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Sermons on Mark 10:51:

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  • What The Blind Man Saw

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 22, 2021

    The blind man saw things that many of us don't or fail to see the truth of who Jesus is, the truth about oneself, and He saw hope.

    What the blind man saw: Mark 10:46-52 1. Jesus and his disciples were passing through Jericho, Jericho to Jerusalem 15 mile journey. • Jerusalem is where the cross awaited. • Jesus had warned his disciples three times that he was going to Jerusalem to die, but each time they more

  • Bartimaeus

    Contributed by Gaither Bailey on Oct 22, 2021

    What can we learn from the actions of a blind beggar?

    Bartimaeus – Mark 10: 46 - 52 Intro: While researching this sermon I came across this prayer that I want to share with you this morning. “Dear God, So far today I’ve done all right. I haven’t gossiped. I haven’t lost my temper. I haven’t been greedy, grumpy, more

  • Thirtieth Sunday In Ordinary Time; 30th Sunday B--Bartimaeus.

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 23, 2021

    We can all get stuck on the side of the road in different ways at different times in our lives.

    The name, fame and shame of Bartimaeus. His name means Bar, meaning “the son of” Timaeus. Others point to the Aramaic or Hebrew word for "unclean" (‘bar-tem’), suggesting that BartimaeSus is "son of the unclean." In reality both names fit because Bartimaeus was a poor more

  • Jesus, Son Of David, Have Mercy Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 23, 2021

    Jesus can bring all of humanity back together in His community, in His Church, in His Kingdom.

    The prophet Jeremiah has a really bad rep. Of course, his prophetic book doesn’t help that much when one of his most famous prayers to God is “Thou hast deceived me, O Lord, and I am deceived: thou hast been stronger than I, and thou hast prevailed. I am become a laughing-stock all the day, all more

  • Xxx Domingo Ordinario-- Bartimeo

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Oct 23, 2021

    En estas situaciones, no hagas caso de la opinión de los demás, sino obedece la evidencia de tu conciencia y toma a Dios como testigo de todas tus acciones.

    El nombre, la fama y la vergüenza de Bartimeo. Su nombre significa Bar, que significa "el hijo de" Timeo. Otros señalan la palabra aramea o hebrea para "inmundo" ("bar-tem"), lo que sugiere que Bartimeo es "hijo del inmundo". En realidad, ambos more

  • The One Who Hears You

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Oct 25, 2021

    A sermon for the Sundays after Pentecost, Year B, Lectionary 30

    October 24, 2021 Hope Lutheran Church Rev. Mary Erickson Mark 10:46-52 The One Who Hears You Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. There is a deeper story behind every person we meet. It’s very easy for us to minimize others. We more

  • Seize The Day / Strike While The Iron Is Hot

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Oct 25, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    There is an adage: "Strike while the iron is hot". When the time is right, you should act. You should seize the moment or you will lose your opportunity. We are called to be a witness and to bring others to Jesus. We need to strike when God gives us an opportunity.

    There is an adage ... that you may still hear at times even today: .... "Strike ... while the iron is hot". The saying is basically telling us .... that when the time is right... you should act... you should seize the moment ... or you will miss out ... on your opportunity. The adage more

  • Witnessing Boldly To The Gospel Of Life Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 29, 2021

    We may not dispose of things as we please.

    Monday of 33rd Week in Course Gospel of Life According to Mark and Luke, the incident just outside Jericho, on the road to Jerusalem, represents the first time someone identified Jesus as the Messiah and was not immediately silenced. The disciples had been scolded on many occasions by Jesus, more

  • Be Kind To The Disabled Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Oct 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Those who are disabled can challenge believers to be more authentic in their Christian faith and love. This message shows how a blind man was able to challenge the disciples and a crowd of people who were following Jesus.

    My family attended two Baptist churches in Danville that were unusually, yet refreshingly, filled with a love for those who are disabled. We saw the deaf, for which a sign language interpreter was provided. We also saw those with some sort of mental handicap, and those with a wide range of physical more

  • What Do You Want Me To Do For You? Series

    Contributed by Bob Myers on Sep 8, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus' question is the same to you and me today as it was to Bartimaeus on the road to Jerusalem: What do you want me to do for you?

    Who Is This Man? What Do You Want Me to Do for You? Mark 10:46-52 Choose Wisely “He chose poorly.” Those were the understated words of the ageless knight in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade as the movie’s villain’s face melted away in vintage Spielberg fashion. If you recall the scene, Indiana more

  • Jesus, The Light Of Our Lives

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Aug 1, 2015

    The light of Jesus gives us light and hope, just like Jesus gave sight and spiritual light to a blind beggar named Bartimaeus.

    Good morning boys and girls! Who can tell me what’s coming up on this coming Wednesday night? That’s right, it’s Halloween!! So who is getting dressed up and going our trick or treating? Have you got your costumes and your goody bags ready yet? Hey, if you want lots of goodies, more

  • Now You Have Something To Shout About

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 9, 2021
    based on 3 ratings

    This is a rewrite of Dr. Jwt Spies great sermon. Bartimaeus began to shout as Jesus passed by. His shout brought him into Jesus' presence and he received sight. Begin this new year with a shout!

    NOW YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOUT ABOUT Mark 10:46-52 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A first grade teacher seated her students in a circle. She asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up. One child announced, "I'd like to be a nurse like my mother," or "I want to be a banker more

  • The Cry For Sight: Bartimaeus' Faith Journey SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    He believed that this could be his only chance to see again, and he was determined to meet the only one that can make him see again. He had to get Jesus’ attention, so he yelled as loud as he could, "Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me."

    Today, we will explore the remarkable story of Blind Bartimaeus, a man who desperately sought to regain his sight. This encounter with Jesus in the city of Jericho teaches us valuable lessons about faith, persistence, and the power of God to transform lives. Verse 46: As Jesus and His disciples more

  • Is Jesus Still Passing By Today?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Jun 4, 2023

    What a question to ask for our day and time in this world, "Is Jesus Still Passing by Today?" Where is our faith? Can we not see Him or hear Him?

    What a question to ask for our day and time in this world, "Is Jesus Still Passing by Today?" Where is our faith? Can we not see Him or hear Him? In verse 35: Beggars regularly lined up along the streets close to urban areas since that was the place where they had the option to contact more

  • How Sweet The Smell Series

    Contributed by Rev. Timothy Porter on Apr 18, 2022

    Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem. When Jesus arrives there, He will be rejected by the Jews, betrayed into the hands of the Gentiles and crucified on a Roman cross. Jesus is headed to His death at Calvary.

    INTRODUCTION: WELCOME! Thank you for allowing me into your lives this morning and Thank you for choosing to worship with us today at The Bridge in this beautiful new facility! God is SO GOOD! We are offically in the Easter season and I am starting a series of messages titled 7 Mile more

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