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  • Let Heaven And Nature Sing Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Apr 8, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    It’s true that we have our various musical idioms. The way churches sing here has very little resemblance of the way a church sings in Africa or Brazil. And we have little idea how the first Christians expressed their melodies. What matters is that we

    Let Heaven and Nature Sing Ephesians 5:18-21 Illustration I heard of a farmer who was making his regular visit to the big city to stock up on supplies. Only this time, for one reason or another, necessity kept the farmer in town over the weekend. So he decided to find a church for his Sunday more

  • I Am Naturally Gifted Series

    Contributed by David Baeder on Mar 18, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    God has given all of us the gift of life and has blessed each one with a unique set of gifts. How will we use those gifts? Will we use them for His glory?

    My Gifts for His Glory (Series) I Am Naturally Gifted Sunday January 6, 2006 am Reading: Matthew 25:14-30 Introduction: This morning, I want to begin a new series entitled, “My Gifts for His Glory”. In this series, I hope to accomplish the following: * To demonstrate the unique giftedness of more

  • "The Nature Of The Holy Spirit"

    Contributed by Andy Grossman on Mar 31, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    The nature of the Holy Spirit is seen in the revelation of Himself at Pentecost - Wind, fire, and Languages

    “The Nature of the Holy Spirit” April 6, 2008 “When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated more

  • The True Nature And Purpose Of The Church

    Contributed by Martin Scarce on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 299 ratings

    Everyone has an idea of what the church is and its purpose. But what does Jesus say about the church? What is his desire and purpose for the church? Based upon the confession of Peter Jesus reveals the truth about the church.

    “The True Nature and Purpose of the Church” Reading – Matthew 16: 13-25 INTRODUCTION Illustration: When I was growing up there were a number of experiences that left an indelible impression upon. I think we all go through an impressionable stage in life. For me, the thing that left an more

  • The Nature Of Angels No. 1 Series

    Contributed by Rusty Tardo on May 23, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    This is an in-depth, Biblical study of angels, demons and satan. Profitable for every Christian; essential for every minister!

    ANGELOLOGY #1 The Doctrine of Angels The Nature of Angels #1 Dr. Russell K. Tardo This message is the first in a series of studies of angels, demons and Satan. It will be an interesting and very profitable study, and an important subject on which to concentrate. Much has been more

  • The Nature Of God And His People

    Contributed by Christopher Arch on Jun 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Series on I John.

    Title: The Nature of God and His People Scripture: I Jn. 1:5-10 Type: Expository Series Where: GNBC 6-9-24 Intro: Thomas Aquinas called theology the “queen of sciences.” But the study of theology—the study of God—was gradually sidelined and now finds no place in the contemporary curriculum. more

  • 6 Nature Of Man – Soul: Mind – Aid Is Death To Envy And Love Of Mammon Series

    Contributed by Louis Posthauer on Jul 14, 2022

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the mind are summarized as the lusts of the eyes.

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the mind are summarized as the lusts of the eyes. Lusts of the eyes: >Envy: painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same more

  • The Never-Ending Story Of God’s Love

    Contributed by David Cromie on Oct 3, 2017

    We learn about God’s love from His nature and His actions.

    Text: Psalm 136 CREATE INTEREST LOVE It is the word that has inspired thousands of songs. It is the concept that has led Taylor Swift, Elvis Presley, Neil Diamond, the Backstreet Boys, and the ever-talented David Hasselhoff to successful musical careers. Love is the very thing that leaves more

  • The Nature Of The Gospel Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Naveen Balakrishnan on May 17, 2004
    based on 29 ratings

    Paul, under the inspiriation of the Holy Spirit, records the marvelous truth concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    “The Nature of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” 1 Timothy 1:15 A. The CREDIBILITY of the Gospel. (v. 15a) This is a faithful saying 1 Timothy 3:1; 4:9; 2 Timothy 2:11; Titus 1:9; 3:8; Revelation 21:5; 22:6; Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29; Psalm 89:35; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 6:17-18; 10:23; James 1:17; more

  • The Natural Man's Reaction To Sin

    Contributed by Howard Parnell on Sep 22, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    Lieing to ourselves, others, and God is a foolish way to try to cover our sins.

    THE NATURAL MAN’S REACTION TO SIN I Jn. 1:5-10 INTRO. When we were saved, we were called out of spiritual darkness into light. (I Thess. 5:5) - We are the children of light. But still, there seems to be a problem. John 3:19-21. Those who do wrong hate the light. When light shines in on us more

  • Do What Comes Naturally Series

    Contributed by Dennis Harbach on Oct 1, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    Knowing that God goes with us changes everything- especially our lives of worship and giving.

    Doing what comes naturally Genesis 28:10-22 I was intrigued by this article about the ministry and leadership that I saw this week. The author began by describing why he was credible. He explained how he started his own communications business in the 70’s. It was instantly successful. He more

  • The Nature That Doesn't Change Series

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Mar 24, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    This is the fifth message in a Lenten series on"The Seven Last Words of Christ." I also have information on appropriate dramas that can be used as an introduction to this and the other six messages in the series.

    THE NATURE THAT DOESN’T CHANGE --John 19:28-29 Jesus Christ is fully God and fully human. In His fifth word spoken from the cross we encounter the human nature of our Lord Jesus, God the Son. Other than the fact that He is the only perfect, sinless human being who ever lived, Jesus is in every more

  • How To Respond The Natural Disasters

    Contributed by Clinton Smith on Mar 4, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to trust God in the natural disasters. God can be trusted no matter what happens in life.

    I went to a nearby hamburger stand by my job on Friday to get some oatmeal. Before entering in I picked up a copy of the LA Times newspaper and on the front was the gory pictures of the Katrina aftermath. As I walked into the hamburger stand to place more order, a man seen the newspaper under my more

  • Naturally Supernatural: The Key To Persevering Series

    Contributed by Marty Boller on Nov 8, 2006
    based on 2 ratings

    #10 in a series of 10. "As communities of the King, we should model what the Kingdom looks like when God has His way with a group of people." John Wimber

    If you would like a free MP3 audio file of this teaching, please email us @ and mention the teaching MP3-20061112. Over the last 9 weeks…we’ve been sounding a trumpet. It’s time for the church in America to change, Be reformed. It’s time for the church to stop what we’re more

  • The Nature Of The Lord's Second Coming

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 1, 2009

    This brief but unique description of the Lord’s Coming emphasizes the three words used in the Greek New Testament, parousia, epiphaneia and apokalupsis

    The People of the Apocalypse “The Nature of the Lord’s Second Coming” After the Lord Jesus arose from the dead, he appeared on numerous occasions to His disciples and other followers. He was seen on the road to Emmaus by “two of them” more

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