Sermon Series
  • 1. Good News To The Poor

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus is anointed Messiah and he says it’s for three purposes. First is to proclaim Good News to the poor.

    Good News to the Poor Isaiah 61:1-6 What’s this season really about? Jesus. It’s not so much what he taught as it is about who he is. In Jesus’ first sermon, he chose this Biblical text and in it, he gives his mission. When Jesus read this Scripture, he closed the book and dropped the bombshell more

  • 2. The Gift With A Cost

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This time of year, we get excited and touched by Baby Jesus in a cradle but you can’t separate the cradle from the cross. This gift of Jesus comes with a sacrificial cost. A lot of us understand the cradle but we fail to connect the cradle with the cross.

    The Gift with a Cost Isaiah 53:1-12 Christmas has become the #1 self-focused consumer day in America. It’s so interesting that Good Friday leads into Easter and Black Friday leads us into the Christmas holidays. The church needs to lead a movement of conspiracy to reclaim Christmas from more

  • 3. Are You Ready For A Miracle?

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Ever been between a rock and a hard place? Ever seen the dark circumstances around you and been afraid and frustrated, doubting whether God might intervene? Many of us have experienced the uncertainty of these days and allowed fear to invade our hearts an

    Are You Ready for a Miracle? Isaiah 7: 1-14 Two men made their way to the city’s edge one day. One was quite young, only 20 years old, but with an awesome responsibility on his shoulders.
The other was more mature. He’d been around for a while and seen a few things. As they walked, he more

  • 4. Reclaiming Hope

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    When we look out in the world at this time of year, we realize we have allowed our hope to be hijacked. It’s been hijacked by the materialism of the season, by the parties and overeating or even overindulging. It’s time to take back hope. It’s time to gro

    Christmas Conspiracy: Reclaiming Hope Isaiah 9:2, 6-7 Let me ask you a question this morning: what is Christmas? Is it eating too much, going to too many parties, shopping too much and spending too much? Is it about giving and receiving gifts Is it about family get togethers? That’s what a lot of more

  • 5. The Questions Of Christmas

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Christmas brought three questions which every person needed to deal with as they encountered the Christ child. Christmas isn’t so much about what God has done for us as it is about our response to the Christ child and to these questions.

    The Questions of Christmas Luke 2:8-20 It’s tough to miss Christmas if you live in America today. We hear the ads on the radio and TV, see the lighted houses and buildings, the decorated yards in our neighborhoods, and the displays inside every store remind us Christmas is coming in case we’ve more