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Sermons on Lukas 5:32:

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  • Jesus Eats With Sinners And Tax Collectors: The Parable Of The New Wine Into Old Wineskins Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Sep 12, 2022

    The last few weeks we were in the vineyard, working the fields, sweating, watering vines, pruning vines, getting sweaty, talking servanthood, talking pride vs. humility, talking about the kingdom of God pattern in regard to gifts received, timing, all of it.

    The last few weeks we were in the vineyard, working the fields, sweating, watering vines, pruning vines, getting sweaty, talking servanthood, talking pride vs. humility, talking about the kingdom of God pattern in regard to gifts received, timing, all of it. Now we’re coming in from the vineyard more

  • The Seven Sins Of Not Soul Winning

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 18, 2022

    What have we done with what God has entrusted us to do?

    Levi reacted as Jesus would want the entirety of his supporters to do, he followed his Lord promptly, and he assembled his companions to meet him as well. Levi left a worthwhile and exploitative tax-collecting business to follow Jesus. Then Levi held a gathering for his kindred collectors and other more

  • A Feast, And A Question Of Fasting.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 3, 2022
    based on 2 ratings

    A warning against mixing things that differ.

    A FEAST, AND A QUESTION OF FASTING. Luke 5:27-39. I. The Call of Levi, and the feast at his house (Luke 5:27-32). Wherever we live, under whatever regime, tax collectors are unpopular. It was no different in first century Israel, where Levi’s trade involved collaboration with the Romans, more

  • Understanding Misunderstandings

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Nov 21, 2024

    I will be preaching on something that everyone in this congregation can relate to. I will be preaching on “Understanding Misunderstandings”.

    The word Misunderstood is a situation in life where someone’s intentions, actions, or words are misrepresented. Being misunderstood has led to some tradgic things in life. Let me illustrate… Illus: A woman came home late one night after work and quietly opens the door to her bedroom. When she more

  • Jesus Did Not Come To Call The Righteous, But Sinners. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Nov 29, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Repentance is not just a feeling of sorrow or regret; it is a fundamental change of heart and mind..

    In Matthew 9:13, Jesus declares, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners." This statement is a profound expression of Jesus' mission and ministry. As we explore this biblical truth, we will gain a deeper understanding of Jesus' purpose and the nature of salvation. The more

  • Love Over Judgment

    Contributed by Justin Dietel on Aug 27, 2024

    It seems like the world is full of experts—especially when it comes to how everyone else should live their lives. You’ve got your social media gurus, your armchair quarterbacks, and yes, even those folks who somehow know exactly what Jesus would tweet

    Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed something lately. It seems like the world is full of experts—especially when it comes to how everyone else should live their lives. You’ve got your social media gurus, your armchair quarterbacks, and yes, even those folks who somehow know exactly what more

  • Evangelizing Levi And Us

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Jul 2, 2024

    The calling of Levi in Luke's Gospel informs us of a responsibility to Jesus. "Pay it forward."

    Evangelizing Levi and Us Luke 5:27-32 Rabbi Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz After that He went out and noticed a tax collector named Levi sitting in the tax booth, and He said to him, “Follow Me.” And he left everything behind, and got up and began to follow Him. And Levi gave a big reception for more

  • Building Effective Evangelism Strategies For Modern Times

    Contributed by Pastorslink Usa on May 5, 2023

    Revolutionary Techniques For Effective Evangelism In Today's World

    Evangelism is a fundamental part of Christianity, and it involves sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others. As Christians, we are called to make disciples of all nations and to spread the love of Christ to those around us. However, evangelism can be challenging in today's society, more

  • Faith Of A Few Friends PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    The importance of friendship, mutual support, and compassionate care in our faith journey.

    Good morning, brothers and sisters! The passage we're going to dive into today is one familiar to many, but its lessons are so profound that they warrant revisiting time and again. We're going to explore Luke 5:17-39, a story that shines a light on the power of faithful friends, the strength of more

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