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  • Jesus' Model On Prayer Series

    Contributed by C Vincent on Jan 18, 2010

    The second series on Prayer. The model Jesus gave us is just a pattern or model for us.

    Jesus’ Model of Prayer JCC 03.01.10 pm Session 2 Luke 11:1-4 Teach us to pray Their request is, "Lord, teach us to pray; give us a rule or model by which to pray, and put the words into our mouths.’’ It is Jesus Christ alone that can teach us By his word and Spirit, he show more

  • The Higher Path: Jesus Our Model Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Nov 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If Christ is our model we should model His attitude, actions, and path.

    June 4 The Higher Path: Jesus Our Model Philippians 2:5-11 The lower we bend, the higher we fly. If Christ is our model, how shall we model Him? 1. We are to model His attitude vv.5-7a John 1:1; Revelation 1:8 Every pride we have, every anger we experience, every irritation we notice, more

  • The Modeler And The Modeled

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jan 19, 2010

    Christ makes himself known as a creative Modeler... and we (individuals and His Church) are the modeled.

    Title: The Modeler and the Modeled Text: I Corinthians 12:1-11 Thesis: Christ makes himself known as a creative Modeler… and we are the modeled. Introduction Michael Chesko describes himself as an eccentric mix of engineer, model maker, unofficial cartographer, and most of all, artist. more

  • Jesus Is A Model For Witnessing

    Contributed by Ed Wood on Nov 17, 2006
    based on 75 ratings

    Educators say that people learn easily by observation. Here, Jesus models witnessing for us.

    JESUS IS A MODEL FOR WITNESSING John 4:1-42 INTRO: Educators say that people learn easily by observation. To see someone do something and to try it ourselves creates a good learning situation. Jesus is a model for a Christian’s life and ministry. By observing His life and work, believers can more

  • Models Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Sep 30, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Paul is suggesting we should not necessarily limit ourselves to colleagues, or instructors or even celebrities, maybe especially celebrities, as our examples. We should look to God.

    Ephesians 5:1 Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children 2 and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. You know those puzzles with a thousand pieces or so? Some are really difficult. If you've more

  • Be A Model Series

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Nov 18, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Paul models Christ. Who you are is more important than what you can do. Our life ought to be walking sermon that people remembers.

    I learn this from Paul – don’t just do ministry, live your ministry. • Let your life be a walking sermon. People see you and they see a glimpse of Christ. • They can see hope, love, joy, and purpose in our lives, because Christ dwells in us. • WHO you are has a greater and longer lasting impact in more

  • A Model To Follow Series

    Contributed by Danny Williams on Oct 18, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    A personal Example of Jesus and ministry

    “A Model To Follow” April 2, 2000 AM - Danny L. Williams Read John 13:1-20 Read the over head….. Over the next several week’s this is the challenge that is before us. The book of John is divided into two section’s you could say. The first 11-12 chapter’s deal with Jesus’ public ministry and the more

  • Jesus Our Model For Prayer Series

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Apr 17, 2016

    When we approach our Heavenly Father in prayer we need to understand that He knows us better than we know ourselves. For that reason we need not be afraid to bring before Him our doubts and fears as well as our questions about faith and life.

    Jesus our model of prayer Matthew 6:5-14 Prayer 5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your more

  • The Model Of Compassion

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Sep 28, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Watch how Jesus’ compassion changed a materialistic person into a disciple.

    It’s been incredibly rewarding and at the same time very busy with the arrival of Hannah. I’m very thankful for the meals some of you have dropped off to make our adjustment easier over the past week and a half. Elon suggested that we would call this ministry MACC Meals Ministry, the Marin Asian more

  • The Model Prayer

    Contributed by Jeff Simms on Oct 9, 2005
    based on 9 ratings

    On how Jesus prayed focusing on the Father and warnings that he gave us about prayer

    SBC Philippi 10/5/05 am Rev. Jeff Simms The Model Prayer1 Matthew 6:5-13 Primary Purpose: Jesus encouraged us to pray focused on him and to pray for his kingdom This story about the Lord’s prayer is told in both Matthew and Luke 11:1-4. They differ in what comes before Jesus teaches his more

  • The Model Prayer?

    Contributed by Raymond Perkins on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 29 ratings

    A look into the intent of Jesus in the prayer He gives His disciples in Matthew 6:9-13.

    THE MODEL PRAYER? Matthew 6:9-13 INTRODUCTION: One night a father heard his young daughter talking, although she was alone in her room. The door was cracked just enough so that he could see that she was kneeling beside her bed in prayer. Interested to find out what subjects a child would bring more

  • A Model Of Love

    Contributed by Jerry Cosper on Jan 9, 2014

    Salvation is through the grace of Jesus Christ. Some people still insist on adding to the plan. They believe things like not only should you accept Jesus, but you need be baptized, or you need to be confirmed, or you need to take the Lord's Supper.

    JUL 28 2013PM A Model of Love Acts 15:22-35 The great decree of salvation issued by the early church should have settled the issue forever. There is no question; salvation is through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. But some people still insist on adding to the plan. They believe things more

  • Model For The Role Model Christians Series

    Contributed by Cesar Verdeflor on Apr 30, 2007

    Christians become role models because they have role models themselves.

    Model fOR the Role Model Christians (1Thessalonians 2:1-12) IN CHAPTER ONE, PAUL PRESENTS TO US how the Thessalonian believers became “Role Model Christians” to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia. They ‘blasted forth’ the message of the Gospel not only in the provinces of Macedonia and more

  • Heaven & Earth 4- Jesus: God, Man And Model Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Jan 28, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus’ divinity and humanity are unquestionable and inseparable. But did He do His miracles by nature of being God or man? What are the implications of this? In His divinity He is unequalled- but in His humanity He is a model, prototype for us.

    Heaven & Earth 4: Jesus- God, man & model (Jesus’ miracles- performed as man or God?) Phil 2:5-11 Recap of previous 3 sermons in series 1 Divine 1.1 Jesus fully divine. God in the flesh 1.1.1 Jn 8:58, 20:58 (thomas), Jn 1 paralleling Gen 1 1.1.2 Jn 14:9 ’he who has seen me’ 1.1.3 Jn 10:30 ’I and more

  • A Fresh Model Series

    Contributed by John Sears on Nov 9, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Prayer seems to be a struggle for many people. It can seem stale and lifeless. But is also seems that Jesus KNEW how to pray. So what can we learn from his teaching to his disicles about refreshing our prayer life?

    Series Introduction There’s a well known hymn that starts off with these words. Sweet Hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer that calls me from a world of care…. It is a well known hymn for many people. The idea of the hymn is that prayer is sweet. And the words encourage us to spend more

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