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  • The Disappointment Of Having Just Missed It

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Jan 10, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    This message looks at the importance of being ready when Jesus comes. Being almost prepared is not being prepared at all.

    The Disappointment Of Having Just Missed It by Rick Gillespie- Mobley Matthew 25:1-25:13 The Disappointment Of Having Just Missed It 12/04/2012 Eccl 9:1o-12 Matthew 25:1-13 Text Matthew 25:1-13 Let me introduce you to Tyrone. Tyrone was 25 years old and for the first time in his life, he more

  • Are You Prepared?

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus wants us to be prepared for His return, to be faithful and wise servants who are actively involved in the work of His Kingdom. We need to keep watch and stay invested in His Kingdom.

    Are you the type of person who tends to wait until the last minute to take care of important things? • Do you wait until the last minute to study for an exam? • Do you wait until April 14 to file your income tax return due on April 15? • Do you postpone going to the see the doctor until you more

  • Ready Or Not Bridesmaids Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 4, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 10th sermon in the "When Does It End?" Series. This series is from Jesus' Olivet Discourse.

    Series: When Does It End? [#10] READY OR NOT BRIDESMAIDS Matthew 25:1-13 Introduction: As we have been studying about the last days before Jesus Christ returns, we come to a story about wise and foolish people. As we think about the last days, do you have any regrets? When we leave this earth more

  • La Segunda Venida De Nuestro SeÑor

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Apr 22, 2020

    Este sermón se incorpora y adapta «La parábola de las diez vírgenes: una imagen de la segunda venida», un sermón de Joseph Wallis, Sermon Central, enero de 2002, a quien se le reconoce el crédito.

    La profecía de la Segunda Venida de Jesús a menudo es mal entendida por los propios cristianos o es objeto de burla y ridículo entre los no cristianos. Y, sin embargo, es una de las doctrinas más importantes de la Biblia. Por tradición, el advenimiento es la temporada en la more

  • Heavenly Marriage

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jun 1, 2019

    Get ready for the bride.

    HEAVENLY MARRIAGE Matthew 25: 1 Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. 2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil more

  • The "second Coming" Of Our Lord

    Contributed by Byron Perrine on Jul 9, 2019

    This sermon incorporates and adapts “The Parable of the Ten Virgins—A Picture of the Second Coming”, a sermon by Joseph Wallis, Sermon Central, Jan. 2002, to whom credit is hereby acknowledged.

    (We invite you to visit us at or The prophecy of the Second Coming of Jesus is often either misunderstood by Christians themselves, or, the object of derision and ridicule among non-Christians. And yet, it is one of the most important more

  • Waiting Wisely

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on Jul 10, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    A sermon to help us use our time wisely and prepare us for the coming of the Lord.

    INTRODUCTION Life is about a series or sequence of waits. There are a number of things we will wait for in our journey of life. We keep moving from one season or chapter of waiting, to another season or chapter of waiting. For example, if you just took an exam, you are waiting for your results to more

  • La Decepción De Haberlo Perdido

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Dec 6, 2019

    Este sermón trata sobre la decepción de haber perdido la segunda venida de Cristo y el rapto.

    La decepción de haberlo perdido Por Rick Gillespie- Mobley 18/11/2018 Eccl 9: 11-12 Mateo 24: 36-44 Texto Mateo 25: 1-13 Tyrone tenía 27 años y, por primera vez en su vida, había mantenido un trabajo durante más de seis meses. Realmente necesitaba este trabajo, pero las more

  • Later Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on May 13, 2020

    Words matter. Words are powerful. The Devil uses words against us and his words are dangerous to live by!

    Pt. 3 - Later Introduction You may think these shelves are full but even if they were completely empty they still couldn't hold the number of books self-published just online in one year. Did you know that in 2018 the total number of print and e- books that were self-published was 1.68 million more

  • Jesus Is Coming Back, Be Prepared (5 Of 5) Series

    Contributed by Gary Holt on May 31, 2020

    Jesus is coming back a second time to collect the faithful and issue rewards, we need to always be ready

    “Jesus is coming BACK, BE PREPARED” Week 5 of 5 Matthew 25:1-13 Credit: Steve Shepherd, Troy Borst, The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament Please stand for the reading of God’s Word: Matthew 25:1-13 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps more

  • Keep Watch

    Contributed by Tim Walker on Jun 17, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Most of Jesus’ parables are aimed at telling us about the kingdom of heaven or what it will be like when that kingdom arrives.

    Most of Jesus’ parables are aimed at telling us about the kingdom of heaven or what it will be like when that kingdom arrives. Now this passage begins with the phrase, “At that time, the kingdom of heaven will be like,” and then he goes on to describe a scene from a very typical Jewish wedding at more

  • Kingdom Parables 1 Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jul 25, 2018

    First of 5 messages exploring the parables related to the Kingdom.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch “Parables of the Kingdom” Review Jesus told parables or made up stories to illustrate spiritual truth in terms that people could instantly relate both emotionally and intellectually. The Parable of the Good Samaritan reminded us that we demonstrate more

  • Buy Oil While The Sun Shines Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 22, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    Parables for Seekers, Pt. 9

    BUY OIL WHILE THE SUN SHINES (MATTHEW 25:1-13) A good friend called me shortly on the Saturday afternoon exactly a week before the day of my wedding. He asked hesitatingly, “What are you doing?” I sensed something was not right and asked him what he meant. After a brief pause, he asked meekly: more

  • A Real Oil Crisis

    Contributed by Chip Monck on Nov 28, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    An exploration of maintaining a deep spiritual commitment while awaiting the return of Christ.

    Recap of where we have been: Two weeks ago – Jesus crying out with the prophet Isaiah that God’s house will be a house of prayer. Last week – We dove into Jesus preparatory teaching to His disciples that as time winds down, and the consummation of the kingdom approaches, it is critical that we more

  • Are You Ready?

    Contributed by Michael Walther on May 24, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon addressed the problem of hypocrisy based on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Hypocrisy can only be cured by recognizing it and by discovering Jesus' unhypocritical love for us.

    Introduction It’s foolish to be a pretender. Just ask John Corcoran. John never learned to read in elementary school. Somehow the teachers just kept passing him along. When he got to high school he became at expert at cheating. He turned in other people’s work. He said more

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