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Sermons on manage conflict:

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  • The Cure For Conflict (Pt. 1) Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Aug 23, 2021

    James begins chapter four with a question about what causes fights among us. He spends 12 verses discussing the causes and cures for conflict. In this sermon, we will focus on the first 6 verses that address the causes of conflict.

    Introduction: A. A boy once asked his dad, “Dad, how do wars begin?” 1. “Well,” said his father, “Take the First World War, it got started when Germany invaded Belgium.” 2. Immediately the boy’s mother interrupted, “Honey, tell the boy the truth. It began because somebody was more

  • Sermon On Conflict & Freedom

    Contributed by William Meakin on Jul 6, 2022

    Conflict is defined as a serious disagreement or argument with another, typically a protracted one.

    Lao Tzu, also known as Laozi, an ancient Chinese philosopher once remarked: “In dwelling, live close to the ground. In thinking, keep to the simple. In conflict, be fair and generous. In governing, don't try to control. In work, do what you enjoy. In family life, be completely present.” James more

  • How To Deal With Church Conflicts Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jan 13, 2023

    A study from the book of James. This study is inspired by Rick Warren's book: Developing a Faith that Works, Book of James Volumes 1 & 2.

    ILLUSTRATION: I’m sure most of you have heard of the Hatfields and McCoys, two famous (or infamous) FEUDING FAMILIES from the hills of Pikesville, Kentucky. (Actual photo of the Hatfields taken in 1897.) Now, what you might not know is this famous FAMILY FEUD lasted for a DECADE—and it started more

  • A Unique Approach To Our Conflict

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Mar 15, 2023

    Sometimes God fights for us, and sometimes with us.

    A Unique Approach to Our Conflict After being wounded and captured during Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg, the Union captors sent Captain Benjamin Farinholt to the Federal prisoner-of-war camp on Johnson’s Island in Ohio. There he and his fellow prisoner John Latane devised a daring escape plan. more

  • How Paul Handled Conflict?

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Oct 14, 2023

    Paul tells us how to deal with conflict.

    How Paul handled Conflict? Philippians 4:1-9 1. The Church at Philippi • The apostle Paul, is writing to the church at Philippi. It’s a church Paul Loves • He tells his readers that he appreciates their congregation for its faithfulness to the gospel. He urges them “stand firm in the Lord” • The more

  • " In Pursuit Of Honor" Dealing With Conflict

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on May 2, 2018

    a sermon on dealing with conflict and acting like believers

    “In Pursuit of Honor” 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Trails to Christ Cowboy Church, Jacksonville, Texas April 15, 2018, Pastor Shuffle I am sure that I am not alone when I say that I am a fan of the Old West I love Western fiction books - Louie Lamour, Elmer Kelton, Jack Shaffer I love western more

  • The Cure For Conflict (Pt. 2) Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Mar 2, 2020

    In the second half of Romans 14, Paul challenges the Christians at Rome to not put any stumbling blocks in front of other believers, but to do only what leads to building others up.

    A. The story is told of a rabbi was at odds with his congregation. 1. The president of the synagogue said, “Rabbi, we must have a conference to settle this dispute once and for all.” 2. So the rabbi, the president and the ten elders met together to discuss the issue, but the rabbi soon discovered more

  • The Cure For Conflict (Pt. 3) Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Mar 9, 2020

    In Romans 15:1-13, Paul encourages all of us to follow the example of our Lord in putting the good of others before our own interest, and he encourages us to seek a unity that will enable us to effectively praise God with one heart and one voice.

    A. The story is told of a little boy who got into an argument with two boys twice his size. 1. The little boy drew a line in the sand and dared the two boys to cross it. 2. The two bigger boys accepted the challenge and crossed over the line. 3. Immediately, the little boy’s face lit up with a more

  • No Conflict Between Faith And Science Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 25, 2017

    Reality is greater than the physical universe.

    Thursday of fourth week in Lent 2017 Joy of the Gospel We look today at the person and message of Moses. In the Gospel, Jesus tells us that Moses wrote about Him. Where? Torah says that Moses told his people that the Lord would in later days raise up a prophet like himself. They would know that more

  • The Cure For Conflict (Pt. 2) Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Aug 30, 2021

    James offers several cures for conflict. We think the problem in conflict is the other person. But James says the cure begins with us submitting to God, drawing near to God, resisting the devil and to stop judging others.

    Introduction: A. One day a proper Englishman found himself seated on a train with two ladies who were arguing about whether to have the window opened or closed. 1. One lady claimed that she would die of heatstroke if the window stayed closed. 2. The other lady said she would die of pneumonia if more

  • Seeking God's Guidance In Conflict PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Seeking God's guidance in resolving conflicts, the importance of reconciliation, and the power of prayer.

    Good morning, church family! Today, we're going to dive deep into a message about seeking God's guidance in conflict, the process of reconciliation, and the power of prayer. You see, conflicts are an unavoidable part of life. However, as followers of Christ, we're called to handle them in a way more

  • "Use Caution": Manage Your Mouths Series

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Mar 13, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Our words are important not only so that we don’t hurt others but that we do not close the door on God’s blessing in our life.

    Iliff and Saltillo United Methodist Churches March 16, 2003 Second Sunday of Lent “Use Caution”: Watch Your Mouths I Peter 3:8-15 Introduction: Today’s scripture was written to Christians living in a pagan society where Christianity was being attacked and Christians were persecuted and even put more

  • How To Manage Cross-Cultural Ministries

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 11, 2001
    based on 5 ratings

    Pastor David’s problem comes from the difference of world view assumption he has on leadership from most western style management books. First, let us examine some of the critical differences between Western and non-western assumptions about administratio

    HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY MANAGE YOUR CROSS -CULTURAL MINISTRIES Introduction - Imagine Pastor David who loves his youth, successfully leads many young people to Christ, but struggles to know how to administrate his ministry. He knows his Biblical imperatives for youth ministry. He has successfully more

  • Godly Financial Management Part 5 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Feb 3, 2013

    This message focuses on being a cheerful giver and our right to choose how much and how often we choose to give to the Lord.

    Godly Financial Management Part 2 Paying God Part 5 Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 9:7; 1 Timothy 6:18-19; 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 Introduction: Previously I have shared with you that under the New Testament covenant you are not required to tithe and you will not bypass heaven and be sent straight to more

  • Principles, The Essential Foundation (Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Feb 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In this the 3rd message of the series 'Money Matters' we are going to continue our formula, attitude + principles + practices = freed up financially.. by looking at the principles of - contentment, trust and humility.

    Principles, The Essential Foundation #moneymatters3 (much of this is based on Gary Johnson's Book, 'Too Much') OKAY – let’s do this… Week three in our series ‘Money Matters.’ MAN – it’s been fun so far, hasn’t it? HEY – do you know what has been crazy and pretty surprising to me about this more

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