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  • Unveiling Easter's Secrets SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Explore the three profound promises of Easter: The Empty Cross symbolizing the forgiveness of sins, The Empty Tomb representing eternal life, and The Empty Burial Clothes signifying a personal relationship with Jesus.

    Today, I want to share with you the three promises of Easter. These promises are marked by three significant elements: the empty cross, the empty tomb, and the empty burial clothes. Each of these emptinesses holds a powerful promise from God. Let's explore these promises together. The first promise more

  • The Empty Tomb Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon introduction focuses on the significance of the empty tomb as a symbol of Jesus' resurrection, providing hope and gratitude to believers.

    Welcome church and happy resurrection Sunday! Today, as much as any other day in the Christian calendar, we have so much to be grateful for. Today is a day we look back and remember, but it’s also a day we are reminded of the hope we presently have in Jesus as we look to an uncertain future. Pastor more

  • The Empty Tomb Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon celebrates Resurrection Sunday, expressing gratitude for Jesus' resurrection, symbolized by the empty tomb, and the hope it brings to believers.

    Welcome church and happy resurrection Sunday! Today, as much as any other day in the Christian calendar, we have so much to be grateful for. Today is a day we look back and remember, but it’s also a day we are reminded of the hope we presently have in Jesus as we look to an uncertain future. Pastor more

  • He Rose From The Grave Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This Easter sermon introduction reviews a series called "Against All Odds" based on Isaiah 53, highlighting the prophesied actions of the Messiah that were fulfilled by Jesus during Holy Week.

    Good morning everybody! And Happy Easter! Are you ready to do some learning today? Pray with me: Lord Jesus, speak to me. Amen! Take out your notes and let’s learn together. For the past 5 weeks we’ve been in a series called Against All Odds. The series is based on a monumental chapter in the Old more

  • Evidence Of Christ's Return

    Contributed by Grant Adams on May 20, 2023

    The resurrection of Jesus was unexpected, and beyond human explanation and understanding, and in violation of all-natural laws.

    The resurrection of Jesus was unexpected, and beyond human explanation and understanding, and in violation of all-natural laws. But it was true. It was what God did to give proof and power to all of the life and ministry of Jesus. On the first Easter, those who were the closet to Jesus were the more

  • Jesus And Our Resurrection! Series

    Contributed by Larry Vollink on Mar 2, 2021

    What's the greatest event of all-time? The Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Listen why!

    Have you ever been to an Easter Pageant? In the past, SouthEast Christian Church has attracted crowds of 80,000. I remember a small community of churches came together to put on a local Easter Pageant. The director searched hard to find the right persons and had auditions to be the best. The more

  • Hopeless Ending—endless Hope - Mark 16:1-8 Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Jun 5, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Mark's account of the resurrection ends this way: “Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone because they were afraid.” No appearances by Jesus? What kind of ending is that? It's a profound ending with an important lesson

    Mark 16:1 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Sa-lome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body. 2 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, "Who will more

  • Easter Expectations

    Contributed by Loyd C. Taylor on Mar 14, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This is a message I preached along with our Easter program, I wanted to build the excitement of Easter, relating how the first Easter brought this expectation.

    INTRODUCTION: Happy Easter to you! We are so glad you came to worship with us today. Please turn in your Bibles to the Gospel of Luke. As we read about the disciples and what they expected on that first Easter morning, we should ask ourselves, “What are our Easter expectations?” Text: Luke more

  • The Resurrection - The Devoted Women At The Tomb – Resurrection Message For Easter – Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Ron Ferguson on Mar 29, 2023

    How could the disciples be so thick that they would not believe the resurrection? Disbelief translated all the truth of the women’s testimony and joy to nonsense. As the fact of the resurrection spread, joy and excitement replaced the sorrow and defeatism they all had.

    THE RESURRECTION - THE DEVOTED WOMEN AT THE TOMB – RESURRECTION MESSAGE FOR EASTER – PART 2 We continue to examine this loyal group of women who went to the tomb early on Sunday morning carrying their prepared spices but when they arrived, the tomb was open and the body of Jesus was missing. In more

  • He Is Not Here. He Is Risen!

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Apr 5, 2023

    Easter is more than a party. It is a life-changing reality.

    He is not Here. He is Risen Luke 24:1-11 It’s Easter time again. And again we are challenged with what Easter is all about. In some circles, robed choirs, priests and congregations go through the prescribed Easter ritual, some of which goes back nearly two thousand years. I have found Easter more

  • It All Comes Down To This

    Contributed by Terry Hovey on Apr 8, 2023

    It all comes down to this… It’s a phrase we’ve all used at some point or another. It speaks of a defining moment—a critical stage in your life—a momentous occasion. A point in life where everything changes. In one way or another, nothing will be the same from this point on.

    It Comes Down to This Luke 24:1-12 I am not a football fan. As a matter of fact, I’m really not a fan of any kind of sports. Now, I love to play golf, and maybe some other games, but I really dislike sitting and watching games. Unless it’s maybe an HS game, and I know some of the players, but more

  • Women Ask For Directions

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Apr 11, 2023

    The gospel of Luke does the best job in discrediting the wrong tomb theory (Used for a sunrise service)

    HoHum: A boy asked his grandmother, "Why did Moses wander in the desert for 40 years?" The grandmother answered, "Because even back then, men don’t stop and ask for directions!" WBTU: Jim Croegaert wrote a song popularized by Sandi Patty called Was It a Morning Like This: more

  • The Empty Tomb

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Apr 26, 2023

    Easter celebration of the empty tomb

    The Empty Tomb Selected verses Good morning everyone- Happy Resurrection Sunday -Easter- The empty tomb! Prayer- I would encourage you if you weren’t here last week to listen to the message “Awful yet wondrous cross on our church webpage or on my YouTube channel- it is because of what Jesus did more

  • The Empty Tomb Series

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Apr 2, 2024

    Based on Luke 24:1-12 - Challenges hearers to consider the importance of the message of Easter.

    “THE EMPTY TOMB” Luke 24:1-12 FBCF – 3/31/24 Jon Daniels INTRO – When other religions describe their main figure or leader or teacher, they use the word “was.” - Muhammad WAS an Arab religious, social, & political leader & the founder of Islam. - Buddha WAS a wandering ascetic & more

  • Implications From Jesus’ Burial & Resurrection-1(2024)

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Apr 3, 2024

    1 of 4. Luke lays out the historicity of Jesus’ burial & resurrection. Jesus was dead, buried, & resurrected. But What details surround His burial & resurrection? 13 implications from the details surrounding Jesus’ burial & resurrection.

    Some IMPLICATIONS From JESUS’ BURIAL & RESURRECTION-I—Luke 23:50--24:12 Need: The burial & resurrection of Jesus is historical fact. Trust in the fact of Jesus’ death, burial, & resurrection, is a key factor in a person’s being ‘born-again’. Trust in the facts surrounding Jesus’ more

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