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  • Philip's Qualities As An Effective Teacher 

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 164 ratings

    Philip learned how to submit himself to the teaching of God before trying to make others understand his viewpoint. Too many teachers forget how important it is to listen to the Lord. Philip listened to the angel of God say to him, "Arise and go toward the

    Illustration:William A. Ward has said, "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. Progress Magazine, December 23, 1992. Illustration: An item in "The Report Card" told of a study done in Colorado in which 3000 high more

  • Keys To Effective Interpersonal Relationships

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 13, 2001
    based on 15 ratings

    Keys to Effective Interpersonal Relationships In Evangelism and Church Planting

    Keys to Effective Interpersonal Relationships In Evangelism and Church Planting Learning Objectives 1. The students will explain what we can learn from Moses about accepting ourselves as God has made us. 2. The students will explain what Romans 14:15 teaches us about accepting ourselves and more

  • Effective Broadcasting – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    In this battle of broadcasting that life changing Word of God which points lost souls to Christ, the Bible holds truths to cling to and direction that assures a harvest for the Lord.

    Turn Your Bibles to Acts 6:4 and then verse 7 Title: Effective Broadcasting – Part 2 Theme: Planting the Word of God Series: Essentials for Church Growth Listen as I read Acts 6:4 and then verse 7, “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to ministry of the word.” “And the word of God more

  • Stupid Cupid And The Effect Of Love

    Contributed by John Harvey on Feb 12, 2004
    based on 84 ratings

    This message is how people look for love in places other than the place to find it. It is also how true love promotes faithfulness and forgivenss in our lives.

    Stupid Cupid and the Effect of Love Intro: Society has a warped view of love and how it shows up in our lives. Often love is thought of as flowing from person to person. If you “Google” the word love, and you have to be very careful doing this, you will find all sorts of more

  • Effective Leadership Requires Teamwork Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Sermon looks at the importance of teamwork in any leadership setting.

    “Effective Leadership Requires Teamwork” Acts 20:17-36 When the water begins to get rough and a change of direction is required, you quickly come to the realization of the importance of teamwork. A collection of individuals, each of whom is looking out for number one, will not be able to survive more

  • Effective Broadcasting – Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Nov 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The Body of Christ that God will use to evangelize the next generation has members who are specialized in different methods of broadcasting the seed of God’s Word in the fields of the world.

    Turn Your Bibles to Acts 6:4 and then verse 7 Title: Effective Broadcasting – Part 1 Theme: Planting the Word of God Series: Essentials for Church Growth Listen as I read Acts 6:4 and then verse 7, “But we will devote ourselves to prayer and to ministry of the word.” “And the word of God more

  • How To Communicate The Gospel Effectively Series

    Contributed by Everette Pafford on Apr 9, 2002
    based on 35 ratings

    The early church was very effective in communicating the gospel. In this sencond part of the series we examine why they were so effective in evangelizing and reaching people with the good news.

    ¡§How to communicate the good news effectively¡¨ Part II Introduction: There was a man who lived up in upstate New York and he was getting tired of the cold weather, so he decided to go to Florida. His wife was on a business trip at the time so he called her to let her know what he was doing more

  • How To Avoid The Effects Of Sin Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Dec 18, 2015

    PROPOSITION: Because Christ is the only one able to provide spiritual liberty; you must turn from your evil ways and submit to Him!

    How to Avoid the Effects of Sin 2 Kings 17:7-23 Scripture Introduction: Please turn with me to 2 Kings 17. Have you ever noticed the effects of sin in your life; broken or damaged relationships, contention in your home, and/or health issues. In this passage this morning God provides us through more

  • Ridiculous Thought #1 - The Most Glorious Became The Most Humble Series

    Contributed by Mark Nichols on Dec 8, 2008

    1st Corinthians 1:27 is the foundation on which this series is built. "God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise. God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong." God works in some seriously ridiculous ways and the Chris

    TEXT: Philippians 2:5-11 TITLE: The Most Glorious Became the Most Humble SERIES: Seriously Ridiculous TOPIC: Christmas series; The incarnation of Christ OCCASION: Burnside Christian Church, December 7th, 2008 PROP.: God in his wisdom, power and might, truly works in RIDICULOUS more

  • Encountering Jesus In The Most Unexpected Places And At The Most Unexpected Times. Series

    Contributed by Mark Van Cuylenburg on May 11, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus we to can encounter Jesus when we least expect to and where we least expect to find Him.

    If you had asked my parents what religion they were and how they had bought up their children they would have said, without hesitation, that they were Christians, and that we, my brothers Gary and Paul, and my sister Carol, and I, had been brought up in the Christian faith, except of course that my more

  • The Ripple Effect Of A Committed Life Series

    Contributed by Manny Salva Cruz on Mar 6, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Everything that we do on this earth has a corresponding consequences whether for good or evil that we do to ourselves or to the people close to us. This is the ripple effect of our lives on the people that we come in contact with.

    Every action we do on this earth has a corresponding reaction whether for good or for evil. Many people don't really understand it or they are not aware of it, but that is the truth of life. Every thing we do on this earth has a corresponding consequences whether for good or evil that we do to more

  • 3 Keys To Effective Ministry

    Contributed by Floyd Steverson on Mar 7, 2018

    Message from Mark 6:30-44 illustrating the 3 Keys necessary for effective ministry.

    3 Keys to Effective Ministry Mark 6:30 The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to Him all that they had done and taught. 31 He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest for a while.” For many people were coming and going, and they did not even have time to more

  • 4 Essentials Of An Effective Church

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Sep 17, 2016
    based on 7 ratings

    A sermon examining 4 things that are necessary for a church to be effective.

    4 Essentials Of An Effective Church Acts 16:6-10 Effectiveness is "the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result". You can have a business and not have an effective business... Just ask the owners of Radio Shack. You can have a sports team and not have an effective more

  • The Pentecost Effect – The Gospel Is For All

    Contributed by Otis Mcmillan on Jun 25, 2024

    Now the movement spreads into the Gentile arena. Did Jesus really mean take the gospel to the ends of the earth? Is it really for everybody? Including the porkchop eating, uncircumcised Gentiles? The invading Romans? Everybody? All means all.

    Sermon -The Pentecost Effect – The Gospel is For All Scripture - Acts 11:1-18 “Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God. But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, the Jewish believers criticized him. “You entered the home of more

  • How Effective Are Your Prayers?

    Contributed by Michael Moulder on Feb 23, 2005
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon challenges us as Christians to evalute the effectieness of our prayer lives and prayerfully causes us to improve upon them.

    Michael Moulder 10/24/2004 How Effective Are Your Prayers How Effective Are Your Prayers James 5:13-18 Introduction: T. J. Bach once wrote this prayer: I asked for health that I might do greater things; I was given infirmity that I might do better things, I asked God for strength that I might more

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