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  • Why Don’t I Sense God’s Closeness More Often?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on May 3, 2018

    Jesus said the kingdom is near, yet often we don't sense God's closeness. This sermon looks at five places where we're likely to meet God.

    A GOOD QUESTION: Why don’t I sense God’s closeness more often? - Most of us can tell you about moments in our lives when we sensed God’s closeness. - One such moment for me was when the Holy Spirit spoke to me at 4 a.m. in Guangzhou, China. The presence of the Holy Spirit was so palpable and more

  • Jesus Sends The Twelve To The Lost Sheep Of Israel Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Feb 14, 2017

    Disciples, Students, then training as apprentices. Then sent as evangelists

    Introduction A. The interviewer examined the job application then turned to the prospective employee. "I see you have put ASAP down for the date you are available to start, meaning as soon as possible, of course. However, I see you've put AMAP down for required salary. I don't believe I've ever more

  • Martyr Missionaries Of Brazil

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 7, 2018

    Inacio and his companions continue their witness, but now to hundreds of scuba divers.

    Thursday of the 14th Week in Course 2018 Reformation/Revolution “No gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, no bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor a staff.” It sounds like a scene from the luggage carrel at an airport I flew into a couple of decades ago. But it’s the more

  • Praying With Jesus: Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Apr 15, 2019

    God's kingdom is when GOD'S WILL IS DONE.We pray for God's kingdom to come in THE WORLD, in THE CHURCH, and in US.

    PRAYING LIKE JESUS: Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven Read Matthew 6:9-13. Have you ever observed a tired toddler, crying and carrying on, for no apparent reason? His mother asks, “What do you want?” He doesn’t know what he wants; he needs her help! He needs a nap, more

  • A Commission Of Compassion

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Mar 27, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    A wake-up call to the Church.

    A COMMISSION OF COMPASSION. Matthew 9:35-10:8. The first thing we notice as we look at this introduction to what has been styled ‘The Little Commission’ (as distinct from the better known ‘Great Commission’ of Matthew 28:18-20) is that all true Christian mission is based in the teaching and more

  • Important Instructions From Jesus Our King (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 24, 2021

    Jesus wants us... 1. To make His message our priority (vs. 5-8). 2. To trust in His ability (vs. 8-10). 3. To follow His plan for our service (vs. 11-13). 4. To recognize the danger of rejecting Him (vs. 14-15). 5. To walk in the wisdom of the Lord (vs. 16).

    Important Instructions from Jesus Our King (Part 1) The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 10:5-16 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared December 24, 2021) MESSAGE: *Someone put together a list called "Kid’s Instructions on Life." Nine-year-old Rocky said: "When feeding seagulls, always wear a more

  • I Will Follow

    Contributed by Julia Cramer on Jan 16, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    An Interview with the disciple Matthew. Someone will be the Interviewer; the Pastor will play the role of Matthew. Understand how Jesus and the disciples interacted with each other, and the role Peter played as the leader. This is a fun and interactive way to deliver a message

    What does an Apostle and a penny have in common? They are both one sent. What did the disciples say when they caught all those fish in the net? Holy Mackeral Matthew 10:1-8: “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease more

  • The Savior's Plan For Our Service Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Dec 10, 2021

    1. He calls us to His service (vs. 1a). 2. He equips us for His service (vs. 1b). 3. He wants us to reach our God-given potential (vs. 2-4). 4. He sends us to specific people (vs. 5-6). 5. He sends us with the good news of His Kingdom (vs. 7).

    The Savior's Plan for Our Service The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 10:1-7 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared December 10, 2021) MESSAGE: *My wife is a planner. And I'm talking about an extraordinary planner. Some of us are making plans for Christmas. Mary's already thinking about next more

  • As Sheep In The Midst Of Wolves

    Contributed by Phillip Smith on Nov 22, 2024

    We are told many times over, we are to go and preach/teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but has anyone warned you of the possible situations you might be caught in trying to preach Christ and his crucifixion to a heathen world?

    Mt. 28:19-20, we know Jesus ordained the ‘Great Commission’. He said, ‘19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, more

  • Kingdom Representatives

    Contributed by Chidi Ejeagba on Feb 2, 2021

    You need to go back to your local territory and be an ambassador of your kingdom, in your home, office, community, school, any where you find your self and you need to influence that area with your kingdom's will and purposes.

    Today there are over 1.8 billion people on earth, different languages, different colors, different cultures but all of them are made in Gods Image. And God made each human being for the express purpose of revealing his nature in the earth. He is very clear about how he created them. One of the more

  • The Little Commission.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on May 30, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    As sheep among wolves (Matthew 10:16).

    THE LITTLE COMMISSION. Matthew 10:1-42. Jesus spoke of a plenteous harvest, ripe for the picking. ‘Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest’ (Matthew 9:37-38). Immediately after this saying, Jesus commissioned His disciples. MATTHEW more

  • God’s Haven For The Hapless (Father's Day 2017).

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 14, 2020

    Our God is our Heavenly Father who seeks to carry on his ministry through our parents whom He has willed to guide us in the way that we should go so that we will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6).

    GOD’S HAVEN FOR THE HAPLESS Text: Matthew 9:35- 38, 10:1- 8 Lou Holtz once said Win is an acronym for “What’s important now? …. The WIN strategy is applicable in times of prosperity as it is during a depression. ” (Lou Holtz. Wins, Losses and Lessons. New York: William Morrow (an more

  • Bread Of Adversity And The Bread Of Life

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 30, 2022

    What means the bread of adversity and the water of affliction?

    Saturday of the First Week in Advent 2022 We are all in our days in a time of economic uncertainty and political division such as none of us has seen in our lifetimes. That distracts us from what is most important, our final end, the goal of our human life. That is, of course, divinization, being more

  • Preparation For Jesus Coming (Advent)

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Dec 3, 2022

    We say that we are ready, but Are we Truly Ready? Have we done everything possible within our abilities to DO what GOD has commanded of us? HE is faithful as HE has promised, to help us. Let us examine what it is to prepare.

    2022.12.04. Stewards of the Mysteries Prepare for THE WAY William Akehurst, HSWC Advent: Hope, Preparation, Joy, Love 2nd Sunday: Preparation We as servants of Christ, are stewards of the Mysteries of GOD. We must prepare and be prepared. ADVENT Preparation is turning to GOD in Trust, placing more

  • Being A Kingdom Ambassador

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Sep 26, 2021

    Ambassadors are the embodiment of a government who represent the government they are from in foreign territory. An Ambassador is not elected by the people but is Choses by the King or Sitting President.

    KINGDOM AMBASSADORS By Bishop Melvin L, Maughmer, Jr. OPENING:- Religion is the quest of mankind searching for something that was lost. Every religion basically has the same concept the search for and the ultimate fulfillment of attaining what has been lost. Because religion tries to satisfy a more

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