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  • Where Did We Come From? Series

    Contributed by Coz Von on Jun 30, 2016

    one of the last century’s greatest scientific minds argues that, perhaps, aliens in spaceships first brought life to Earth, and that explains how we all got here. mmmmm??

    According to Hollywood, there’s no shortage of alien life in the universe. Unfortunately, these aliens are usually presented as hostile to humanity. In fact, flicks like War of the Worlds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and Independence Day depict cosmic creatures that threaten more

  • No Doubt Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 3, 2021
    based on 6 ratings

    The famous opponent of Christianity - Voltaire - actually believed the dead could be raised. He believed in a famous scientist of the day who maintained he had done just that. Voltaire rejected Jesus and His real resurrection and embraced a scientist and his false claim.

    Back in 1694, a man named Voltaire was born in Paris France. Voltaire was a famous writer, philosopher and intellectual of the day, but he was best known for was his hatred of the church of his day. He devoted himself to attacking and ridiculing Christianity at every opportunity, and he was a more

  • I See A Boiling Pot

    Contributed by Samuel M on Feb 26, 2024

    The Lord asks “Jeremiah, what do you see?” twice. These two visions are concerning the same season. When the Lord asks “Jeremiah, what do you see?” – He sees an almond tree. Almond tree is the first tree to blossom in Israel. The very first tree to announce the arrival of spring

    Then the word of the LORD came to me, asking, “What do you see, Jeremiah?”. I replied, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I watch over My word to accomplish it.” Again the word of the LORD came to me inquiring, “What do you see?” And I replied, “I more

  • Put Thou My Tears Into Thy Bottle

    Contributed by Thomas Andrufski on Feb 20, 2021

    This sermon shows us the deep and meticulous way God sees us. He knows and is concerned with His people in every way. (Make this sermon yours by putting in your own stories of how you have been comforted by God)

    Psalms 56:8 (KJV) Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book? This scripture shows us the tender heart of our heavenly Father. He has a tear bottle —in fact, perhaps a tear bottle for each of His wandering children. Ancient “tear bottles” have more

  • Leaven, For Good Or Ill

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 14, 2022

    The yeast is there working, but it is not visible. It works in the whole loaf, and best in darkness.

    Friday of 28th Week in Course 2022 It’s important when we hear this Gospel from St. Luke that we position the event in the journey of Jesus to Jerusalem. Remember, Our Lord knows that He is going to Jerusalem for what on Mt. Tabor was called His Passover by Moses and Elijah. He is going up to more

  • David And The Census And The Plague Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 8, 2020

    We can look to the past, either in the Scriptures or in our own country’s history, and discover that when we repent of our sin and cry to Our Lord, He always answers.

    Plague Year Homilies: David and the Census The second book of Samuel, which recounts the life and rule of King David, ends with several passages we would call “appendices,” because they appear to be tacked on by the editors of the book. It’s either difficult to put them into the history, or they more

  • Evolution Fact Sheet

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 25, 2014

    Here's the facts that will stop an evolutionist in their tracks

    IS EVOLUTION A HOAX? WHAT PROMINENT SCIENTISTS SAY ABOUT EVOLUTION 1. “Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great conmen, and the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution, we do not have one iota of fact.” Dr. Newton more

  • What Kind Of Life Support Are You On

    Contributed by Gary Regazzoli on Jun 27, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    God has dealt with the problem of sin through the death of Jesus, now Paul goes on to tell us how God deals with our sinful nature

    Rom 6:1-11 – What kind of life support are you on? Wanted poster for Osama Bin Laden  Our section in Romans today is God’s “Wanted Poster” but his is a little different  God’s wanted poster reads, wanted, Sons of God, “Dead AND Alive”  First three chapters of Romans talk more

  • Love In Advent

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Jan 12, 2004
    based on 34 ratings

    This sermon is about God’s love as expressed in the incarnation.

    Love in Advent 1 Corinthians 1:24-25 Sermon for Advent IV - Love in Advent - By Rev. Matthew Parker - December 21, 2003 An unusual survey was done a few years ago, Participants in the survey were asked this question.......what 3 word sentence would you most like to hear or have said more

  • God Is Bigger Than My Fears

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 24, 2021

    In the next few moments, I want you to get a glimpse of the greatness of God during times of fear. When I feel a need to panic, there’s the reason for hope. God is an Almighty God.

    Good morning to our church family who are joining us online. A special welcome to those of you who are guests joining us as well. Of course, there is no substitute for gathering together in person and I wish I could shake your hand to meet you face to face. The encouragement we receive from one more

  • The Universal Adhesive

    Contributed by Charles Salmon on Jun 5, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ is the cohesive force in the physical and spiritual realms and in one’s life and home.

    The Universal Adhesive Col. 1:17 INTRO.: When the driver of a huge trailer truck lost control of his rig, he plowed into an empty toll booth and smashed it to pieces. He climbed down from the wreckage and within a matter of minutes; a truck pulled up and discharged a crew of workers. The men more

  • The Task Of Taming The Tongue

    Contributed by Donnie Martin on Jul 26, 2010
    based on 11 ratings

    This message deals with: I. The Benefits Of The Tongue, II. The Brutality Of The Tongue, and III. The Bridling Of The Tongue.

    The Task Of Taming The Tongue Copyright © March 1994 by Rev. Donnie L. Martin. All Rights Reserved. Text: James 3:1-12 I. THE BENEFITS OF THE TONGUE A. The Tongue Can Bless. B. The Tongue Can Build. C. The Tongue Can Broadcast. II. THE BRUTALITY OF THE TONGUE A. Words Can Make The Heart more

  • Ash Wednesday

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Mar 9, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Lent starts with Ash Wednesday. The idea of observing lent is to come very closer to Lord Jesus Christ. Not what you don't eat will not matter but what you leave matters.

    Ash Wednesday Follow Me - John 1:43-51 Purpose Lent is a period of fasting and abstinence from meat and repentance contemplating one’s transgressions. The first council of Nicaea in AD 325 brought this tradition. On Ash Wednesday the Ashes made out of the Palm leaves taken in the previous year more

  • The Hoax Of Evolution

    Contributed by John Gaston on Feb 23, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Atheism is growing in America, due to the universal teaching of evolution. The church must counter this with strong evidence of the impossibility and contradictions of it. Here is a compiling of the latest juggernauts against the hoax of evolution.

    THE HOAX OF EVOLUTION Col. 1:13-17 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: ONLY HEARING ONE SIDE 1. A Judge was about to swear in a member of a jury when he was told that the man was deaf in one ear. 2. “You really can’t serve on the jury.” “Why not?” 3. “Because you can more

  • The Return Ticket Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 19, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The same strategies that fail outside of God’s timing can work wonderfully within God’s timing. The patterns we see before Moses left Egypt are repeated as Moses left Midian, but they now produce success because God’s time is right.

    The Return Ticket (Exodus 4:18-31) 1. I do not like many movies, especially newer ones. Although Christian convictions would limit what and how much I watch, if I was lost I still would rarely watch movies. It is who I am. I am, for the most part, a movie dud. 2. I will watch Charlie Chan, or more