Sermon Series
  • 1. Waiting For Jesus: Herod

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2011

    Herod the Great waited for Jesus with fear and hatred.

    Good morning from the Mediterranean News Network! I’m Aristarchus Vero, bureau chief for Judea, Decapolis, and all the other provinces of Roman Palestine Or, I should say, former bureau chief. My nephew Nikophoros took over a ten-day ago. It was about time, I suppose, I’ve been more

  • 2. Waiting For Jesus: Elizabeth

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Saying "Yes, Lord."

    Good morning. My name is Elizabeth, and I am the wife of Zechariah ben Abijah, who is a priest at the temple in Jerusalem. That’s not his full-time job, of course, he goes up for a week twice a year to take his turn in the rotation. It’s ordinarily pretty routine - although a great honor, of more

  • 3. Waiting For Jesus: Joseph

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2011

    When God asks you to step into the unknown, you may ask him for assurance.

    Joseph couldn’t sleep. He had thought he would drop off immediately, after nearly twelve hours of travel through the rocky desert country south of Bethlehem. They had tried to get as much distance possible between them and Herod’s soldiers. But after he had made sure that Mary and the baby were more

  • 4. Waiting For Jesus: Shepherds

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2011

    Ordinary people, holy times and places

    Zach and his flock were the last into the fold for the night. One hundred and thirteen sheep, just the same as last night and the night before. He pushed the last one into the enclosure and pulled the dried thornbush into the space between the two rough stone walls. On the way up to the heavy more

  • 5. Waiting For Jesus: Wise Men

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The wisest men on earth were brought to their knees by the Son of God.

    Good morning. My name is Caspar, and I’m a senior fellow at the Babylonian Institute for Astrological Studies. We - that is my colleagues and I - have waited a long time to tell the story of our long journey to Palestine because, I tell you frankly, we didn’t know what to make of it. more

  • 6. Waiting For Jesus: John The Baptist

    Contributed on Jul 3, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    No matter how well we know the Bible, not all things are clear at the beginning. Or even in the middle.

    I expect you’ve all heard by now. Herod executed John bar Zechariah, whom most people called “the Baptizer,” two days ago.Nobody expected it, of course. Everyone knew that Herod was worried that John might be the real thing, and that God would get him if he didn’t tread lightly. But Herodias, more