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Sermons on old and new covenants:

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  • An Everlasting New Covenant.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on May 8, 2024

    Israel is in captivity because of their habitual disobedience. -70 years in Babylon should be a sure cure for their disobedience. What does God do? He sends a prophet named, Jeremiah.

    An Everlasting New Covenant. Jeremiah 31. Israel is in captivity because of their habitual disobedience. -70 years in Babylon should be a sure cure for their disobedience. What does God do? He sends a prophet named, Jeremiah. Jeremiah states after more

  • Old Is New Series

    Contributed by Peter Loughman on Jan 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    John shows us another way we can analyze if we or others in the church are doing well in our Christian walk - love.

    This is a true story. Paul and William decided that they really wanted to become godly men. So they started meeting with one another to pray and encourage one another; they even set goals for themselves and their behavior, and were accountable to each other. At one point Paul decided that he more

  • Old To The New

    Contributed by John Colbert on Aug 3, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    The sermons that I have listed are 30 to 40 minute sermons. I have only listed the points and a couple of comments under each point of each sermon to give the preacher a remembrance which the Holy Spirit can lead on and speak through the man of God.

    Old to the New 2nd Cor. 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. The old saying "come as you are" is a true statement, but God does not want us to stay that way. As a Christian I should want to live a life that more

  • Old Or New Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 22, 2021

    This issue here is over which coming we are to give the most emphasis to as the fulfillment of the Old Testament. The orthodox view puts the focus on the first coming, and it exalts Jesus in His present status.

    The city building inspector of Paso Robles, Calif. declared the old furnace in a Mennonite church to be faulty. It had served them well for many years, but the church officials installed a new furnace. Shortly after it was in stalled the church burned to the ground. A faulty furnace was listed as more

  • The Covenant Of Creation Series

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Feb 7, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Finding New Testament truths in through Old Testament Covenants

    Tonight begin discussing covenants of God Start with covenant of Creation We will work our way to the new covenant- the greatest covenant Covenant of Creation Covenant with Adam Covenant with Noah Covenant with Abraham Covenant of Sinai Covenant with David The New Covenant Most people more

  • Covenant Of Noah Series

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Feb 17, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Finding New Testament truths from the Old Testament Covenants

    Covering the Covenant of Noah I want to add one thing to covenant of Adam lesson Genesis 3:6-7--------VS.20-21 Shaneology- Was God Just fashion conscience> What was he doing Where did these skins come from God set forth at creation- there would have to be substitutionary death Man always more

  • The Covenant Of Adam Series

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Feb 17, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Finding New Testament truths through Old Testament Covenanats

    2nd week on the covenants of God 1. Covenant of Creation 2. Covenant of Adam 3. Covenant of Noah 4. Covenant of Abraham 5. Covenant of Sinai 6. Covenant of David 7. The New Covenant We’ll learn through the O.T. covenants- Jesus is revealed in all O.T. Jesus said, “You search the more

  • The Covenant Of Sinai Series

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Feb 17, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Finding New Testament truths through Old Testament Covenants

    Galatians 3 Been looking at Covenants This Sinai Covenant- Old Covenant- OLD TESTAMENT Covenant of LAW- The Law has Created more confusion that any other thing in the Bible Why did God give us the Law? Should I obey it? Can’t mix the 2 covenants- Old wine in new wine skins If I said- “OLD more

  • The Covenant Of David Series

    Contributed by Shane Brooks on Feb 17, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Finding New Testament truths through Old Testament Covenants

    2 Samuel 7:8 Series on Covenants—List Just finished the Covenant of Sinai It was given to show sin- Not to make people righteous The Sinai covenant became obsolete – Hebrews 8 +++ Under the old covenant God made this Cov. With David In this chapter- David decides to build God a House David more

  • The Old Promises The New Lesson 9 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Mar 6, 2024

    God’s law only shows God’s purity and that man is a sinner.

    A. WHY CHRIST HAS A MORE EXCELLENT MINISTRY THAN THE OLD TESTAMENT PRIESTS: HEBREWS 8:1-5 1. “He (Christ) ministers in the Heavenly Tabernacle” (v. 1). The true tabernacle in Heaven (v. 1). 2. The Old Testament priest only ministered in a human-built place not “the true place of worship … not more

  • Why Is Blood Needed For Forgiveness Of Sins? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jun 3, 2019

    A "Will" requires death (shedding of blood) in order for the promises in a will is realized; the old and new covenant requires shedding of blood but Jesus' was from heaven, once and for all, and eternal!

    As we prepare our hearts for Communion, let us listen and learn from God’s Word in Hebrews 9….. As we had noted from the first half of Hebrews 9, God established a relationship with the Hebrews of old through a covenant but it was limited, temporary, and only a shadow of what is in heaven. more

  • Jeremiah Paves The Way For God's New Covenant In Christ

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Mar 28, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon for the 5th Sunday in Lent, Series B

    5th Sunday in Lent March 29, 2009 “Series B” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for all your many blessings upon us – for the gift of life; for the fellowship that we share with one more

  • The Ten Commandments - A Covenant

    Contributed by Ronald Harbaugh on Mar 12, 2009

    A sermon for the 3rd. Sunday in Lent, Series B

    3rd Sunday in Lent, March 15, 2009 “Series B” Grace be unto you and peace, from God our Father and from our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. Let us pray: Dear Heavenly Father, you gave us your commandments in order to show us how we ought to live our lives in relationship with you, the source of our more

  • Christ Mediator Of A New Covenant

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 21, 2014

    To show that CHRIST is the Mediator of the New Covenant and CHRIST's death saved even those called out people in the Old Testament.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are those called in the Old Testament really saved? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that CHRIST is the Mediator of the New Covenant and CHRIST's death saved even those called out people in the Old Testament. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 9:15 (Amplified Bible) more

  • Christ Mediator Of A New Covenant

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Apr 23, 2014

    To show that CHRIST is the Mediator of the New Covenant and CHRIST's death saved even those called out people in the Old Testament.

    I. EXORDIUM: Are those called in the Old Testament really saved? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that CHRIST is the Mediator of the New Covenant and CHRIST's death saved even those called out people in the Old Testament. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 9:15 (Amplified Bible) more

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