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Sermons on objections to christianity:

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  • The Objective Of A Christian

    Contributed by David Cambridge on Jan 16, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    What is the objective of every Christian? As time passes, some forget! This lesson aims to remind all believers of their true objective.

    The Objective Of Being A Christian Introduction 1. What is the objective of a car salesman? The designation car salesman is a bit of a giveaway! His objective is to sell cars. But what would happen if that objective became cloudy or distorted? What if he supposed that his objective was to more

  • I Object!

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on May 4, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Responding to common objections to Christianity from non-Christians

    I Object! October 26/27, 2002 Intro: Last week I shared a story about a missed opportunity to share faith – my wife Joanne had been asked a question by a coworker which Joanne later recognized as being a place where she could have shared her faith. So this past week, Joanne took the initiative more

  • I Object

    Contributed by Steven Simala Grant on Oct 29, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    Answers for four objections to becoming a Christian - science proves there is no God; all religions are equal; Christians are hypocrites; if God exists and is all powerful, why is there suffering?

    I Object! October 26/27, 2002 Intro: Last week I shared a story about a missed opportunity to share faith – my wife Joanne had been asked a question by a coworker which Joanne later recognized as being a place where she could have shared her faith. So this past week, Joanne took the initiative more

  • Jesus Among Secular Gods, Part 3 - Who's Mountain Are You Climbing? Answering Questions Of Humanism & Pluralism Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Oct 28, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    According to God's own Word, every nation tribe, people and language will be represented in heaven. It is important, however, not to confuse the reach of God's saving grace to all nations with a misconception that all roads lead to God.

    To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him? Says the Holy One. 26 Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power, not one is missing. (Isaiah more

  • Objective Series

    Contributed by William Tindall on Aug 4, 2022

    What does the Bible say our Mission Objective is?

    Let’s start with some basic questions. We will then break them down and see what the bible says about them. 1. What is a disciple? 2. What does a disciple do? 3. How do you become a disciple? What is a disciple? A disciple is a follower or a student of a teacher. The bible speaks about Jesus more

  • Objection Overruled! Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 29, 2014

    The question the writer of Hebrews asks is the question all of us ought to consider: How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation? The Bottom Line: God is holy, and he must punish sin.

    INTRODUCTION As we are going though the book of Romans, it is important for us to keep in mind the historical context of the book. You know, we don’t do that very well in the twentieth century. We are very poor students of history, or we don’t really appreciate history the way we more

  • Objections To Obedience

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on May 29, 2011

    How do we become people who love to follow Christ and obey God?

    On the morning of August 2, 2002, a fired Columbus police officer, Hermando “Cliff” Harton, Jr., 39, shot his wife in their Prairie Township home. He then led the police on a chase on I-71 into Ashland County where he was shot and wounded by State Patrol troopers. His wife had more

  • Objective And Subjective Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 27, 2021

    We learn a valuable lesson from this reality of the conflict between subjective and objective truth. The lesson is this: The objective truth always has priority over the subjective.

    How wrong can the experts be? Let's look at history and see. Daryl F. Zanuck, who was head of 20th Century Fox, back in 1946 said, "TV won't be able to hold on to any market after the first 6 months-people will soon tire at staring at a plywood box every night." Marshall Foch of more

  • Objective Omnipotence Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 22, 2021

    A faith that will endure and conquer all the storms must be a faith based on objective reality. Our assurance is never to be in how we feel. It must be in the objective reality of an omnipotent God.

    R. L. Stevenson has written a story concerning an old sea rover. A youth came rushing to him from the scene of a tragedy, which seemed about to doom his city. He shouted that the temple was burning and that their god Thor was being destroyed in the fire. "Hurry! Hurry! If you would more

  • Attractions And Objections Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Jan 17, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    Faith or unbelief determines what we see when we look at Jesus. Jesus brings us to the valley of decision where we either become his followers or his enemies.

    (Begin by reading chapter one as if you are a messenger from Mark. Better yet, memorize it and share it as if you are Mark himself). In chapter two of Mark we have four more vignettes in Jesus’ life recorded for us. In each of these Jesus expresses his authority in both freeing and disturbing more

  • Objection Overruled

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Mar 16, 2011
    based on 35 ratings

    4 objections of the heathen, the hypocrites, and the Hebrews are discussed and overruled by the Judge on the Throne! Link inc. to formatted text, audio, PowerPoint.

    Objection Overruled Romans 2:17-3:8 Chapter 1 tells about God's wrath against sin - if it has not already been judged via Christ's death on the cross. It lists 22 sins like murder and homosexuality and many others. But Paul knew many would say, "I more

  • The Object Of Faith

    Contributed by Daniel Austin on Jan 21, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    For our faith to be sure we must place it in the only thing that is sure, the word of God.

    The Object of Faith 01/17/10 AM Text: Hebrews 11:6 “Without faith it is impossible to please Him.” Introduction In our lesson today we are going to focus on a topic that is crucial to any who would seek to follow after God: faith. Faith is so elemental that we tend to simply overlook more

  • I Object! Series

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Jul 29, 2020

    We learned last week, that Habakkuk asked God some very pointed questions. When God answered him, Habakkuk jumped up and said, “I object!”

    I Object! Habakkuk 1:12-2:3 Pastor Jefferson M. Williams First Baptist Chenoa 5-12-19 I Object! Several years ago, I was pulled over on my scooter because Austin was swinging his feet. Instead of paying the fine, I went to court and represented myself. I cross examined the police officer more

  • Answering Our Culture #7: Christians Are Judgemental, Intolerant, & Hypocri Series

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Seventh in the series answering objections against Christianity; this one deals with the charges against Christians: judgmental, intolerant, and hypocritical.

    Answering Our Culture #7 – Christians are Judgmental and Intolerant; There Are Too Many Hypocrites.” Various Scriptures September 8, 2002 Introduction This is the seventh message in our series outlining the Top 10 Reasons to not be a Christian. We have looked at such things as the ideas that the more

  • Objections To Nt Baptism

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Jul 15, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on objections to NT immersion (Material adapted from Eddie Parrish of The Truth In Love, P.O. Box 865, Hurst, Texas 76053, The Truth About Baptism, #1019 to #1021 Objections to Baptism; conclusion adapted from Brian Jones from Christian Standard)

    HoHum: Max Lucado- Baptism separates the tire kickers from the car buyers. WBTU: Baptism is essential for salvation. It is not just helpful or advisable or needful but essential, in other words cannot have one without the other. When we say this many disagree and they give many objections to more