
Summary: This morning we are going to follow Mary and Joseph’s dilemma and think about how we too might lose sight of Christ, how Jesus can become LOST IN THE SHUFFLE of our busy lives, especially during this Christmas Season.

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I am excited this morning to begin our Advent series. I look forward to and love this time of year and bring messages leading up to the greatest announcement the world has ever heard. I hear so many preachers say they no longer do an Advent series because of the challenges each year. Can I tell you this morning, it never grows old to me!

• The Advent season is about the coming of Jesus Christ

• Advent begins with a time of waiting and longing

• It ends with celebrating the birth of our Savior, the Messiah, on Christmas

As I prayed and sought the guidance of the Holy Spirit as to where to begin in this Advent season, my focus turned to the beginning of the account found in the Gospel of St. Luke which I have read this morning. It is a very interesting account as to Jesus being left behind by his parents in Jerusalem. I read the account, I couldn’t help but allow my mind to wander and think of what has become a classic Christmas movie entitled, “Home Alone.” Anyone remember that holiday movie classic from 30 years ago?

If you are not familiar with the movie, it’s about a boy around the age of 10-12 who is unintentionally left at home for Christmas when his large and extended family take a vacation to France. The family gets on the plane and it takes off and that’s when the mom has a feeling that she’s forgotten something, only to realize that she forgot her son, Kevin, at home. Not to ruin the ending if you haven’t seen it, but the family is eventually reunited after the mischievous little boy spends a few nights at home alone.

Well, we might call the account that we heard of this morning from Luke Chapter 2 as - “Jerusalem Alone.” But to be true to the text this morning, it is not the narrative of some mischievous little boy surviving in the big city or negligent parents who forgot their son.

• This is the narrative of God’s Son Jesus, knowing exactly who he was and why he had come into the world

• Something that was important for his parents to remember

• Something that is important for us to stop and see this morning

• Especially as the Holiday and Holy Day Season begins to pick up steam on this first day of December

This morning we are going to follow Mary and Joseph’s dilemma and think about how we too might lose sight of Christ, how Jesus can become LOST IN THE SHUFFLE of our busy lives, especially during this Christmas Season. But, to the credit of Mary and Joseph, it all comes together for them at the end of the account. For the shape of their narrative, if we are not careful, can fit the shape of ours as well.

There is a reason that Elect Lady and I stand at the back door every First Sunday, as we will do today, after serving communion. It is because the other Sunday’s of the month, too many of us are in such a rush to get out the door of the church. We don’t spend time to chat, mediate and reflect on what you just heard and perhaps even ask the preacher questions. First Sunday each month is our opportunity to try to greet you and chat for a few moments. Notice in our text VS. 43 - How Joseph and Mary were in a hurry to get home.

• They did not linger there in Jerusalem

• They had accomplished their religious obligation

• They did not want to hang around the church house any longer than they had to

• In a hurry to eat Sunday Dinner

• In a hurry, to watch the Ball Game

• In a hurry to go and Gossip about morning worship

• In a hurry to go take a Nap!

Consider with me HEBREWS 2:1 “THEREFORE WE OUGHT TO GIVE THE MORE EARNEST HEED TO THE THINGS WHICH WE HAVE HEARD, LEST AT ANY TIME WE SHOULD LET THEM SLIP.” We should not be in such a hurry to dismiss what we have heard or else it simply begins to slip.

• Joseph and Mary gave no heed, they were ready to go home

• We are told through the text, the Boy Jesus lingered behind in Jerusalem

• Jesus, apparently was in no rush

• He was interested in what he heard

When Mary and Joseph came back and found Him, Jesus was listening to what the men of God had to say and he was asking questions of them.

• Sometimes we need not be in such a rush to get out the door of the church but mediate and reflect on what you just heard and ask the preacher questions

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