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Sermons on love your neighbor as yourself:

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  • Pushing Through Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jul 4, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In this second message of Getting Better at what Jesus said matters most we will look at our need to push through our insecurity so that we can love ourselves. Understand, it is hard to love our neighbor if we don't feel too good about us.

    Pushing Through #GettingBetter (2) Then Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan River. He was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, 2 where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. Jesus ate nothing all that time and became very hungry. 3 Then the devil said to him, “If you are more

  • Who Is My Neighbor

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Feb 18, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a Black History Sunday Message On Why African Americans Need To View Themselves Differently & How The Media Manipulates Our Views. Power point is available on request.

    Who Is My Neighbor February 18, 2018 Hosea 4:1-6 Luke 10:26-37 Today’s message is going to be a different kind of a message. I am going to speak like one of the prophets of old. In our Old Testament reading from Hosea, the people of God at this time were pretty much doing what they more

  • Love Your Enimies

    Contributed by Rajendra Kadia on Sep 14, 2016

    How can we show love to the one who hates us?

    Introduction: "Love your neighbor" is the commandment given by God in Leviticus 19:18 . But "Hate your enemies" is not a commandment (nowhere written in OT) but addition/alteration made by Pharisees and Scribes. That’s why Jesus said, '"you have heard" and not "it is written". 1. Who is our more

  • Bandages Of Love Iv Series

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Sep 10, 2007
    based on 6 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that anyone in need is their neighbor.

    Bandages of Love IV Luke 10:25-37 (NIV) 9 September 2007 U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Saint James C.M.E. Salinas, California BIG IDEA: Anyone in need is your neighbor. References: Luke 18:18-27(RSV) Story of The Rich Young Ruler; Luke 10:25-37 (NIV); John 15:1-17 “Fruit Bearing”; more

  • The Kindness Of Strangers

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Jul 11, 2010

    Every follower of Jesus Christ is called to be a "Good" Samaritan.

    Title: The Kindness of Strangers Text: Luke 10:25-37 Thesis: Every follower of Christ is called to be a “Good” Samaritan. Introduction: I do not want to begin this talk with a disclaimer but I feel I must. Despite my desire to be altruistic with an absolutely unselfish regard for more

  • Love Your Enemies Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Apr 10, 2005
    based on 124 ratings

    Christ-followers seek to model His character when others choose to harm or humiliate us.

    (adapted from Southeast Christian Church’s series: Living a Life of Integrity"0 SERIES: “WORDS OF WISDOM FOR KINGDOM LIVING” TEXT: MATTHEW 5:38-48 TITLE: “LOVE YOUR ENEMIES” INTRODUCTION: A. A truck driver is sitting in a crowded roadside diner ready to eat his lunch. It’s not more

  • In The Last Days (September 17, 2023)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Dec 3, 2023

    Paul is making a point. ... His point is for the congregation of the church at Rome then and the church today is to be loving to our neighbors. Two things we want to talk about today are distractions and love.

    IN THE LAST DAYS Text: Romans 13:8 -14 Romans 13:8-14  Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.  (9)  The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery; You shall not murder; You shall not steal; You shall not more

  • Not Your Possessions But You

    Contributed by Davon Huss on May 19, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on "Christ Wants You"! Based on 2 Corinthians 12:14. (Outline from MacLaren Expositions of Holy Scripture, Vol 14, Pages 83-90)

    Sermon for 5/18/2008 Not Your Possessions But You- 2 Corinthians 12:14 Introduction: A. Getting back to the city of Corinth, it was the Las Vegas of the day. B. remembering that this was before the time of the TV, there were people in the city of Corinth who were good at entertaining. They were more

  • Love Your Enemies?

    Contributed by Carla Powell on Jan 2, 2002
    based on 45 ratings

    Responding to Sept 11th and a (minor) break-in to our church building, this sermon focuses on how live Jesus’ call to do unto others as we would have them do to us.

    Today we celebrate All Saints Day, when we honor those well-known saints of the church. And All Saints Day also helps us to recall those faithful departed who have gone before, people who have died in the faith from this congregation and in our lives. But All Saints Day also serves as a reminder more

  • The Priority Of Love

    Contributed by Mark Opperman on Dec 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    The Greatest Thing you can do is to love. In the famous love chapter of the Bible, 1 Corinthians 13, it says that faith, hope, and love are present, but the greatest is love. Once we respond to God’s love for us and begin to love Him back, we find that w

    The Priority of Love Matthew 22:35-40 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: 36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" 37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' 38 This is the more

  • The Depth Of Christ's Love Series

    Contributed by Gary Landsberg on Jun 29, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Stop trying to earn your salvation and righteousness, and yield to the Love of the Savior and His righteousness.

    EPHESIANS SERIES EPHESIANS 1:1-6 THE DEPTHS OF THE LOVE OF CHRIST INTRODUCTION 1. Friends of Jesus, thank you for coming here today. I pray that you will see Jesus today, and know what call He has on your life. I also pray that you will allow The Holy Spirit to influence you to become more like more

  • How To Saturate Yourself In The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Apr 15, 2024

    We’re going to talk about how to go deeper with your Bible reading time. We will not be talking about simply reading the Bible. We will be talking about absorbing the Bible. Making the Bible part of your mind. Putting the Bible in your heart and letting it change your heart.

    “The Bible- banned, burned, beloved. More widely read, more frequently attacked than any other book in history. Generations of intellectuals have attempted to discredit it; dictators of every age have outlawed it and executed those who read it. Yet soldiers carry it into battle believing it is more more

  • Love All Series

    Contributed by Charles Whitmire on Dec 21, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    This is the fourth and final AC sermon...

    **This is an abbreviated message due to the mornings activities... Over the past few weeks we’ve been talking through the themes from our Advent Conspiracy: Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More, and Love All. The idea of the campaign is pretty simple and its built on a belief that we are all more

  • The Outward Expression: Love Series

    Contributed by Brett Stair on Oct 9, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    Fourth of the series examining the Great Commandment.

    The Outward Expression: Love Matthew 22:34-40 Today we conclude our series on the basics of Authentic Christianity. We have been looking at the Great Commandment and have discovered that Authentic Christianity means that we love God with all that we are¡K „« All our heart ¡V meaning that we have more

  • Love In Action

    Contributed by Carl Willis on Jul 13, 2005
    based on 65 ratings

    The parable of the good Samaritan

    Love In Action Luke 10:25-37 April 17, 2005 Luke 10:25-28 (NLT) One day an expert in religious law stood up to test Jesus by asking him this question: "Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?" [26] Jesus replied, "What does the law of Moses say? How do you read it?" [27] more

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