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Sermons on Luke 2:15:

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  • The Shepherds

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 17, 2013

    A look at the Christmas shepherds from Luke's Gospel.

    The Characters of Christmas: The Shepherds Luke 2:8-20 History and pop culture have given a cast of characters to surround us at Christmas. The characters evoke smiles, joy, reverence, excitement, anticipation and happy memories. Some, like Santa Claus have sacred beginnings, but most are more

  • The Angels

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Dec 17, 2013

    A look at the angels in Luke's account of the Christmas story.

    The Characters of Christmas: The Angels Luke 1:26-38, Matthew 1:20-24a, Luke 2: 9-15 Let’s talk about angels. The prominence of angels in the Christmas story is obvious, from the Christmas card we send, to the decorations on our trees, to the adornment of our yards, we’re more

  • The Message Of Christmas.

    Contributed by Wendy Gravolin on Dec 17, 2013

    This is a sermon for Christmas that is based on Luke 2 and explores the question of whether we still realise we need saving today. Peace with who? Salvation from what?

    The message of Christmas Christmas Day Sermon Wendy Gravolin. Luke 2:1-20. Introduction On Monday night I was listening to the news when I heard that all of the hotels in Bethlehem are booked out. This made me wonder what it would be like if Jesus was born in December 2008 and what it more

  • Experiencing The Joy Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Dec 18, 2013

    The joy of the Lord comes from choosing to follow the Christ child like the shepherds did.

    Experiencing the Joy of Christmas Luke 2:15-20 Introduction- In keeping with the Advent season; We have looked at the good news We have looked at the hope we have in Christ And this week we will look at Joy. Again, I want to use Luke account in Luke 2 with the shepherds and the angels having more

  • What Is So Special About Christmas (?)

    Contributed by James Wallace on Dec 20, 2013

    Message on Christmas story of the birth of Jesus

    What Is So Special About Christmas (?) Luke 2:1-20 I’ve entitled this morning’s message “What is So Special about Christmas” with a tentative question mark. That’s because the sentence is intended as both a question and a statement. First, as a question, to make us more

  • The Good News Of Christmas Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Dec 23, 2013

    Let’s think about what Christmas is really all about and what it stands for. Let’s examine some key questions about Christ's birth and answer them from God’s Word.

    The Good News Of Christmas Luke 2:8-17 Introduction: 1. When you think about celebrating Christmas, what thought should come into your mind immediately? The thought should be, ìJesus!î 2. Yet there are thousands around this city and country who will celebrate Christmas, more

  • "Let's Keep The Shepherds In Christmas"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Dec 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about humility.

    "Let's Keep the Shepherds in Christmas" Luke 2:8-20 Series: "Christmas: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly" Pastor Adam Hamilton tells a about a time, years ago, while he was serving as a Youth Director of a Church in Texas, that he took the Youth to do repairs at the homes of two elderly women more

  • The Splendor Of Christmas

    Contributed by Cameron Bottema on May 28, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The splendor and majesty of Jesus upon His birth.

    THE SPLENDOR OF CHRISTMAS Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2:1-12 We are probably wrong when we paint pictures, write poetry, compose music, and preach sermons depicting the Wise Men from the East bending over the crude feeding trough in a cattle stable. That was the unique experience of the Shepherds, as more

  • The Unusual God Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Nov 13, 2012
    based on 6 ratings

    Christmas teaches us several unusual things about Christianity.

    You’ve already been welcomed, but I would like to welcome you again and thank you for sharing these very first moments of Christmas Day with me. Some of you, this will be the first time you’ve been in a church. An especial welcome to you. For many of you, you will over the years have been to many more

  • Unwrapping The Presence Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Nov 26, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    It seems strange that God would first tell of the birth of his son to a group of shepherds. Yet, He did and there are lessons that we can glean from his declaration to them.

    1. Chemistry Professor and Chauffeur A chauffeur had driven the chemistry professor to dozens of speaking engagements. He’d heard the same canned speech scores of times. He said on the way to another engagement, "Professor, I believe I could give your speech myself; I’ve heard it so more

  • The Nativity: Light Over Darkness Series

    Contributed by John Phillip R. Pesebre on Dec 3, 2012
    based on 7 ratings

    The birth of Jesus of Nazareth is the good news that the promised Messiah has arrived.

    Introduction Our gospel writer Luke is a very educated man. He was not just an ordinary doctor, "At the top was the equivalent of a surgeon general of the empire. He was by law a noble, a dux (duke) or a vicarius (vicar) of the emperor. He held the title of comes archiatorum, “count of the chief more

  • Christmas Through Shepherds’ Eyes Series

    Contributed by Tim Spear on Dec 4, 2012
    based on 5 ratings

    As we peek at the shepherds out on the hills of Bethlehem that first Christmas night let’s see what we can learn from them.

    Christmas through Their Eyes “Christmas through SHEPHERDS’ Eyes” Luke 2:8-9, 15-17, 20 Introduction: What time is it? It is Christmastime of course. But what is Christmas a time for? For many of us it is a time of decorating, baking, cooking, cleaning, singing, sending cards, more

  • A "Sign"? : A New View Of The Nativity Scene

    Contributed by Bryan Douglas on Dec 8, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    God has revealed in the Christmas story a powerful "sign" of the swaddling clothes and manger which has great spiritual significance, but it has been concealed by our cultural depictions of the Nativity Scene.

    A “Sign”? : A New View of the Nativity Scene Luke 2: 1-19 As we read the Christmas story in Luke 2: 1-19, it is such a familiar passage that it is easy to just blow through it more

  • Peace On Earth Series

    Contributed by Dan Cormie on Dec 8, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus in the song you wrote, The words are sticking in my throat, Peace on Earth Hear it every Christmas time, But hope and history won't rhyme, So what's it worth This peace on Earth – (From Peace on Earth – U2)

    Dakota Community Church December 9, 2012 Peace on Earth Luke 2:8-20 So And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the more

  • Unwrapping The Very Best Gift

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Dec 9, 2012

    The very best gift has indescribable value

    - McDonalds’ Espresso cup “Unwrap a Little JoY’ - At what moment does Christmas comes into focus? - The pinnacle point of your Christmas? • Is it shopping? • Is it the lights? • Is it the music? • Is it seeing children in the Christmas program? • Is more

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