
Summary: In a world that is ever changing, it is a great comfort to know that Jesus Christ remains the same yesterday, today and forever.

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Heb. 13:8

INTRO. A cynic once remarked that nothing is permanent except change. We live in a world of change. Everything from ladies’ shoes to legislation, from automobiles to art, from furniture to finances... styles and customs and conditions change overnight. World events seem to tumble over each other with barely enough time to happen.

In such a breath-taking age men look here and there for a point of permanence.

a) Some rely upon financial investments, but money only serves to purchase more change.

b) Others seek to endure through fame, honors, and position; but how soon are the famous forgotten.

c) Some rely upon friends, but too many friends, like shadows, follow only in sunny weather...and even the best of friends are sometimes called away.

Thousands seek to escape life’s boredom through modern fads and isms. Someone has said: "The religion of China is Confucian: the religion of America is confusion." Men wander in a wilderness of cults seeking lasting satisfaction.

My dad used to tell of a man who bragged that he had been a Methodist and Presbyterian and was now thinking of leaving the Baptist work to become a Charismatic. My dad wished him luck. The man seemed puzzled, thinking his pastor would fight for his membership. Dad explained that he didn’t see any harm in changing labels on an empty bottle.

I rejoice that "I have an anchor that keeps my soul, steadfast and sure while the billows roll; fastened to the rock which can not move, grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love." That is the Jesus that I want to talk about today.


What marvelous satisfaction we can take in these four words.

A. Your health will leave you. (elaborate)

B. Your circumstances in life will not remain the same. (elaborate)

C. All too often we find that those around us can not be counted on. (elaborate)

D. Since all this is true, what a relief it is to turn from these changing scenes to Jesus Christ, the same. Here is One Who never fails the heart that leans on Him for rest.

1. Health may fail us -- but His strength is made perfect in our weakness.

2. Adversity may crash upon us -- but He draws closer than a brother and whispers, "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

3. Friends may desert us, so that we end up saying with Paul, "No man stood with me." -- But we can also say with him in the next verse, "Notwithstanding, the Lord stood with me."

4. And even when death draws near He assures us, "I am the resurrection and the life."

E. I take great comfort in knowing that my Saviour is referred to in Isa. 9:6 as "the everlasting Father" and as One with whom is no variableness or shadow of turning.


A. There is an eternity locked up in these words. In fact, eternity stands on either side of the Christ of today.

B. Strictly speaking, there is no past tense with the Lord Jesus Christ.

1. (Jn. 8:58) - "Before Abraham was I AM"

2. Jn. 1:1-2

3. We must never neglect to acknowledge the eternal pre-existence of Jesus.

C. But what of the Jesus of modern history?

1. Born in another man’s stable, buried in another man’s tomb.

2. Living in a little land less than half the size of Arkansas.

3. In His public ministry, never over a hundred miles from home.

4. He wrote no books, led no armies, left His truths with a few plain and unpromising disciples.

5. Died the death of a criminal.

6. Yet that life stands alone. What He said and did proves who He is. (Matt. 16:16)-"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God."

D. But the Jesus Christ of yesterday did not end in a sealed tomb. Christians are not living on a memory.

E. In the midst of despair Jesus appeared to His disciples as the eternal King; victorious over death, hell, and the grave. Then not many days after that He empowered His church to continue in His name.

F. Jesus Christ of yesterday is the Eternal Son from everlasting with the Father, sharing with Him in creation.

1. Jesus Christ of yesterday is the Word made flesh, taking the form of a servant, made sin for us.

2. Jesus Christ of yesterday is the risen and glorified Christ, living His life in millions of lives through 2,000 years.


A. Many Christians find themselves getting upset with God because Christ is not working to suit their own private agenda and timetable.

B. Christ is doing exactly what He purposed to do in this age, and His program is following the Father’s schedule.

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