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  • Make Your Children Proud! (Father/Mother's Day)

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Jul 2, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Train your children, be an example for your children, and follow the biblical model of parenthood.

    Make Your Children Proud Proverbs 17:6 INTRODUCTION I. Personal Experiences A. B. C. (Before Children)–All the Answers. B. A. D. (After Diapers)–Not a Clue! II. Before Birth A. Gung Ho! 1. Painting the room 2. Buying all the necessities B. Still had all the answers. III. Baby placed in my more

  • Motherly Love

    Contributed by Joseph Mcculley on Feb 17, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    This messages emphasizes a mother’s special and great love.

    1 Kings 3:16-28 Motherly Love Intro: Read: "What Is a Mother?" from Tale of the Tardy Ox Cart, p.395. A mother does all the things listed because she loves her children. In order to help illustrate a Mother’s love, we turn today to one of the best known stories in the entire Bible. This more

  • The Hurt Of The Holiday

    Contributed by Chris Johnson on Oct 24, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Although Mother’s Day can and should be a joyful celebration, it can for many be a time of great pain.

    When we think of holidays like Mother’s Day, we generally think of happy, festive occasions. A day like this produces warm, joyful, and sentimental feelings. But for others there is another aspect to these occasions for some that we don’t often think of: Pain. For many these days can bring more

  • When Momma Is In The House

    Contributed by William Ellis on May 11, 2006
    based on 58 ratings

    Whether their son is an axe murderer or a saint There daughter is a call girl or the soloist in the church choir Momma loves her baby

    Illustrations: "The Stages Of Motherhood" 4 Years Of Age - My Mommy can do anything; 8 Years Of Age - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot 12 Years Of Age - My Mother doesn’t really know quite everything. 14 Years Of Age - Naturally, Mother doesn’t know that, either 16 Years Of Age - Mother? She’s more

  • A M Other's Legacy

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on May 12, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    A Godly mother prepares her children for this life and the next.

    A Mothers Legacy Text: Ruth 1:1-18 Introduction 1. Read Ruth 1:1-18 2. Illustration: When the will of Henry J. Heinz, wealthy distributor of the famous ’57 Varieties’ line, was read, it was found to contain the following confession: ’Looking forward to the time when my earthly career will more

  • Hannah And Susannah, Two Saintly Moms

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on May 12, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    This is a Mothers’ Day sermon using Samuel’s Mother Hannah and John and Charles Wesley’s Mother Susannah as godly examples for Christian Mothers today.

    Hannah and Susannah, Two Saintly Moms --I Samuel 1:9-28 Since my teenage years, when I first heard it on Mothers’ Day as a quartet number in my home Church, I have appreciated the Hymn “God, Give Us Christian Homes” by the great Baptist hymn writer B. B. McKinney. The prayer in the third stanza more

  • A Message From Mary, The Mother Of Jesus

    Contributed by Keith Buice on May 18, 2006
    based on 19 ratings

    A Mother’s Day message for visitors and members that have a Roman Catholic background

    A Message from Mary, the Mother of Christ. John 2:1-5 Introduction: Mothers. What can we say about them? Everything good and nothing bad. Eight-year-old Mary wrote her mother a note for Mother’s Day. "Dear Mother, here is the box of candy I bought you for Mother’s Day. IT IS VERY GOOD CANDY. I more

  • "Mary's Great Sermon”

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Mar 24, 2005
    based on 47 ratings

    If I were to ask you who the most famous mother in history was, who would you think?

    “Mary’s Great Sermon” John 2:1-5 INTRODUCTION: Happy Mother’s Day! I am glad to see all of you moms and grandmas who are here with us today, and we thank God for you. If I were to ask you who the most famous mother in history was, who would you think? • June Cleaver • Marge Simpson • Mother more

  • What A Godly Mom Looks Like

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Aug 8, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Mothers Day 2002

    What A Godly Mom Looks Like Prov. 31:10-31 INTRO.- ILL.- A drill sergeant was frustrated in his efforts to make a soldier out of a certain recruit. The trainee lagged behind on marches, used any excuse to go on sick call, grumbled constantly about the food, and never made his cot properly. But one more

  • The Hand That Rules The World

    Contributed by Mark Beaird on May 2, 2003
    based on 25 ratings

    Look with me at three opportunities of which mothers need to be aware.

    THE HAND THAT RULES THE WORLD 1997 by Mark Beaird Proverbs 31:25-31 ƒÞ Paul Harvey, in his Rest of the Story series, had this to say about the importance of mothers. ¡§Fellows...can you be too close to your mother? From Freud more

  • A Mother's Day Card From God

    Contributed by Ray Scott on May 5, 2003
    based on 367 ratings

    This sermon is designed to encourage Mothers, not increase their guilt or anxiety about Mother’s Day, which can be a traumatic day for some people.

    “A Mother’s Day Card From God” Proverbs 31:10 INTRODUCTION: Today is “Mother’s Day”! I have a PROBLEM with Mother’s Day! It’s not that I don’t LIKE Mother’s Day … or that I DISAGREE with it … or that I DREAD it. My PROBLEM is … that I don’t know how to preach a good Mother’s Day more

  • There's Nothing Like A Mother's Love

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on May 8, 2003
    based on 80 ratings

    God takes care of us much like a mother takes care of her children.

    THERE’S NOTHING LIKE A MOTHER’S LOVE Text: Isaiah 66:13 "A young, awkward boy grew up in southern California, plagued by a learning disability that in later years would be called dyslexia. But with his mother’s encouragement and admonishment, he became a strong and capable leader. Years more

  • Faith Of A Desperate Single Mom

    Contributed by Andrew Chan on May 9, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    This single mom’s faith has great lessons for us as we celebrate Mother’s Day in 2003.

    FAITH OF A DESPERATE SINGLE MOM I came across this ( and I thought I share it with you as we begin this morning’s message - “Faster than a speeding toddler, more powerful than a cocky teenager, able to leap roller blades and hockey sticks in a single bound! Look up on more

  • N.o.w., Or What? Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on May 9, 2003
    based on 11 ratings

    The aim of this sermon is to give some Biblical direction as to the spiritual relationship between men and women and to encourage us to respect and honor the women in our lives on Mother’s Day and everyday.

    1 Corinthians Mother’s Day N.O.W. or What? 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 May 11, 2003 Intro: A. [illustration] Three men were talking over coffee. Two of them are talking about the amount of control they have over their wives, while the third remains quiet. After a while one of the first two turns to more

  • Happy Honeys

    Contributed by Ronald Keller on May 11, 2003
    based on 108 ratings

    A sermon, based on the advice of the Apostle Peter, designed to improve marriages.(For Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Family Teaching)

    INTRODUCTION In the Month of June in the Year of our Lord Two Thousand, I bought a new Ford. After only eight or nine miles of driving this brand new car I started to notice unusual things begin to happen. Strange sounds began to come from the left rear end. Loud klunking noises soon began to be more

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