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Sermons on love your neighbor as yourself:

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  • Who Is My Neighbor?

    Contributed by James Choung on Aug 29, 2008
    based on 24 ratings

    Main point: Stop justifying ourselves and be the neighbor

    This sermon is by James Choung of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. You are also invited to visit James’s blog at __________________________________________________ Introduction: on desiring to justify myself I’m a new dad. We have a six-month old boy, and his name more

  • The Golden Rule Series

    Contributed by Dr. Bradford Reaves on Sep 20, 2023

    Understanding the Golden Rule Biblically and in context of the Sermon on the Mount

    Dr. Bradford Reaves Crossway Christian Fellowship Hagerstown, MD We now come to a well-known verse that most of us call “The Golden Rule.” If you remember from last week, I told you that we should study and understand The Sermon on the Mount as having continuity. We aren’t more

  • "who Is Your Master?"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 9, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about loving and serving God and neighbor.

    “Who Is Your Master?” Amos 8:1-12 A basket of ripe fruit…it’s delicious, but it doesn’t last long. This week, the strawberries we just bought grew layers of fuzz before we could finish them. Our bananas spotted up, becoming overripe much sooner than we expected. Peaches deteriorate fast, more

  • Holy You! Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Oct 3, 2018

    YOu are holy, so be holy! A holy person is SEPARATED and DEDICATED to God.

    HOLY YOU!—selections from Leviticus 18-19 (To begin, I went into the audience, to ask, “When you think of a ‘holy person,’ what do you think of?”) Are you holy? Do you even want to be holy? Maybe you think of a holy person as someone who never smiles, or has an attitude of being “holier than more

  • The Good Samaritan Series

    Contributed by David Holwick on Oct 1, 2005
    based on 11 ratings

    People want to limit who their neighbors are; Jesus wants us to ask who we can be a neighbor to.

    Rev. David Holwick First Baptist Church Ledgewood, New Jersey THE GOOD SAMARITAN Luke 10:25-37 ================== I’m going to give you my version of the parable of the Good Samaritan. A bum was walking along old Route 16 between West Lafayette and Coshocton. While he walked he stuck out his more

  • Identify Yourself Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Aug 27, 2007
    based on 26 ratings

    James identifies himself, his Lord and his audience in the introduction to his epistle. What is your identification?

    1. Identity in the world (James) 2. Identity in the Lord (a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ) 3. Identity in the church (to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting) This morning we’re going to be starting a new series in the book of James. Before we read our text this more

  • To Know God, Love People Series

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Oct 27, 2014

    How can I have a genuinely intimate relationship with God? Love my neighbor.

    Series: Building Blocks of Community Title: To Know God, Love People Text: Psalm 15:1-5 Truth: How can I have a genuinely intimate relationship with God? Love my neighbor. Aim: To strengthen church fellowship. Life Question: How does building community with others strengthen my relationship with more

  • Loving Your Enemies

    Contributed by Ken Pell on Mar 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus actions during the passion narrative of Mark are evidence and illustration of loving one’s enemies.

    LOVING YOUR ENEMIES Mark 15:1-20 Sermon Objective: A communion sermon; Jesus actions during the passion narrative of Mark are evidence and illustration of loving one’s enemies. Supporting Scripture: Leviticus 19:18; Luke 6:27-36; Romans 5:10; Romans 12:17; 1 John 4:9-10 MARK 15:1-20 Simply put, more

  • Clothe Yourself With The Lord Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Rev. Matthew Parker on Sep 11, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    We need daily renewal, and reminding that we belong to God.

    Today is September 11. Where were you 10 years ago on September 11, 2001 How did you feel that day? There are other tragedies that have gone on and that are going on right now all around the world, I know. However, in modern memory there is no other single day that stands out like September 11. more

  • Teaching To The Test... And Beyond

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Nov 10, 2015

    Ultimately, it is not only what you know... it is what you do with what you know.

    20151108 23rd Sunday after Pentecost B Title: Teaching to the Test... and Beyond Text: Mark 12:28-34 (Matthew 22:37-40 and Luke 10:25-28) Thesis: Ultimately, it is not only what you know… it’s what you do with what you know. Introduction Video Clip: “How NOT to Love more

  • The Love Triangle Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 28, 2021

    Some need to learn to love themselves before they can love God. Others need to love God to escape a perverted self-love. Still others need to love their neighbor to balance out an inadequate love.

    One of the great tragic plays of all time is Shakespeare's Othello. Othello was a general in the Venetian army. He secretly married Desdemona the daughter of a Venetian senator. Desdemona was the most lovely of all Shakespeare's characters. She was a beautiful and ideal wife. Othello was more

  • Who's Second In Your Life?

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Mar 31, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Ancient Obadiah teaches us modern lessons that help us express love toward our neighbors.

    Who is Second? Jesus declared that, after our devotion to God, as involved in the first and great commandment, that there is a second that is “like to it.” So, there’s a second commandment that is, also, of incredible importance and position in God’s scheme of things. We call it the second great more

  • Recovering Your Life Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Jun 30, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Life Management 101, part 3. This message examines Jesus’ use of time and challenges listeners to do what Jesus did with time - invest it, rather than spend it.

    Recovering Your Life Life Management 101, part 3 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers July 2, 2006 Do you spend your time, or do you invest it? Okay, not a fair question. How do you use MOST of your time? Would you say you spend or invest most of your time? What’s the difference? When you use more

  • The Golden Rule Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Nov 7, 2016

    A message on the very simple principle, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

    Introduction A. A honeymoon couple is in the Watergate Hotel. The new bride is concerned and asked, "What if the place is still bugged?" The groom says "Hmm... Good point. I'll look for a bug." He looks behind the drapes, behind the pictures, under the rug . . . "AHA!" he shouts! Sure enough, more

  • How Deep Is Your Love? Series

    Contributed by John Putty on Mar 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    How to gauge our level of love

    HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE? Matthew 22:37: Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. Matthew 22:38: This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:39: And the second is like to it, You shall love your neighbor as more

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