
Summary: What a question to ask for our day and time in this world, "Is Jesus Still Passing by Today?" Where is our faith? Can we not see Him or hear Him?

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What a question to ask for our day and time in this world, "Is Jesus Still Passing by Today?" Where is our faith? Can we not see Him or hear Him?

In verse 35:

Beggars regularly lined up along the streets close to urban areas since that was the place where they had the option to contact most people. Typically impeded somehow or another, they could not make money, they could not earn a living. Medical assistance was not accessible for their issues, and individuals would in general disregard their commitment to tend to the poor (Leviticus 25:35-38).

Beggars had little expectation of getting away from their degrading lifestyle. In any case, this visually impaired beggar took trust in the Messiah. He boldly shouted out to get Jesus' attention, and Jesus said that the man’s faith made him see. Regardless of how urgent our circumstance may appear, if we call out to Jesus in faith, he will help us.

In verse 38:

The man called out “Jesus, thou son of David”. Although the blind beggar could not see with his physical eyes, he saw Jesus with his heart. He knew that this was the Messiah, while the religious leaders were spiritually blind though they physically saw his miracles. It is ironic that so many people with the physical ability to have vision in their eyes cannot see Jesus when he passes by. (Isaiah 9:6-7, 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Romans 1:3; Revelation 22:16)

In verse 40:

Jesus said bring him to me, bring all who have need of saving. In spite of the fact that Jesus was concerned about the impending events that were to occur in Jerusalem, he showed what he had recently taught his disciples regarding service (Matthew 20:28) by halting to focus on the blind beggar.

In verses 41-43:

The man only asked for his sight. He only asked to be healed. His was a prayer of faith. The blind man’s sight was restored. His faith in Jesus had saved him. The man began praising and glorifying God, and the people who saw what had just happened, they began to give praise to God as well. (Luke 7:50, 17:19, 19:37; Isaiah 35:5; Matthew 9:8)

Many people today with 20/20 vision have yet to see Jesus’ death on the Cross and how it relates to their lives and forgiveness of sins. As in then, Jesus is still passing by today. We can listen to others tell of what Christ has done for them, either for saving their souls, giving healing to their bodies, or what Christ has done for their friends and family members. The people give him praise, honor, and glory.

Do we not give our recommendation and endorsement regarding a particular product or service that we have received? We want to tell others about it that we have found. It may be that we have tried a new brand of coffee or tea, or maybe a new restaurant. We want to tell others about it.

There are multiple times that when Jesus was passing by that people’s lives were changed. As Jesus went through Cana, he experienced an aristocrat whose child was at the place of death and Jesus healed the boy (John 4:46-54). As he went through Capernaum and met a leper Jesus healed him (Mark 1:40-45). Jesus went through Nain and there he met a widow whose child had died, and Jesus resurrected him (Luke 7:11-17). Jesus goes through Galilee, there was a man who was moved by evil spirits and that was blind and mute, Jesus healed him and cast out the devil (Matthew 12:22-24). And there was also the time when Jesus passed close to Capernaum and experienced a lady with an issue of blood, Jesus healed her (Mark 5:22-24).

Mark 2:17, “When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

Notice that in the case of these people, Jesus was in the area. How many of us could recant a story of how Jesus has changed their life in some way? When Jesus passes by, things happen. But when we look at our society today, we may wonder, where is Jesus? Christ is still here with us and near us, but in general, Christians have failed to take him out into the world.

Woe unto us when an animal is worth more than an unborn child. Woe unto us when the world is worried more about what is happening out in space than what is happening to humanity here on earth. Woe unto us when the sins that were hidden in the back yard are now proudly displayed in the front yard.

Too often preachers present a message of prosperity, kindness, and love but they are failing to preach on sin and transgression and the price it costs to continue living a sinful life in a sinful world. Too often Christians are failing to LIVE the life that they should be living, one that is pleasing unto God and that shows Christ to the world. If we confess to be a Christian, then we should be walking and talking as a Christian should. We should be out there telling the world about Christ. Our work and service for the Lord are outside the church building, not in it.

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