

    There sure are a lot of thankless tasks to be done. There certainly are a great many things that are immensely frustrating, because they just won’t stay done. Do you know what I mean? The kinds of jobs that you do and almost immediately you have to do them again? These are thankless more

  • A Put Away Message - [divorce] Series

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on May 18, 2004
    based on 151 ratings

    Whether single or’s all about prevention. A tactful, Biblical handling of this delicate subject of the ’putting away’ of a spouse. Presented w/ compassion, mercy, and yet truth. Link inc. to formatted text, audio, and PowerPoint.

    A Put Away Message Matthew 19:3-9 / Malachi 2:11-16 This is a topic often ‘put away’ by churches these days because half of their people are divorced. But I believe we should talk about it, and see what Jesus has to say about it...for the same reason. more

  • Go Tell It On Mt. Calvary Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 24, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    For Christmas Eve Communion: Jesus remembered in the time of trial that He was born for a purpose, and He intentionally declared that purpose. He fulfilled the mission for which God sent Him.

    On Sunday I offered the opinion that I was probably the only preacher in town who was using the Old Testament on the Sunday before Christmas. Well, maybe some used those Isaiah passages about a child named Immanuel and the Prince of Peace. But Elijah? Who would have thought that Elijah and his more

  • Stagnant Pond Or Flowing Waters?

    Contributed by John Beehler on May 22, 2003
    based on 77 ratings

    Do you share God’s love with others?

    Stagnant Pond or Flowing Waters? I wonder why it’s such a compliment to tell a woman she looks like a breath of spring, but not to tell her she looks like the end of hard winter. Isn’t that the same thing? I wonder why it pleases her to say time stands still when you look into her more

  • Unbind Us All

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Dec 20, 2008
    based on 2 ratings

    Funeral sermon for Richard Dean Lewis, a young man who had a great deal of potential, and whose death caused his family to rethink their relationships.

    There is no binding so tight as the one we wind for ourselves. Others may strap you into a seat or use restraints on your hospital bed, but those are never so confining as the bindings with which we confine ourselves. For the bindings we use on ourselves are generally so snug that we cannot more