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Sermons on Matthew 7:16: showing 181-195 of 272

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  • Uncovering Counterfeits Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Mar 5, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    To discern true or false preachers, look beyond their apparel; look beyond their appeal; and look beyond their approach.

    How many of you have heard of the “five-second rule”? It’s the popular notion that food dropped on the floor and picked up within five seconds is “safe,” because bacteria need at least five seconds to transfer from the floor to the food. Parents sometimes apply the rule to pacifiers (after their more

  • Grounded In Christ Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Jun 9, 2020

    Some miss the gate. Some lose their way, by false teaching, counterfeit spirituality, or not putting beliefs into practice. Some are grounded in Christ, and stand firm in the storms of life!

    Healthy Disciples: GROUNDED IN CHRIST—Matthew 7:13-27 Read Matthew 7:13-14. This is troubling. We know that many people in the world are not interested in eternal life with Christ as Lord and King, and that troubles us. Jesus implies, however, that many who claim to be Christians might not be more

  • Fruit

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jun 10, 2020

    There can be no fruit until there are roots. The fruit is a result of the roots. No roots, no fruit.

    How would you define fruit? What is fruit? W.E. Vines says, “Fruit is the visible expressions of power working inwardly and invisibly. The character of the fruit being evidence of the character of the power producing it.” God has some established principles, and this is one of them I want to share more

  • The Five-Fold Ministry Defined

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jun 12, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus commissioned His disciples to "Make Disciples of All Nations!" The work of the Five-Fold Ministry is to achieve this objective.

    Matthew 28:19-20 NIV 19. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20. and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." 2 Timothy 2:2 more

  • The Fruit Of The Spirit

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jun 30, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    The subtitle to this message is "The Proof is in the Fruit." This message deals with the kind of fruit that we are bearing as Christians. It talks about producing and maintaining for the kingdom. "We know them by their fruit..."

    MATTHEW 7:15-20 • We are encouraged by God to be discerning. Here is a good start on learning to discern. • It matters who you are connected too. Anointing’s travel… (There are Godly and ungodly anointing”s) I. FRUIT NEEDS A SEED A. Apples don’t come from grape seeds… 1. Unholy people do not more

  • La Vie Chretienne N'est Pas Un Long Fleuve Tranquille

    Contributed by Patrick Berthalon on Jul 3, 2019

    Au cas où on le croirait encore, la vie de disciples du Christ n'est pas une sinécure !

    LA VIE CHRETIENNE N?EST PAS « UN LONG FLEUVE TRANQUILLE » Matthieu 7.13-29 Jusqu'ici, on s'est bien rendu compte que les enseignements de Jésus rassemblés dans le Sermon sur la Montagne sont percutants, voire dérangeants, pour le moins exigeants. Mais là, more

  • Sermon On The Mount - Part 14 Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 3, 2019

    This is Part 14 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” in the “Sermon on the Mount.” This part deals with Jesus' assurance - Ask, seek, and knock; the narrow gate; false prophets; and building on the rock.

    Part 14 - Ask, seek, and knock; the narrow gate; false prophets; building on the rock Sermon on the Mount The Christian Character Matthew 5:3 - 7:27 (Cf. Luke 6:20-49) This is Part 14 in a 14-part series of studies I call “The Christian Character” as described by Jesus to a crowd of people on a more

  • Continue Your Journey In Peace Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Aug 3, 2019

    As Jesus concluded His Sermon on the Mount, He advised His listeners that, having heard His message, they had to make the inevitable choice between the way of spiritual life and the way of spiritual death. So do we.

    CONGRATULATIONS! YOU CHOSE THE RIGHT WAY! CONTINUE YOUR JOURNEY IN PEACE! Getting on an airplane at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is quite a challenge. There’s a right way and a wrong way. If you try to board the aircraft any other way than that which is prescribed, you will be more

  • One Thing Leads To The Other Series

    Contributed by John Bright on Jan 16, 2021

    Working through the book of Philippians using consecutive expository preaching.

    Series: Philippians Sermon: “One Thing Leads to the Other” Philippians 1:9-11 Pastor John Bright Philippians 1 “9 And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, 10 that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and more

  • Jesus' Chilling Warning, Part I Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Sep 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    No more chilling, nightmarish warning can be found anywhere in Scripture than Jesus' in Matthew 7:21-23--that many will come before Him on Judgment Day assured they're going to heave and will find out differently.

    The Paradoxical Sayings of Jesus Jesus’ Chilling Warning Matthew 7:21-23 As paradoxical sayings go, we’ve come to one of the very hardest of all the sayings of Jesus this morning, a saying, which “paradoxically” comes near the very end of what most people regard to be the greatest sermon ever more

  • I Am Building For A Lifetime

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Sep 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon deals with the need to use the right building materials and the proper foundation to become what God wants us to be in life.

    I Am Building For A Lifetime September 14, 201 Isaiah 28:16 1 Corinthians 3:5-17 Matthew 7:15-28 Have you ever purchased an item that looked great in the package or on the advertisement but when you got it, you said, “this is nothing but a piece of junk, it so flimsy, I want my money more

  • The Parable Of The House Built On The Rock Series

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Nov 29, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    Life consists of the choices we make and is built on the things we do every single day. ? How do you know that your world isn’t just going to fall to pieces when the storm comes in

    The parable of the house built on the rock Matt. 7:13-29 Life consists of the choices we make and is built on the things we do every single day. But how do you know if the life you’re building is secure? How do you know that your world isn’t just going to fall to pieces when the storm comes more

  • Why Do I Need Holy Spirit - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Nov 29, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Has anyone ever asked you, "Why do I need Holy Spirit?" If so, what did you tell them? Here is a study that may help us more thoroughly answer this question!

    Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune Godhead. Often, when God makes Himself known, He will do it through a Holy Spirit manifestation. The three most common “known” forms of God’s presence are: 1. The Omnipresence – Ever present God (Whether we feel Him or not) 2. Indwelling Presence – The more

  • The Christian And False Prophets Series

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Dec 9, 2019

    A few differences between cults and the Christian faith

    How do you tell the difference between a cult and the Christian religion? There are many ways, but the best ways are as follows. I. Their Views on the Bible A. The Christian faith 1. It was written by men supernaturally inspired. 2. It is truth without error. 3. It is the complete and final more

  • Christian Challenge Sermon Xii: Continue Your Journey In Peace Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Dec 12, 2019

    In times like these, every one of us must make a choice between the way of spiritual life and the way of spiritual death. Life has its crossroads, and the choice we make determines our destiny. The way of Christ is the way of Peace!

    CHRISTIAN CHALLENGE SERMON XII: CHOOSE THE RIGHT WAY AND CONTINUE YOUR JOURNEY IN PEACE! Getting on an airplane at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport is quite a challenge. There’s a right way and a wrong way. If you try to board the aircraft any other way than that which is prescribed, you will be more

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