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Sermons on mutual understanding:

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  • Mutual Submission In Our Work Series

    Contributed by Neil Olcott on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on integrity and God Honoring in our work place.

    How to be a Great Worker Eph.6:5-9 (NIV) Historical Context: 1. Everyday-life: Experts seem to agree that one in three or 1/3 of the population of Rome during the time was a slave - common everyday life occurrence. They do all kinds of labor intensive jobs, working in mines, fields, and some are more

  • Mutual Prayer For Difficult Times

    Contributed by H.b. Charles Jr. on Jan 22, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    "Mutual Prayer for Difficult Times" is an exposition of 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5. There is a powerful dynamic that works when pastor and people pray for one another, when saints pray for one another.

    MUTUAL PRAYER FOR DIFFICULT TIMES 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 In this brief letter to the young church at Thessalonica, Paul teaches about the last days or end times. There was confusion about the second coming of Christ. In 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, Paul discusses the coming of the Lord to rapture more

  • "Pentecost--United In Understanding, Truth, & Love"

    Contributed by John Donnelly on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    The Holy Spirit ;11) empowers us to understand one another; (2) thereby exposing us to the truth of Christ; which units ther Body in Love.

    Pentecost Sermon May, 2008 Únited in Understanding, Truth, and Love By the Rev. John Donnelly There is an old joke that says,” God so loved the world—THAT HE DID NOT SEND A more

  • Ten Keys To Quality Friendships

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 135 ratings

    1. Mutual Goals – Discuss how you can synergistically work together toward a mutually agreed upon goal.

    1. Mutual Goals – Discuss how you can synergistically work together toward a mutually agreed upon goal. Cooperate through prayer, discussions and ministries that will contribute toward the accomplishment of enlarging the church in qualitative and quantitative measures. Paul writes, "My purpose is more

  • A New Way Of Relating - Mutual Submission Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 75 ratings

    The key to relating in God’s church is mutual submission. This aaplies to everyone in the church, young and old, male and female.

    We come today to one of those difficult passages, that most preachers would prefer to avoid if at all possible. What we find here isn’t particularly popular in today’s world. Ours is an age of liberation. The idea of submission to authority is at variance with modern ideas of permissiveness and more

  • A New Way Of Relating - Mutual Submission

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 9, 2009

    The key to relating in God’s church is mutual submission. This aplies to everyone in the church, young and old, male and female and affects all our family relationships.

    God has instituted an amazing plan, a plan that involves you and me in showing the world how great is his wisdom and glory. Not only has he instituted this plan but he’s carried it out and continues to carry it out generation after generation. He’s restored our spiritual life. He’s put us in more

  • A New Way Of Relating - Mutual Submission Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Dec 15, 2016

    If we’re truly united with Christ then our basic approach to our relationships will be one of mutual submission, working together to do Christ’s work.

    I hope you’ve picked up as we’ve gone through this letter over the last few weeks that Paul isn’t just giving us lessons in Godly behaviour. He isn’t just telling us how to live lives that will please God. Rather, he’s telling us how to live lives that’ll more

  • No Understanding Series

    Contributed by Charles Cockroft on Jul 1, 2007
    based on 234 ratings

    Storms are a part of everyone’s life. we can stand unshaken if we are doers of the Word and have understanding of the Word.This is study 4

    #4 Standing In the Storm There is a parable in Matt.7 and Luke 6 about two houses. One is built on a rock and another was built on sand. This is a great lesson about the way ALL PEOPLE face storms in life. One house stood while the other fell. This is the way people do when faced with all the more

  • Understand This

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Oct 1, 2020

    Sermon based on 2 Timothy 3 to help the hearers understand the times in which we are living & how we are to live as Christians.

    “UNDERSTAND THIS” 2 Timothy 3 FBCF – 9/30/20 Refresh Jon Daniels INTRO – After what the entire world saw last night in the Presidential debate (& I hesitate to use the word “presidential”), it just continues to become more & more obvious that we are in uncharted, turbulent, troubled, more

  • Imitating God Requires Mutual Submission Series

    Contributed by Neil Olcott on Sep 10, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    Paul has been fervently writing down God’s Words for the church as the Holy Spirit has guided his pen across the page. He has been working on communicating to us how it is we can stand out as light in a darkened world. How we can be imitators of God. He s

    Date: 8-9-09 Title: Imitating God Requires Mutual Submission Bible Text: Eph. 5:21 –33 Subject: Complement: Main Idea: Intro: ILL. One evening a preschooler, Kristel, and her parents were sitting on the couch chatting. Kristel asked, "Daddy, you’re the boss of the house, right?" Her father more

  • Christian Marriage 101 Series

    Contributed by Wes Richard on Feb 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    It is impossible to understand marriage without understanding the church.

    If you have seen the movie “Fireproof,” you probably remember the scene of the salt and pepper shakers glued together. And if you have attended weddings, you have probably heard the minister say to the bride and groom that the two will become one flesh. Do you know where to find those words in more

  • Understanding Peace Beyond Understanding Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Sep 29, 2013

    Peace is something we all desire but sometimes have difficulty finding. This sermon unwraps the gift of peace that Jesus left with us so that we can apply this peace to our lives.

    As most of you have seen I was featured in the Lincoln Times this week. My picture was on the front page carrying two bags of apples. Debbie and I attended the Apple Festival in Lincolnton on Saturday. The news photographer snapped a picture of me with my two 10 lb. bags of apples and asked for more

  • No Longer A Slave Of Lust (Part 2)

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Mar 17, 2019

    This sermon (part 2 of a series on lust) explains how two neglected Bible texts are the keys for how local churches must help those trying to conquer lust.

    No Longer a Slave of Lust (Part 2) Series: No Longer Slaves Chuck Sligh March 17, 2019 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to James 5 and 1 Timothy 2. INTRODUCTION Illus. – Bent over his desk, more

  • No Longer A Slave Of Lust (Part 2)

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Mar 17, 2019

    This sermon (part 2 of a series on lust) explains how two neglected Bible texts are the keys for how local churches must help those trying to conquer lust.

    No Longer a Slave of Lust (Part 2) Series: No Longer Slaves Chuck Sligh March 17, 2019 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to James 5 and 1 Timothy 2. INTRODUCTION Illus. – Bent over his desk, more

  • No Longer A Slave Of Lust (Part 2)

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Mar 17, 2019

    This sermon (part 2 of a series on lust) explains how two neglected Bible texts are the keys for how local churches must help those trying to conquer lust.

    No Longer a Slave of Lust (Part 2) Series: No Longer Slaves Chuck Sligh March 17, 2019 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at TEXT: Please turn in your Bibles to James 5 and 1 Timothy 2. INTRODUCTION Illus. – Bent over his desk, more