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  • Searching For Jesus

    Contributed by Mathew Philip on Jan 23, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The story of Joseph and Mary searching for Jesus is an invitation to consider where your are in your journey of faith. If your relationship with God has grown stale, the good news is that Jesus is right where he is supposed to be, just waiting for you to find him.

    When Jesus was 12 years old, his parents went to Jerusalem as they did every year at the feast of the Passover. When the feast was ended, as they were returning, the boy Jesus stayed behind in Jerusalem. His parents did not know it, but supposing him to be in the company, they went a day's more

  • Grant Us Wisdom

    Contributed by Jim Keegan on Feb 22, 2021

    We live in the Information Age, a time in which entire libraries of knowledge are available to us. And that’s a blessing. But as followers of Jesus, let’s also remember that wisdom and understanding are even more crucial to making a difference for God in our generation.

    Read Luke 2: 39-52 When I was a young boy, I had what should have been a teachable moment. My mother, siblings and I were just returning home from being out for the afternoon, and as she pulled in the driveway she said, “I want everyone to come straight into the house. We’re going to eat very more

  • Getting To Know God - Part 8 - God’s Family Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Nov 20, 2019

    The Lord God is a family God. This is a look at the "Three Families of God", what they mean to us and how we can become a member of the family.

    Getting To Know God - Part 8 - God’s Family Please stand as we read our newest memory Scripture together … Jude 1:24-25 “To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy – “To the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, more

  • Lost In The Shuffle

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Dec 2, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    This morning we are going to follow Mary and Joseph’s dilemma and think about how we too might lose sight of Christ, how Jesus can become LOST IN THE SHUFFLE of our busy lives, especially during this Christmas Season.

    TITLE: LOST IN THE SHUFFLE SCRIPTURE: ST. LUKE 2:41-52 I am excited this morning to begin our Advent series. I look forward to and love this time of year and bring messages leading up to the greatest announcement the world has ever heard. I hear so many preachers say they no longer do an more

  • Mary A Terrific Teenager

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Dec 3, 2019

    The Roman Catholic Church has defied this young girl and in response, many Protestants have demoted her as some kind of second-class servant of God. This is wrong because she, like her Son, was one of God's suffering servants.

    MARY - THE TERRIFIC TEENAGER Luke 1:26-38 A remarkable thing about God is that he trusts us with His work. He trusted men and women in Bible times to receive and record His revelations of Himself. He entrusted His church with His supreme revelation, Jesus, and with the great commission more

  • The Song Of Simeon: The Cradle And The Cross

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Dec 23, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon built on "God's resolutions" and promises. The holy family keep the Jewish rules for purification. Visited the temple. Simeon for tells the future. Herod seeks to dismantle God's resolutions and fails.

    In Jesus Holy Name December 29, 2019 Luke 2:25-32 Christmas I “The Song of Simeon: The Cradle & The Cross” Well, here we are almost at the then end of another year. Do I still say “Merry Christmas” or do I greet you with “Happy New Year”? Liturgically we are still in the more

  • My Father's Business Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Jan 2, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    As we begin a new year on our journey to eternity, I’m sure that many of us have spent some time contemplating how we can make 2021 a better year.

    I Must Be About My Father’s Business Luke 2:41-52 As we begin a new year on our journey to eternity, I’m sure that many of us have spent some time contemplating how we can make 2021 a better year. Some things are out of our control, but some areas we can grow within. Today’s text is the last more

  • The Mind Of The Master Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 16, 2021

    The mind of Christ has had a great impact on this world, greater than any other mind. His church has done more to influence the intellectual development of mankind than any other institution.

    A teacher began his Sunday School class by starting a discussion. He said he was reading in the Bible about a living dog and a dead lion, and he asked the class which they would rather be? There was a pause, and then Jack spoke up and said, "I'd rather be the living dog. It's better more

  • The Mind Of The Master Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 26, 2021

    Jesus was self educated, and was an intellectual of His day. He knew His nations past history well through His study of the Old Testament.

    A teacher began his Sunday School class by starting a discussion. He said he was reading in the Bible about a living dog and a dead lion, and he asked the class which they would rather be? There was a pause, and then Jack spoke up and said, "I'd rather be the living dog. It's better more

  • The Significance Of The Small Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 26, 2021

    To an infinite God everything is small, and He seems to favor the small even from the human perspective. The small is the foundation for both His physical creation and His spiritual kingdom.

    God loves to get His will done in this world by means of little things, little places, and little people. You and I are conditioned to look for big things like New York, London, or Paris, but God with His infinite sense of humor often has His eye on hick towns like Bethlehem or Bridges Creek, more

  • Star Searc Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 26, 2021

    If we expect the coming year to be a good one, then we have to be committed to be searchers. Only searchers find the best. All of the lost and hidden stuff in the world is found by searchers.

    On Columbus Day 1992 American scientist launched the greatest search in history. NASA called it Search For Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, or SETI for short. Frank White in his book The Seti Factor tells us this project using radio scopes and newly developed computer technology was designed to more

  • Jesus Confronts Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 3, 2021

    I wonder if Jesus were to enter your Temple, the place designated as your place of worship, what would He think? Would He see your Temple had been replaced by thoughts of business and making a buck? What do you daydream about during worship?

    Video is shown of Jesus’ throwing the Money-Changers out of the Temple before sermon. This is three month long study of the last week of Jesus’ earthly life. This is greatest week in history. Bracketed by Palm Sunday on one end and Easter Sunday on the other, this is the most important week in more

  • What Child Is This? Christmas Message

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 18, 2022

    There were 5 people on an airplane, including the pilot. The other four were:

    • Michael Jordan • Bill Gates • A Preacher • And a Hippie All of a sudden the engines went out. The pilot came on the intercom and said, "I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that we've got parachutes. The bad news is that there are five of us, and we've only got four more

  • The Family Business (2018)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Oct 20, 2022

    How would you have felt if you had been Mary? Today’s text points out three important things, separation, recovery and discipleship.

    THE FAMILY BUSINESS Text: Luke 2:41 - 52 The late John Hughes is one of my favorite filmmakers. He was known for making many come-of-age movies like Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, Weird Science, Uncle Buck. He was also well known for two classic more

  • What God Wants Christians To Do For Children Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 2, 2022

    1. Help bring children to Jesus. 2. Pray for children. 3. Never try to keep children away from Jesus. 4. Help children grow up God's way.

    What God Wants Christians to Do for Children The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 19:13-15; Mark 10:13-16; Luke 2:40-52 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared November 2, 2022) BACKGROUND: *Please open your Bibles to Matthew 19:13. By this time, Jesus was only about 3 months away from dying on the cross for more

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