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  • E Pluribus Unum Series

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Jun 28, 2009

    To show the nature and diversity of Christ’s Church along with every person’s place within it.

    E PLURIBUS UNUM Matthew 12:46-50 (The fourth in a sermon series from Matthew 12 called “Words We Live By”)* Sermon Objective: To show the diversity of Christ’s Church & every person’s place within it. Supporting Scripture & documents: John 17:22-23; The Apostle’s Creed PREFACE We are finishing more

  • God's Will For Your Life

    Contributed by George Crumbly on Nov 28, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    To encourage the reader to seek out where they should be serving God

    GOD’S WILL FOR YOU by George Crumbly Humphrey UMC 02/25/2007AM Matthew 12:46-50 I started off this week thinking about God’s will. Tuesday at 5:20pm the District Superintendant called me from Pine Bluff to see if I could drive to Pine Bluff and meet with the credentials board. I had to be there at more

  • It’s Time To Stop Pretending Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 3, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    We are more like the Pharisees than we would like to admit - hiding our true selves from others and from God and blaming external things for the consequences of our own behavior. But Jesus offers real hope if we will open up to Him in relationship.

    The act of projection involves blaming things outside of yourself for your problems. The act of denying personal responsibility means it is the fault of your spouse, your boss, the government, the weather, or even that tool you were using. The Pharisees were masters at projection, and as it turns more

  • Deal Or No Deal: The Choice Is Yours - It's Not My Treasure, It's His!

    Contributed by Jonathan Falwell on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 14 ratings

    Today, we make our one singular choice to Follow God’s Way, with the resources that God has placed in our care, and to be good stewards of those resources.

    Deal or No Deal: The Choice Is Yours It’s Not My Treasure, It’s His! Last week, we began a new sermon series entitled Deal or No Deal? The Choice is Yours! And I said that for the next six weeks, I wanted to talk about making the choice to obey God and not waiver from His ideal for your life in more

  • Are You A Part Of God's Forever Family? Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 16, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus uses the example of His biological family to teach that we can be a part of another family, a spiritual family and how we can be a part of God’s forever family.

    INTRODUCTION Families have always mattered to God. Before He created the nation or the church, He created a family. Someone said families are like fudge candy—mostly sweet, but with a few nuts! We’re going to talk about being a part of God’s forever family today. Today is more

  • The Need For Spiritual Change

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 28, 2013
    based on 6 ratings

    When we listen to and obey our Lord Jesus we are received into a new spiritual family.

    THE NEED FOR SPIRITUAL CHANGE. Matthew 12:22-50. The spiritual blindness of the people opposed to Jesus is demonstrated in their reaction to His good works. Their refusal to hear His message is echoed in their speaking out against Him. A demon-possessed man, who was physically both blind and more

  • Cuando El Amor Se Hace Costumbre Series

    Contributed by Pastor: Jose Luis Dejoy on Jul 3, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Cuando comenzamos una actividad comercial, estudiantil sentimos gozo o en una relación amorosa, sentimos que cada beso nos hace volar, cada caricia nos hace suspirar. Pero pasa el tiempo y en algunos ni siquiera mucho tiempo cuando

    Cuando comenzamos una actividad comercial, estudiantil sentimos gozo o en una relación amorosa, sentimos que cada beso nos hace volar, cada caricia nos hace suspirar. Pero pasa el tiempo y en algunos ni siquiera mucho tiempo cuando empiezan los problemas, por el trabajo, las obligaciones, en more

  • The Watchful Servants

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 20, 2018

    You need the real meat that is the Holy word of God so you can discern the times and see how near the Masters coming is. You are not to fall into idleness or be defeated by being beaten down by this world of distraction. WATCH!

    The Parable of the Watchful Servants Luke 12:35-48 Message: God’s plan to redeem the world to Himself involved the birth, life, death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ. Jesus remains the key figure in God’s plan but many have dismissed Jesus imminent return and have allowed their hearts more

  • His Mother And Brothers Seek An Audience Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 4, 2017

    Jesus addressed the crowd, on this day, regarding subjects which drew the resentment of the Scribes and Pharisees. And while He was speaking, His mother, Mary, and His brothers arrived at the house where He was at.

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 28- Capernaum Lesson: His Mother and Brothers Seek an Audience Matthew 12:46-50, Mark 3:31-35, Luke 8:19-21 -Matthew- Matt 12:46-50 (KJV) 46 While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. 47 Then one more

  • Bringing People And Churches Together Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 20, 2019

    In this day of conflict and disunion, we need to recover this sense that we are all one family of God, to dedicate ourselves to peaceful resolution of conflicts.

    Tuesday of the 16th Week in Course 2019 St. Liborius I suppose like many Baby Boomers one of the most memorable films of my lifetime was the Cecile B DeMille epic The Ten Commandments. It was his second stab at commemorating the Exodus, and his only one both with sound and color. Who could forget more

  • Challenges To The Younger Generation Series

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Sep 14, 2019

    Preached for Grandparents Day; talking about aging issues

    HoHum: Today is Grandparents Day. Marian McQuade campaigned for grandparents day because she appreciated her grandparents so much. President Jimmy Carter made grandparents day a national holiday on August 3, 1978. 3 purposes for grandparents day: 1) to commemorate and pay respect to more

  • What's So Great About Being A Christian (Part Two)

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Nov 12, 2018

    Last week I asked the question, 'what's so great about being a Christian'. I focused on the fact that a Christian is a child of God. And because I am a child of God, another thing that is so great about being a Christian is that Jesus is now my brother and my friend.

    WHAT'S SO GREAT ABOUT BEING A CHRISTIAN? (part two) Last week I asked the question, 'what's so great about being a Christian'. I focused on the fact that a Christian is a child of God. I mentioned we become a child of God through faith in Christ. Everyone is a creation of God but in order to more

  • The Things People Say About Jesus Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Feb 4, 2021

    You cannot be neutral about Jesus. You can admire Him or loathe Him. You can try to understand Him or have nothing to do with Him. You can listen to Him or ignore Him. The truth is that you will face Him one day, and what you have done with Him will decide where you will spend eternity.

    Wherever Jesus went, He caused a riot or a revival. The work and words of the Lord Jesus Christ have affected lives, changed the course of history, made us face our mortality and grow up in terms of character, morals, thought, and living. For countless millions of souls who have trusted in Him more

  • Fifteen Facts To Consider About The Immaculate Conception Of Mary And The Virgin Birth Of Jesus

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Nov 30, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    One of the wonders of the Christmas story is that the Triune God gave the honor of being the mother to the Savior of the world to an unmarried teenage girl.

    The belief that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the "Mother of God," "Queen of Heaven," a perpetual virgin, and has an exalted place in Heaven, which provides her the closest access to Jesus and God the Father, is not taught anywhere in the Bible, which is the final and absolute more

  • Kindred Spirits

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Jan 13, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God has designed the created order with the foundational communities of the family and church. They reflect his gracious providential care, especially through the blessings of love, grace and a sense of belonging.

    Matthew 12:46-50 [Read text] The cover photo from the Mother’s Day issue of a Christian magazine showed a neatly groomed and well dressed little brother and sister serving their mother an artistically arranged breakfast in bed on a silver platter. In a subsequent letter to the editor, a mother more

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