Sermon Series
  • 1. "Take Off The Grave Clothes And Let Him Go

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    We ned to ’roll away the stone’ so Seekers can ’hear’ Jesus and respond. Then we need to ’unwrap them and let them go free’.

    “Take off the grave clothes and let him go!” Jn 11:38-44 WBC 4/1/4 Stunning passage. Stunning words: “Lazarus! Come forth!” Can remember reading it as a new Christian - 22 years on I’m still certain this happened, as written o even more so since my trip to Lagos - it’s gripping and tragic. more

  • 2. Take Up Your Cross, Daily

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2004
    based on 57 ratings

    A sermon for a re-dedication service about focussing on ’taking up your cross’.

    “Take up your cross, daily” Lk 9:23-27 Covenant service WBC 4/1/4pm A Martyr’s Measure of Commitment "I am part of the fellowship of the unashamed. I have the Holy Spirit’s power. The die has been cast. I have stepped over the line. The decision has been made. I am a disciple of Jesus more

  • 3. "They Do Not Need To Go Away. You Give Them Something To Eat"

    Contributed on Jan 21, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Our little offerings/gifts become mighty tools when offered to Jesus in obedient service

    ¡§They do not need to go away. YOU give them something to eat¡¨ Mt 14:16 SCENE SETTING- INDIVIDUAL INVOLVEMENT As you get to know your Bibles better you¡¦ll find there are all kinds of echoes of OT things¡K stories¡K in the NT - often with a sense of ¡¥fulfilment¡¦ This resonates with 2 OT more

  • 4. Jesus And The Jews

    Contributed on Jan 23, 2004
    based on 15 ratings

    A brief, simple, look at the place of the Jewish people in God’s plans

    Jesus and the Jews. Matthew 8:1-13. WBC 1 Feb 2004 pm Looking at ‘the Words of Jesus’. Tonight- Jesus’ words about His people, the Jews, and their place in God’s plan 1. SPECIAL PEOPLE OT- seen as special and chosen people. Chosen and beloved on behalf of Abraham and because, of all the more

  • 5. "Become Like A Child"

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2004
    based on 49 ratings

    A complete order of service and talks for a 1 hour All Age Service on Jesus’ words "Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it" . Email me for PowerPoint

    All Age Worship, 8 Feb 2004 10 am. Ver 1.2 ¡§Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it¡¨ Lk 18;16,17 Other key texts: Mt 11:25, Mt 18:10, Is 11:6, Mt 21:16 10 am Welcome/notices 10.03 1. The place of children Aim: to show the place of more

  • 6. Jesus' Words: "I Am Willing. Be Clean!"

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2004
    based on 22 ratings

    With these words jesus shows us so much of the true nature of God: His love, compassion, willingness and reaching out to us.

    Jesus¡¦ words: ¡§I am willing, be clean!¡¨ Mk 1:40-45 WBC 22/2/4pm If you¡¦re a parent here this morning you will relate to the many times our children slip over, or are covered with grime- and come to you crying, wanting 1) a hug 2) to be cleaned up - remember this with AJ cycling 4 years more

  • 7. Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled

    Contributed on Feb 27, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    We so often apply these words to our temporal concerns and troubles- but the disciples hearts were troubled because of fear they would be without Jesus (momentarily, and even eternally). We should be like them- and make being with Jesus our cheif concern.

    ¡§Do not let your hearts be troubled¡¨ Jn 14:1-7 WBC 29/2/4pm TROUBLED These are marvellous words of Jesus - words that I have gained comfort from many times - words that are special and dear to many, in a society that we perceive as anxious and troubled. Stressed But, let me share what more

  • 8. Kingdom Attitudes

    Contributed on Mar 12, 2004
    based on 25 ratings

    What a topsy-turvy kingdom the kingdom of God is! Its priorities and attitudes seem comletely opposite to our inclinations and earthly ways. This is a sermon about Kingdom Attitudes.

    Kingdom Attitudes Mt 5:1-12 WBC 14/3/4am Mention: the Passion of the Christ. Be praying about who to invite. Video Clips next Sunday. Our Easter Services will focus on it INTRODUCTION: Interesting introduction: Jesus went up… sat down… opened His mouth (NIV ‘began to teach’) - us: ‘well, more