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Sermons on Mateo 12:35:

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  • Causes Of Domestic Violence Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Dec 17, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    This teaching is taken from my book “Beaten, Battered, Bruised & Blessed” (Christians Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence) more information can be found at My prayer is it will help you in Pastoral ministry.

    This teaching is taken from my book “Beaten, Battered, Bruised & Blessed” (Christians Recognizing and Responding to Domestic Violence) more information can be found at My prayer is it will help you in Pastoral ministry. Causes of Domestic Violence “A woman, a dog, and a walnut more

  • Heart Talk - The Tongue Reveals The Heart Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Dec 12, 2016

    This is the final sermon in the SPEAK LIFE series. Transforming our speech begins by transforming our hearts. Our speech problems are really a heart problem.

    Introduction: A. Let’s begin by talking about dandelions. 1. How many of you love dandelions in your lawn? a. How many of you distain dandelions in your lawn? b. Look at that…we are even a divided nation when it comes to dandelions? 2. When it comes to a dandelion, the key to its survival is more

  • Understanding The Spiritual Impact Of A Spoken Vow

    Contributed by Daniel Cruz on Oct 7, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Through out the entire bible we see the impact that vows have on the lives of believers whether positive or negative

    UNDERSTANDING THE SPIRITUAL IMPACT OF A SPOKEN VOW Matthew 12:36-37 ESV I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (READ WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT VOWS) The more

  • That Is Why You Fail Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Nov 8, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Part one of this series focuses on how our words let others know what is within our hearts because we speak what we believe within.

    That Is Why You Fail! Scripture: Matt. 12:34, 37; Proverbs 18:21; James 3:3-10; Introduction Jesus said that our words reveal our character and our beliefs. In Matthew 12:33-37 Jesus said “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree more

  • "Accentuate" The Positive

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Dec 31, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    he chose to dwell on the positive no matter what was going on in his life… And God rewarded The diligence and trust of his faith....and turned every situation he faced around miraculously for the good.

    Choose to "Accentuate" the positive Illus. The Tongue A biblical writer said, “The tongue can no man tame.” A Greek philosopher asked his servant to provide the best dish possible. The servant prepared a dish of tongue, saying: “It is the best of all dishes, because with it we more

  • Every Word

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Feb 7, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Here is a short teaching on guarding our speech.

    Every Word Christians and Non-Christians Must Give an Accounting Oswald Champers in My Utmost for His Highest wrote "The deadliest pharisaism to-day is not hypocrisy, but unconscious unreality." Jesus spoke a truth that awakens the human soul to a reality that is going to be experienced by all more

  • How To Spot A Transformed Christian

    Contributed by Doug Fannon on Oct 27, 2016

    Outward signs of the inner reality

    Matthew 12:33–37 (NKJV) 33 “Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or else make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for a tree is known by its fruit. 34 Brood of vipers! How can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. 35 A good man more

  • The Holy Spirit - Part 7 Of 9 Series

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 5, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Continuation of the ministries of the Holy Spirit, examination of the relationship of the Holy Spirit and the scriptures, and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

    THE HOLY SPIRIT This nine-part series was originally developed for a class environment, and later adapted for use in a prison ministry conducted via correspondence. Because of that background, questions were developed for each lesson for participants to use in a setting conducive to discussion, or more

  • Jesus Accused Of Blasphemy Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Aug 2, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus cast a demon out of a man who was both blind and deaf; what a sad condition. Those that witnessed this were full of admiration, and they exclaimed, “Is not this the son of David?”

    Harmony of the Gospels -AD 28- -Capernaum- Title: Jesus Accused of Blasphemy Matthew 12:22-37, Mark 3:20-30, Luke 11:14-23 -Matthew- 22 Then was brought unto him one possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb: and he healed him, insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and saw. 23 And all more

  • Are Your Words Testifying Against You?

    Contributed by Barry O Johnson on Sep 24, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    One of the things that I believe we sometimes forget is that the words that we speak mean a lot more than what we may think. This message is about the importance of speaking in agreement with God.

    Are Your Words Testifying Against You? One of the things that I believe we sometimes forget is that the words that we speak mean a lot more than what we may think. And one of the verses we’re going to look at this morning, and I’ll turn to it. It’s John 6:63. Jesus says, “It is the spirit that more

  • [the Hymn] I. The Praise To God. (Vs. 1-3) Series

    Contributed by David Darst on Jun 2, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    During this Crisis….this Great Psalm was penned. Out of Trouble came a Triumph! This is a brief overview and context in which this Psalm was written and the revelation to David about God’s Sovereignty over his situation.

    Mirth is not a word we use everyday -- it simply means Joy or Laughter, Happiness. Hebrew: sim·khä' -- mirth, gladness, joy, gaiety, pleasure; joy (of God) Interesting enough is the Companion passage of 1 Sam 21 -- Let me summarize; with an encouragement for you to read (1 Sam 20-21 more

  • No Eye Has Seen, No Ear Has Heard (Matt 12:22-37)

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Dec 14, 2020

    Matt 12

    NO EYE HAS SEEN, NO EAR HAS HEARD (MATTHEW 12:22-37) Grammar Bible (English) Tatabahasa Alkitab (Indonesian) Biblia de Gramática (Spanish) Gramatika Bibliya more

  • The Renewing Of The Mind

    Contributed by Luther Sexton on Oct 24, 2019

    Man is composed of three parts: Body, Soul, and Spirit

    THE RENEWING OF THE MIND According to Watchman Nee I. THE RENEWING OF THE MIND A. Mind 1. Two ways of translating a. mind b. understanding 2. In Greek --> it is the word nous Used 24 times in New Test. Romans 1:28; Romans 7:23; Romans 7:25; Romans 11:34; Romans 12:2; more

  • Words

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Feb 25, 2019

    Words are powerful; we must use them to build each other up.

    Words February 24, 2019 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: Words are powerful; we must use them to build each other up. Focus Passage: Matthew 12:34-37 Supplemental Passage: for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21 more

  • The Watchful Servants

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jun 20, 2018

    You need the real meat that is the Holy word of God so you can discern the times and see how near the Masters coming is. You are not to fall into idleness or be defeated by being beaten down by this world of distraction. WATCH!

    The Parable of the Watchful Servants Luke 12:35-48 Message: God’s plan to redeem the world to Himself involved the birth, life, death and resurrection of His son Jesus Christ. Jesus remains the key figure in God’s plan but many have dismissed Jesus imminent return and have allowed their hearts more

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