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  • He's Always The Same!

    Contributed by Bramwell Hayes on Nov 3, 2005
    based on 45 ratings

    A first person narrative of the story of Jonah, focussing on God’s propensity to forgive repentant sinners, and believers’ resentment of this

    I knew that this would happen! I just knew it! God is always the same! He is always merciful and full of grace. He always forgives people who repent! Even Assyrian scum-bags! There I was, minding my own business, working as an ordinary prophet and preacher in Gath Hephron when along came God and more

  • Jesus Christ - The Same

    Contributed by Dr. Jeremy Simpson on Mar 11, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    The Immutable Christ

    Jesus Christ The Same Yesterday Today and Forever Hebrews 13: 1-17 Text Hebrews 13:8 In our lives today, everything changes. Technology advances and we must stay informed in order to succeed in our everyday lives. Who can remember when there were no computers? Who can remember when there were no more

  • Different...yet The Same

    Contributed by Carl Willis on May 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus and John the Baptist used different methods and styles of proclaiming their message. Even though the methods were different, the message was the same. This message examines how methodology and style are guided by the timeless mission of reconci

    Different…Yet the Same Matthew 3:1-6 Matthew 4:12-17, 23-25 May 6, 2007 Matthew 3:1-6 (NLT) In those days John the Baptist began preaching in the Judean wilderness. His message was, [2] "Turn from your sins and turn to God, because the Kingdom of Heaven is near." [3] Isaiah had spoken of John more

  • The Same Old Story!!

    Contributed by Jofrey Bustamante on Dec 16, 2009
    based on 26 ratings

    The story of Christmas has always been the same old story, but it has new meanings, every year!

    Introduction: “They were too busy. The day was upon them. The day’s bread had to be made. The morning’s chores had to be done. There was too much to do to imagine that the impossible had occurred. God had entered the world as a baby. Yet, were someone to chance upon the sheep stable on the more

  • The Same, Only Different

    Contributed by Bruce Ball on Mar 5, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    A sermon showing the similarities and the differences between John the Baptist and his cousin Jesus. Text, audio, and communion meditation will be placed at

    MATTHEW 3:1-3a ‘In those days, John the Baptist came preaching in the Desert of Judea, and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.” This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah.’ Beginning in VERSE 4-6 ‘John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair and he had a leather belt more

  • "Nothing Is Ever The Same"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 27, 2011
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon for Epiphany.

    Matthew 2:1-12 “Nothing Is Ever The Same” What images come to your mind when you think of the Magi in Matthew’s Gospel? Having sat through enough Christmas plays, it may be hard for some of us to banish the image of children wearing bathrobes and Burger King crowns, trying to more

  • Same Three Plays Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on May 4, 2023

    What draws away from God’s best? All of us are following a set of ideas we believe are best for us.

    Same Three Plays May 7, 2023 Last week we talked about coming into the light and discovering how much we’re loved. We prayed and confessed together. This week, we are going to talk about the temptation of going back into the dark. In chapter 2, John describes the way the world motivates us more

  • Crossdressing Is Not The Same As Transgender Series

    Contributed by Earl Arnold Jr on Apr 11, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    crossdressing even though a sin, does not mean same thing

    Crossdressing is not the same as transgender Deuteronomy 22:5 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) Preserving Natural Distinctions 5 “A woman is not to wear male clothing, and a man is not to put on a woman’s garment, for everyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD your more

  • Out Of The Same Mouth Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Jun 4, 2020

    Wisdom in, wisdom out. It really is that simple. We must allow wisdom to capture all of our hearts.

    James – Walk This Way Out of the Same Mouth June 14, 2020 James 3:7-10 NIV “All kinds of animals, birds, reptiles and sea creatures are being tamed and have been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With the tongue we praise our more

  • Body Building

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jul 17, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    Corinth was a fractious church that you’d have thought God would have given up on... but He didn’t. Why?

    (need yard stick & tape) OPENING: You may remember a few years ago when Snoopy, the lovable beagle in the Peanuts cartoon, had his left leg broken. Hundreds wrote letters to Snoopy or sent sympathy cards. Snoopy himself philosophized about his plight one day while perched on top of his doghouse more

  • "Your Privilege As The Church" Series

    Contributed by Blake Carroll on Oct 3, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    Members of Christ body has privileges to enjoy.

    Title: “Your Privilege As The Church” Scripture: Colossians 3:12-17 Introduction: Members of the body of Christ must realize that along with purposes to fulfill, there are also privileges to enjoy. As Christians we need to examine these, and realize that it’s what God wants more

  • The Church As The Family Of God

    Contributed by Steven Angus on Oct 5, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    The relationship between older and younger church members

    The Church as The Family of God 1 Timothy 1:1-2; 3:14-15; 5:1-2 Today, we begin a series of sermons that will focus on the greatest of all institutions. No I am not referring the national government or the United Methodist Church. I am speaking of the family. May 7-13 is National Family Week more

  • Body Language Series

    Contributed by Johnny Wilson on Aug 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The Bible speaks of the church as the Body of Christ for a reason, but most believers fail to celebrate their unique place in the body.

    The ancient Romans had an aphorism that went “Mens sana in corpore sanos.” It means, “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The ancients were quite correct that the two go together. The mind directs the body. It may do it on a subconscious or even unconscious level, but without signals from the brain, more

  • The Gospel And The Body Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 29, 2021

    When Paul preached to the Greeks in Athens about the resurrection of the dead, they mocked him. The idea of the body being raised was folly to the Greeks.

    Captain James Saunders of the U. S. Navy taught a graduate class on the principles of agreement. As a demonstration, he would give each member of the class a piece of white paper, and ask them to chew it. The paper had been treated with a chemical called phenylthiocarbimide. Some reported that more

  • Those That Left Him

    Contributed by Lauro C Hernandez on Nov 11, 2002
    based on 234 ratings

    Understanding when families or members of the Church leave.

    THOSE THAT LEFT HIM Jn. 6:66 “From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.” INTRO: We know that Jesus is the Son of God. His ministry here on earth was successful even unto the cross. But, his earthly ministry still wasn’t one without problems. We read many more

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