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  • The 7 Myths About Heaven

    Contributed by John Gaston on Mar 30, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Heaven is not seriously discussed by most thinking people because the facts about it are so sketchy or dubious that most think it's unknowable or uninteresting. But in reality, the Bible tells us it's greatest party and the most interesting life of all!

    THE 7 MYTHS ABOUT HEAVEN Matt. 22:2-14 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A Michigan couple decided to go to Florida during an icy winter. The husband was to fly down first and the wife to follow the next day. The husband checked into the hotel and sent an email to his wife. Unfortunately he sent it to more

  • Jesus Provides Food For The 4,000: The Response Of The Crowds, Pharisees, And Disciples Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jul 10, 2023

    These four thousand people have probably been eating what little they had with them when they began following Jesus, which probably wasn’t much. They may have found sources of water along the way. But they’re now in a predicament.

    “Oh why didn’t I listen!?" The rich man cries out from the depths of hell, to this very day in 2023. He needed salvation dearly but could not see it. And he looked and saw Lazarus, comforted, in paradise. The rich man in sorrows, why didn’t he listen? He was rich, he was powerful, he did not more

  • The Testimony Of The Shepherds Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Dec 17, 2022

    A few miles outside of Bethlehem some shepherds had gathered their sheep together for the night. Luke tells us that just when everyone was settling down and getting warm around their fires the skies suddenly opened up. Suddenly, it was no longer a silent night.

    Alba 12-18-2022 THE TESTIMONY OF THE SHEPHERDS Luke 2:8-20 Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents' house the week before Christmas. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers. The younger one began praying at the top of his lungs: "I PRAY more

  • Be Transformed Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 8, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul tells us to present our bodies as living sacrifices. How are we transformed into a living sacrifice and live that out? Consider these thoughts from our Family Minister Scott Jewell

    Read passage and pray. For the month of January, we’re preaching on the theme of Collide. The idea is that the ways of God often collide with the ways of the world. How do we conduct ourselves to align with God and point the world to Him? Last week, Jeff shared how to stand firm, today, more

  • Being Gentle

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 15, 2023

    Looking at what it means to be gentle

    Becoming Gentle Galatians 5:22-23 September 17, 2023 Fragile: Handle with Care – How often have these words been put on a shipment to protect the package. When we moved here, the movers told us if our dishes broke they were not responsible because they didn’t pack them. Have you ever packed and more

  • Spiritual Treasure Hunter

    Contributed by Clayton Beck on Feb 16, 2023

    God conceals things that He wants you to discover!

    Spiritual Treasure Hunter 09.11.22 Message… Geocaching - may or may not be a term you are familiar with. I was watching a show that mentioned it (“Escape from the Country”). Geocaching is treasure hunting with a twist. You use a GPS or you can download an app on your phone. There are more

  • Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer (1) Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Apr 30, 2021

    Using spiritual disciplines to help us grow in Christ. Looking at Prayer as one means.

    Spiritual Disciplines - Prayer May 2, 2021 Prayer There’s a story about a small town that had been historically “dry,” it was alcohol free. A bar was going to open on Main Street and upon hearing the news, the only church in town organized an all-night prayer meeting, asking God to intervene. more

  • Hope In The God Who Is Faithful Series

    Contributed by David Simpson on Jan 16, 2021

    Greg Laurie wrote a New Year’s Day Devotion in which he shared an acronym for hope. HOPE: Holding On with Patient Expectation

    Sermon January 3, 2021 – David Simpson Lanier Christian Church Hope in the God Who is Faithful Lamentations 3:22-25 New Year’s Quotes and Captions for the Realist: Welcome, 2021! Here’s hoping you can’t be worse than last year. Happy 2021! Spoiler Alert: We’re still social distancing. Whatever more

  • It’s What’s Inside That Counts Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jan 31, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would be our helper and be "in" us... but what does that mean? What difference could the presence of God's Spirit make in our lives?

    OPEN: I read a true story about a woman was pregnant with her first child, and her 4-year-old nephew came over to visit. She allowed him to place his hand on her belly and feel the baby kick. And he had this puzzled look on his face and said, "How’s that baby gonna get out of there?" She more

  • And Jesus Said To Them...

    Contributed by David E. Watters on May 12, 2016

    The inheritance that Jesus has given to his followers.

    Good Morning… You know, Sue and I are getting to the age now that we can honestly say that we are part of the ‘graying of America.’ In other words, we’re getting older. We are what we used to refer to, only a mere 20 years ago…as ‘the old geezers’. And more

  • Just Passing By Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on Dec 24, 2014

    This is sermon #2 in a series based on the Good Samaritan. This message focuses on the two religious men who passed by and failed to help the wounded man on the road to Jericho.

    Just Passing By (from the series: Get off your Donkey) Luke 10:30-32 INTRODUCTION: This is the second in a 5 week series we’re doing called “Get off Your Donkey.” We’re taking time to focus on one of the most well known stories Jesus told: The Good Samaritan. Last more

  • Faith

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Feb 10, 2010

    A few weeks ago I spoke to you about faith...and I gave you each a mustard seed to illustrate just how small a measure of faith was really needed to perform all the things God has for you to do...just that little bit of faith can move mountains!

    FAITH 1 SAMUEL 17:20 40, 48 50 A few weeks ago I spoke to you about faith...and I gave you each a mustard seed to illustrate just how small a measure of faith was really needed to perform all the things God has for you to do...just that little bit of faith can move mountains! This morning I want more

  • Combating A New Kind Of Atheism Series

    Contributed by Dr. Joel Perttula on Aug 13, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Whereas traditional Atheism denies the existence of God, Christian Atheism accepts that there is a God but rejects the supernatural claims of Jesus. Navigating this reality takes wisdom, patience, and a commitment to clarifying the truth.

    WELCOME Good Morning! Welcome to church! Whether you are listening online or you’re here in person; we’re glad you’ve connected with us! SERIES RECAP If you are visiting or this is your first time listening, we are in a series called Talking Faith. It’s a series about apologetics; learning how more

  • Impact, What Mark Are You Leaving

    Contributed by Lorraine Greeff on Jul 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    how you impact others, what you do to bring others to Christ, how to be an impact

    Impact What mark are you leaving I believe that God expects you and me to be more than ordinary. In fact, to live a life of impact. We are to be light in the darkness, salt to the world, and ambassadors of Jesus Christ so that we can impact the people around us. If Jesus is, the Lord and love of more

  • Seek God & Be Sought By God: Obeying The Magnetic Tug At Your Heart Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Mar 12, 2024

    Draw near to God, with a full heart, loving God with all your heart. And believe Jesus really loves you and wants to be with you too!

    "Bruce Larson tells how he helped people struggling to surrender their lives to Christ: For many years I worked in New York City and counseled at my office any number of people who were wrestling with this yes-or-no decision. Often I would suggest they walk with me from my office down to the more

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