  • Dennis Harbach

    Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Dennis's church

ST. James
Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin 53578

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  • Do What Comes Naturally

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2002
    based on 26 ratings

    Knowing that God goes with us changes everything- especially our lives of worship and giving.

    Doing what comes naturally Genesis 28:10-22 I was intrigued by this article about the ministry and leadership that I saw this week. The author began by describing why he was credible. He explained how he started his own communications business in the 70’s. It was instantly successful. more

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  • As A Father One Of My Goals Is To Help My ...

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2002

    As a father one of my goals is to help my children grow to be independent of my help. So when we are in the store or the library from time to time I will encourage them to ask their own questions, check out their own books, even pay for the groceries themselves. Yes, that’s with my money. Not more