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Sermons on Luke 2:15:

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  • The Insignificant In Christmas

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jan 10, 2016

    God uses the most insignificant things to make the most difference. It's true at Christmas, too!

    The Christmas story is a great story, and it rivals anything Hollywood ever came up with. There’s conflict, anticipation, a villain (or several villains, depending upon how one looks at the story), political intrigue (especially as Herod attempts to deceive the magi), there’s more

  • The Gift Of Christmas 2015

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 12, 2016

    Christmas is more than the buying of presents. It is celebrating the birth of Christ and what His birth means for us.

    The gift of Christmas 2015 Luke 2:8-15 Introduction- We are 5 days away from Christmas! I hope that you have a good handle on present buying, have at least bought the food, and you have a game plan on how you will get to see or talk to those that are important to you. I said last week more

  • Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Jan 16, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    An order of service for Christmas Eve. Mostly scripture reading and singing.

    Welcome – Invocation Tonight we come to light one candle. It is a candle to remind us that Jesus is our light. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords who has come to offer salvation to all of mankind. Jesus said, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the father more

  • Angels In Our Midst Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016

    Angels are everywhere at Christmas time too. When you go back to the first Christmas, almost every major character in the Christmas story has an encounter with an angel

    Angels in Our Midst Luke 2:8-20 Natalie Hullander tells the story of her three-year-old son, Zac who was diagnosed with leukemia. Questions for God abounded: “Will God keep Zac safe? Will he be okay?” Zac checked into Hemby Children’s Hospital in Charlotte, North Carolina. One more

  • From The Cradle To The Cross

    Contributed by Mark Mitchell on Mar 23, 2015

    From His birth to His death everything in His life shows Christ is the Messiah

    Introduction: “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting.” Micah 5:2 I. The Location - This is debated among scholars and more

  • The Announcement

    Contributed by Mark Mitchell on Mar 23, 2015

    Jesus was clearly anounced

    I. The Announcement was made to lowly shepherds. (v. 8-12) II. The Announcement caused heaven to sing, rejoice, and praise God. (v. 13-14) III. The Announcement caused men to rejoice, and glorify God. ( v.15-20) Conclusion: - Some who call themselves Christian question celebrating the birth of more

  • The Gospel The Angels Preached

    Contributed by Mark Mitchell on Mar 23, 2015

    The Gospel the Angels Preached

    I. The Angels Gospel Calms Fears v. 10 - We fear that which is hidden and unknown - For every one that doeth ill hateth the light, and cometh not to the light, lest his works should be reproved. But he that doeth the truth cometh to the light, that his works may be made manifest, that they have more

  • "What If No One Told The Story?"

    Contributed by David Henderson on Dec 29, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    So God entrusted the greatest message ever sent from heaven to a bunch of smelly, uncouth shepherds. It shouldn’t surprise us because from the beginning of time he has come to lift up those who have found themselves at the bottom of the ladder.

    What if no one told the Story? Luke 2:8-20 Surveys are done on just about every subject now. One was taken with church members asking then which character in the Christmas story they most identified with. Mary? Joseph? The shepherds? The wise men? Most people who answered the question said more

  • The 3 Wise Men

    Contributed by Kayode Omotoso on Dec 29, 2014

    There are a few lessons I learnt from the actions of the three wise men following the message they received of the King born in the manger.

    In Luke 2:8-20 is the record of the three shepherds who we oftentimes refer to as the three wise men from the east (Mat 2:1-13). According to Bible record, these three men were the first to be informed of the newborn King and the message was brought to them by an angel that was later joined by a more

  • The Shepherds - How Outcasts Find Jesus Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Dec 30, 2014

    God chose to announce the birth of his Son to shepherds, the social outcasts of the day. This is good news because we are all outcasts in need of God's grace.

    What is your Dream Job? For Rob LeBlanc, it was managing a restaurant. At 35, he was a successful manager with hopes for a good career. But then the Recession hit and his restaurant closed. With his family facing financial ruin, Ron took the only job he could find - delivering pizzas for more

  • Christmas Eve 2014

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Jan 1, 2015

    Re-telling the story of the incarnation of the Messiah - this is more of a two-person reading with music than it is an actual sermon. The thought is that the telling of the simple story is necessary and wonderful with much embellishment.

    Christmas Eve 2014 - If you would like a copy of the PPT just email Guitar and Flute to open the service quitely Away in a Manger (Alternate Melody) Reader 1 Welcome and opening prayer Explanation of the evening (Journey to Jesus’ Birth) The Longing of the more

  • Over To Bethelehem

    Contributed by David Roth on Feb 22, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Christmas Eve. The story of the shepherds is narrated in second person. The testimony of the apostles has come to us in scripture therefore we too, as did the shepherds, have seen the Christ, the babe in the manger.

    J. J. May the words of my mouth, and the meditations of our hearts, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer. Amen. “Over to Bethlehem” It’s Here. Christmas Eve. We have been preparing for Christmas throughout Advent. We have lit the advent wreath. more

  • O Holy Night

    Contributed by Craig Condon on Feb 23, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Once each year, Christmas comes around again to remind us that God's Son has come to earth...and now we must do the singing! He came to earth to save us and reconcile us to the God who made us and loves us.

    Well, it's all over with. The weeks of preparation, the four weeks of Advent, the pageants and concerts, the shopping, gift-wrapping, delivering, waiting for loved ones to's all over, and the celebrations can begin. There's no better way to celebrate this joyous night than by singing. In more

  • Christmas Contrast

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Sep 3, 2015

    God wants to take all the Herod's and turn them into shepherds and wise men. • But it can only happen if they are willing for it to happen.

    We have spent some time during this holiday season talking about how God • Choose Shepherds to be the recipients of the announcement about His Son being born. • And when we think about this from a worldly point of view it sounds ridiculous. • Why would God choose to make this more

  • The Birth Of Christ What Dose It Prove?

    Contributed by Ronnie Thrower on Nov 4, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    I am so thankful that the birth of Christ brings things to life.

    The Birth Of Christ What Dose It Prove? Text: Luke 2:1-20 1. It Proves That God Is All-powerful. a. God was controlling the events of the world to bring about fulfillment of prophecy. 2:1-6 I believe that even Satan could not have more

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