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Sermons on obedient service:

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  • The Service Of Submissive Obedience Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Nov 11, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    For the believer, obedience to Christ is NOT a choice because we are commanded by Christ to be obedient!

    Date Written: November 11, 2006 Date Preached: November 12, 2006 Where Preached: OZHBC (AM) Sermon Series: Living a Life of Service Sermon Title: The Service of Submissive Obedience Sermon Text: John 14:21; 15:10-24; Matt 22:37-40 Introduction: As believers we are called by God to be more

  • Being Obedient

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Nov 28, 2022

    What is meant by having joy in serving? We are to be humble like Christ.

    This passage is comparative to Isaiah 53, the prophecy of the suffering servant. There are several characteristics of Christ that are brough about in this passage of scripture: 1. He has consistently existed with God. 2. He is equivalent to God since He is God. (John 1: I, Colossians more

  • "They Do Not Need To Go Away. You Give Them Something To Eat" Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Jan 21, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Our little offerings/gifts become mighty tools when offered to Jesus in obedient service

    ¡§They do not need to go away. YOU give them something to eat¡¨ Mt 14:16 SCENE SETTING- INDIVIDUAL INVOLVEMENT As you get to know your Bibles better you¡¦ll find there are all kinds of echoes of OT things¡K stories¡K in the NT - often with a sense of ¡¥fulfilment¡¦ This resonates with 2 OT more

  • Have We Been Obedient?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Mar 18, 2024

    What have we done with what God has given us? God has given us something important to take care of in the church, at our work environment, and at our home.

    This is Haggai's subsequent message, given during the Feast of Tabernacles, around the month of October, 520 B.C. The more seasoned individuals, the elders, could recollect the unbelievable magnificence of Solomon's Temple, which had been annihilated 66 years sooner. Many were more

  • Excuses Instead Of Service

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jun 19, 2012

    We must be willing to obey and then actually obey.

    Excuses Instead of Service April 26, 2009 Evening Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must be willing to obey and then actually obey. Focus Passage: Exodus 3:10-15, 4:1-17 Supplemental Passage: Psalm 81:15 "Those who hate the LORD would pretend obedience to more

  • Servanthood Series

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Dec 13, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    The attitude of servanthood made the New Testament church unique. It is a necessary ingredient for any church and/or believer.

    Church Essentials: Part Six Servanthood - Philippians 2:4-9 We live in an egocentric age where the "what's in it for me" mentality has permeated every aspect of our society and sadly has infiltrated the lives of today's professed Christians. Instead of asking ourselves "How can I best be used by more

  • Devotion And Service Series

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Jan 6, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    In this brief study we will take a walk through the book of Acts highlighting some of the more significant verses and ideas presented by Luke. I have drawn some material from "Act Normal" by Scott Wilson.

    Acts Pt4- Devotion and Service Opening Comments P Tony, K Malone, P Mario- challenged us- offerings. Review/Recap Gospel of Luke, Acts- both written by Luke- Luke- living picture of Christ as seen in history Acts- picture of work of HS- Jerusalem/nations. Acts- beginning of the life/mission of the more

  • No Service, No Connection

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Jun 2, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritually to often the opinion of others affects what we may think. But our choices to act on our own opinion, is truly what keeps us from being connected to our Heavenly Father our constant provider!

    No Service No Connection Psalm 37:23 NKJ The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, And He delights in his way. The Lord Himself delights in his ways! MSG. Stalwart walks in step with God;     his path blazed by God, he’s happy. If he stumbles, he’s not down for more

  • Commissioning Service Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Jun 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus commissions his disciples to continue his ministry and to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth.

    Acts 1:6-14 “Commissioning Service” INTRODUCTION May is a time of transition for many people. Kindergartners are promoted to first grade and will soon experience its rigors. Eighth graders leave the comfort of grade school for the challenges of high school. High school graduates more

  • Faithfulness In Service

    Contributed by Kayode Omotoso on Oct 12, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    You must be faithful to Him who has appointed you.

    As believers in God’s service, we are required of faithfulness in the delivery of our assigned duties and personal commitment to Him Who has appointed us (1Cor 4:2). And in the show of such faithfulness, we must follow the example of Jesus Christ as described in Heb 3:1-2a and Phil more

  • The Heart Of True Service SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon explores the essence of true Christian service, focusing on the qualities of humility, obedience, and sacrifice. It also highlights the blessings that come with having a servant's heart.

    Today, we continue our study on the heart of a Christian. This series explores the essential qualities that every believer should possess. Our hearts determine who we are and how we relate to others. In this sermon, we will focus on cultivating a servant's heart, as Jesus taught that it is the key more

  • Obedience, Faith, Jesus And The Centurion

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 28, 2023

    Three stories: the centurion's faith and humility, the response of Jesus, and the healing of the anonymous mom.

    Saturday of the 12th Week in Course 2023 There are really three stories in today’s Gospel. The first is about the Roman centurion asking for healing for a valued servant, paralyzed by some accident or illness. It shows that the centurion had compassion. Servant in the first century almost always more

  • Get On The Move Or Get Out Of The Way Part 1 Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Dec 4, 2015

    I would like to thank Pastor Jerry Shirley for sharing this series on Acts. It has been a blessing as well as a great help. I have used these for our church, as I spend my days caring for my dying father.

    Get Moving or Get Out God’s Way Acts 13:1-3 On May 5, 1961, Alan Shepard climbed inside a little capsule attached to a rocket. As he sat on the launching pad, the countdown began. The entire future of our space program rested upon that launch being successful and that day the US became the more

  • An Obedient Spirit Series

    Contributed by Bart Leger on Jul 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    The apostle Paul did not preach or teach the Gospel because of personal reasons or because the calling seemed attractive. I have talked to some who went into full-time Christian service because their father was a pastor, or because they grew up being told

    An Obedient Spirit Paul continues to talk about his attitudes and motives about doing ministry. In his introduction to the letter to the Roman believers, Paul gives us some marks of true spiritual service we would do well to study and use as a standard to measure our own service to God. The more

  • The Two Sisters And The Act Of Obedience Series

    Contributed by Patrick Usifo on Nov 15, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Two sisters demonstrating two aspect of following the Lord. The life of Mary shows what is most needed to please the Lord and her sister service and works that burdens. Learning from the sister is needed in this crucial; time of our faith.

    Learning from the Two Sisters Text: Luke 10:38-42 Sermon Title: Following Christ Jesus as Lord Bible Readings: Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14;3- 9, John 11;1-45, 12:1-11 Bible Readings: Matthew 26:6-13, Mark 14;3- 9, John 11;1-45, 12:1-11 Our study today involves more