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  • The Prescription For An Anxious Heart. Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Apr 4, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    You see anxiety is like a sickness. It is a spiritual illness that needs a cure. And we have in these verses Philippians 4:4-7 the prescription that God gives for an anxious heart.

    Do people really struggle with anxiety? Is that something that is real or are we just talking when we say people in our day have anxious hearts? You have heard of Ann Landers, she got about 10,000 letters a month about people’s problems. She was asked, what is the number one problem that people more

  • Reconstructive Surgery On The Body Of Christ

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on Jan 22, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    I believe today the church is more divided than at any time since the day of Pentecost when she had her birth. This is a sickness, and the patient is close to terminal!

    If I were allowed to be the one to make the choice of what the church, the entire body of Christ, should have as the main focus, I would choose surgery – reconstructive surgery to put the body back in a healing mode. I believe today the church is more divided than at any time since the day of more

  • God's Veteran

    Contributed by Ron Hicks on Nov 20, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    There has never been a Christian who has never been in a combat situation. Whether fighting for righteousness or warring against sicknesses, financial struggles, and a host of other enemies.

    God’s Veterans Gal 6:17 17 From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus. Veteran-Military experienced soldier: somebody who has been a member of one of the armed forces for many years and has seen a great deal of active service, a veteran of three more

  • Crazy? God Is The Cure! Series

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Aug 18, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    What is it about wayward people? Israel was at the time of Hosea, sick, not right in the head, how could this be addressed, how were they to be healed and what was their future prognosis, if they accepted the treatment?

    I had started this sermon series a few weeks back regarding ‘the wrath of God’ we had a wee break for the Olympics as that was the topical thing to do. We had a guest here last week Major Bruce who spoke on placing our faith in Jesus because there it is well placed. I like to summarise more

  • Pt. 7 Healing Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on May 6, 2013

    Medical science already has established that much of our sickness begins in our mind. Our mental state many times determines our level of physical health.

    Healing 7 December 2, 2012 A Medical science already has established that much of our sickness begins in our mind. 1 Our mental state many times determines our level of physical health. a Depression, anxiety, worry, stress. b Add to that the operation of demonic spirits on one’s mental more

  • How Jesus Used Healing In His Ministry

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Dec 4, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    Never a sickness that He cannot heal. Never a sorrow that He cannot cheer. Never a problem that He cannot resolve Never a worry cause He still on the throne.

    How Jesus Used Healing in His Ministry John 9:1-9:38 Many people fail to understand God’s greater purposes for physical suffering. Instead of allowing the disciples to drag the Lord into a complicated discussion about sin and suffering, Jesus stated an important fact about sickness when He more

  • Growing Our Faith

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Apr 13, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Sometimes, our troubles and trials are there to bring us to Jesus. If it hadn’t been for the terminal sickness of his son, this nobleman never would have come to Jesus

    I make no claims as this being an original sermon as I have read and studied multiple accounts, some on Sermon Central in the development and flow of this message. TITLE: GROWING OUR FAITH SCRIPTURE: ST. JOHN 4:46-53 Before we deal with this text there is one area I would like shine some light more

  • So You Have A Problem.

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Oct 15, 2022

    What is your problem? Is it sickness, addiction, your spouse or the lack of one, rebellious children, lack of finances, an overbearing boss, a sorry job? What’s your problem?

    So You Have A Problem. Philippians 4:11-13NKJV Rev. Mike Quarles writes, during the spring blizzard of 1993, our house was without power for a day. Therefore, I went over to my sons house. I was watching the video, Beauty and the beast with my four year old granddaughter Kaitlyn. In one of the more

  • Jesus Will Never Ever Unfollow You! (Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time)

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Aug 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Discrimination and division make us sick and ill-grown church. Today, Jesus the saviour of the humanity, invites each one of us to involve ourselves wherever humanity suffers.

    Jesus will never ever unfollow you! (Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time) Isaiah 56:1, Isaiah 56:6-7, Romans 11:13-15, Romans 11:29-32, Matthew 15:21-28. Reflection Dear sisters and brothers, Let me start the reflection for this Sunday quoting from an article. “One case of a tragic more

  • Power Of Tongue

    Contributed by Beulah Praiselin on Jul 30, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Words bring about change in our life. Words set the direction of our life. Learn to speak faith, not feelings, Speak destiny, not despair, Speak health not sickness.

    The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs: 18:21 Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. In our day to day life we must make sure the words of our mouth are aligned with the word of God. Some negative confessions may block the blessing more

  • That's Not How It Works

    Contributed by Brian Harvison on Oct 4, 2023

    The healing of the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda is an amazing picture of salvation. Jesus, our merciful deliverer, is the only one who can heal us of our sickness of sin.

    That’s Not How It Works John 5:1-15 • There’s a story about a man who died and stood before the gates of Heaven • An angel met him and said We have a new plan for getting into heaven • We are now using a points system • You need 1000 points to enter • The man confident in his righteous life knew more

  • Preparing For Easter-An Outline For 'i Am The Resurrection And The Life'

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Mar 29, 2023

    Jesus had received a message that a friend, Lazarus, was sick. He died, but Jesus raised him from the dead. This proved Jesus was "the Resurrection and the Life"!

    Introduction: Jesus had raised at least two people from the dead before this event, apparently just a short time before He died on Calvary. Here He proved the reality of resurrection when He raised Lazarus from the dead. The Message Jesus Received (verses 1-16) --Jesus and the disciples weren’t more

  • Jesus Is Lord

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Jul 29, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    This sermon is about the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His authority over 1.SIN 2.SICKNESS 3.SCOURGE 4.STORM 5.SCHEMES 6.SATAN 7.SOVEREIGNS

    JESUS IS LORD ************ OUTLINE 1.SIN 2.SICKNESS 3.SCOURGE 4.STORM 5.SCHEMES 6.SATAN 7.SOVEREIGNS THE MESSAGE JESUS IS LORD 1.SIN John 8 : 34-36 Matthew 9 : 2-7 Jesus is Lord over all the power of sin. He can set us free from the more

  • Dissin' The Homeboy Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 9, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    When we disrespect our own children, we disempower them, we give evidence that ours is a sick community, and we write off God’s ability to redeem.

    The church was plagued with two bad boys, or maybe it was three. The two really bad boys offended nearly everybody in that church. They ran through the hails, rudely bumping those who were in the way. Elderly ladies cringed when they saw them coming. Small children screamed and hid behind their more

  • The Sarcasm Of Jesus (Luke 13:31-35)

    Contributed by David Smith on Nov 2, 2007
    based on 34 ratings

    It doesn’t take much to twist genuine faith into something sick and destructive. There is a fine line between an unshakeable faith in a God who will never let His holy city.

    I’ve been to Jerusalem. It was nearly three years ago now, and my memory has faded somewhat, but I’ve got some slides I can show you! No, don’t panic! I haven’t got them with me! In fact, I didn’t take any slides while I was there. I took some video, but I don’t have that with me either. At any more

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