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  • Lifestyle Principles Sermon Iii: Prayerful Persistence Dispels Doubt Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Jul 22, 2020

    When facing the assaults of godless secularism, prayerful persistence of God's people propels God's work onward despite resistance.

    IN DOING GOD’S WORK, PRAYERFUL PERSISTENCE DISPELS DOUBT AND REPELS RESISTANCE At this point in life’s journey it should come as no surprise to us that, when endeavoring to live out the prayer principle, “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”, not all are in favor of God’s more

  • The Law And The Christian Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Apr 6, 2021

    Christians have recognized what observant men of all ages have noticed, and that is, that law that is a respecter of persons is an instrument of evil, whereas, law that treats all men equally is an instrument for justice.

    An angry group of citizens shouted at their small town mayor-"Every city car that passes through here breaks the law by breaking the speed limit. You've got to do something about it, and do it fast." "Don't you worry," said the mayor with confidence. "I'll more

  • Lessons From The Unfaithful Wife Series

    Contributed by Rick Hope on May 21, 2004
    based on 85 ratings

    This is the first of a two part message concerning the message of the book of Hosea. This deals with the marriage between Hosea and Gomer and how it parallels God’s relationship with Israel and in fact, all Christian believers.

    To begin a study on Hosea, we must first understand the meaning of the word “minor prophet” which is how Hosea was classified. A minor prophet was only assigned that classification based on the length of his book. It had nothing to do with the weight of his message or the length of time that he more

  • What Does It Mean To Be A Christian?

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Jan 29, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Christian is a fallen term cheapened by common usage. It now covers a multitude of religious ideas, error as well as truth, paganism as well as the revelation of God’s divine truth. This term Christian has been stretched to the extent that it covers rat

    What Does It Mean to Be a Christian? Acts 11:26 Intro Christian is a fallen term cheapened by common usage. It now covers a multitude of religious ideas, error as well as truth, paganism as well as the revelation of God’s divine truth. This term Christian has been stretched to the extent that more

  • Living And Dying For Jesus: Thoughts For All Saints Day

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Nov 1, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    This sermon talks about how in baptism we "cross the threshold" into God’s family. We become "saints" by virtue of our connection to Jesus. Many "saints’ past and present have given their life because of their witness to the resurrection of Jesus.

    In Jesus Holy Name November 5, 2006 Text: Hebrews 12:1-2 All Saints Day, Redeemer Lutheran “Living and Dying for Jesus: thoughts for All Saints Day” I have on my shelf one of those books on Systematic Theology…translated from German into English, more

  • Whoever 'stand Firm' To The End Will Be Saved

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Aug 22, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We are saved by grace and it is God's grace that helps us to stand when faced with persecution from without and complacency and temptation within. So many have 'fallen by the wayside'. God and God alone can help us to stand firm no matter what the world,

    Matthew 24:1-13 ‘Whoever stands firm to the end will be saved’. Sermon – Why we must stand firm The day will come, according to Jesus, when men will hand over their brothers to be killed; fathers will hand over their children to be killed; children will hand over their parents more

  • Avoiding Satan

    Contributed by Rev. Dwayne Kight on Jun 22, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon pointed to the need for a watchful outlook in resting the devil.

    I) Introduction: A) 1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober(watch), be vigilant(stay awake); because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: B) Every Christian has an enemy. 1) Although unseen by the natural eye 2) This adversary is not imaginary or a more

  • Discipleship - Doing The Father's Will Series

    Contributed by Nigel Heath on Mar 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We focus too much on the love of Jesus for us at the expense of focussing on Jesus’ love for the Father. True disciples devote themselves to doing the will of the Father as Jesus did.

    8.2.09 DISCIPLESHIP – DOING THE FATHER’S WILL - Luke 9 INTRO How many of you here are observing Lent in one way or another. Some people observe Lent merely out of ritual or as a tradition. I was astonished and somewhat bemused when Liz told me of someone she knows who is giving up swearing for more

  • Characters That Define A Christian

    Contributed by Arsenio Segismundo on Aug 1, 2012

    This sermon speaks about what christian should be in the light of God

    TITLE: CHARACTER THAT DEFINES A CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURAL REFERENCE: Proverb 3:1-12 By Ptr. Jack Segismundo Jesus is Lord Church - Angono Chapter Proverb 3:1-12.: Wisdom Bestows Well-Being 1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, 2 for they will prolong your life more

  • Characters That Define A Christian

    Contributed by Arsenio Segismundo on Sep 2, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon illustrates characters that defines a christian on a biblical perspective...

    Topic: "CHARACTERS THAT DEFINE A CHRISTIAN" Scriptural Reference: Proverb 3:1-12 By Ptr. Jack Segismundo (Writer and Contributor of Sermon Central) Jesus is Lord Church - Angono Chapter Proverb 3:1-12.: Wisdom Bestows Well-Being 1 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in more

  • The Way PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 5, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The sermon's main point is to encourage the congregation to seek and apply the way of humility, righteousness, and wisdom in their lives, as guided by the teachings of the Bible.

    Opening Scripture Reading – Good morning, church family! You know, I've been pondering this verse from Proverbs this week - Proverbs 16:25 - that says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." Now, ain't that something to chew on? This got me thinking about three more

  • Where Does Love Come From?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jan 21, 2023

    If we center ourselves on God, abiding in His giving love, there could be no avenue for the works of the flesh to enter into our lives.

    For this passage of Scripture, we need to understand the four types of love. There is the Agape – unconditional love (Godly), the Philia – beneficial love (brotherly), the Storge – family love, and the Eros – romantic love. In verses 7-8: Everybody accepts that love is significant, yet we more

  • Your Overlooked Sin

    Contributed by B. D. B Moses on May 2, 2022

    Israel was caught unaware, as they were cheering the judgement of the nations around them. Amos points his finger to the covenant people Israel. He charges them of their own overlooked sins deserving judgement.

    It shocks everyone. These crimes are so heinous: • Russian soldiers’ murder, torture, looting, rape against Ukrainian women, threats of violence, and inhumane treatment of POWs. • In Myanmar a massive wave of violence broke out in Rakhine State, forcing more than 700,000 people - half of them more

  • The Truth, The Whole Truth And..." Series

    Contributed by Darren Mccormick on Nov 7, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    The letter to the church at Pergamum Part 1.

    AM Sermon preached at Central Christian Church October 8, 2006 "The Truth, The Whole Truth and..." (The Letter to the Church at Pergamum, Part 1) Rev. 2:12-17 [SERIES SLIDE WILL TRANSITION AUTMATICALLY TO TITLE SLIDE THEN TO BLANK SLIDE] [note to techs----if you want to liven up the opening more

  • People That Influence Their World

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Witness, influence, evangelism and service

    PEOPLE THAT INFLUENCE THIS WORLD Matt 5:13-16 (page 683) May 30, 2010 INTRODUCTION: I came into my office Monday, went to check out my email and under the headings that scroll by was… "Believe it or not, celebrities are fat and zitty like the rest of us." Well since I'm more

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