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  • The Language Of Love

    Contributed by Kent Lenard on Feb 22, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    God Speaks to us in the Language of love. We just have to read the signs, and He hung one on the Cross that tells us everything that we need to know.

    The Language of Love John 19:19-22, Luke 23:42, Luke 23;38, 42, Mat 13:11 February 11, 2003 I. When I got married I had to learn a new language. Actually I had to learn several new languages, but I think the most important one was the language that had no language. A. I had more

  • Love It Up! Series

    Contributed by Todd Fetters on Feb 26, 2003
    based on 104 ratings

    God, our Heavenly Father, commands that His children are to love one another deeply.

    INTRODUCTION: The Difference between Mediocrity & Greatness in the Church 1. Just before Jesus told His disciples that the world would hate them (John 15:18—“If the world hates you, keep in mind it hated me first”), He commanded them to “love one another just as He had loved them. The Apostle Peter more

  • An Example Of Love Series

    Contributed by A. Todd Coget on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 59 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to demonstrate that Paul intended 1 Corinthians 9 as a personal example of the point that he made in chapter 8. That point being that Christians are to give up their rights for the cause of others and to demonstrate love.

    1 Corinthians An Example of Love 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 March 23, 2003 Intro: A. [If Sermon Offends Thee] A preacher came to the breakfast table with a cut on his cheek. His wife asked him what had happened. He replied that he was concentrating on his sermon while shaving and cut his face. His more

  • Love's Balance Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 80 ratings

    This is the sixth installment in a series I did on I Corinthians 13, and focuses on the fact that "love does not act unbecomingly."

    “Love’s Balance” I Corinthians 13:5 January 26, 2003 Love of Another Kind – I Corinthians 13 Given the frigid weather of this month, perhaps this poem is a fitting way to begin: Six humans trapped by happenstance in bleak and bitter cold, Each one possessed a stick of wood, or so the story more

  • The Protection Of Love Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    This is installment 11 of a series I did on I Corinthians 13, and it deals with the fact that love "bears all things."

    “The Protection of Love” I Corinthians 13:7 March 2, 2003 Love of Another Kind – I Corinthians 13 Pre-Sermon Thematic Introduction We’ve been talking about love, about how important it is, and what it looks like in our lives. Coming, as do most of us, from the left-brained branch of more

  • The Trust Of Love Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    This is installment 12 in a series on I Corinthians 13, and deals with the fact that love "believes all things."

    “The Trust of Love” I Corinthians 13:7 March 9, 2003 Love of Another Kind – I Corinthians 13 Theme Introduction: Trust. Who do you trust? Americans trust each other less and less each year, this according to Pamela Paxton, Associate Prof of Sociology at The Ohio State University, who studied more

  • The Disposition Of Love Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 50 ratings

    This is installment 13 in a series I preached on I Corinthians 13, and it deals with the fact that "love hopes all things."

    “The Disposition of Love” I Corinthians 13:7 March 16, 2003 Love of Another Kind – I Corinthians 13 Intro At the start of World War II, the Russians developed what might be fairly called the most useless weapon of all time, perhaps the most embarrassing strategic failure of modern weaponry. more

  • The Power Of Love Series

    Contributed by Byron Harvey on Mar 24, 2003
    based on 56 ratings

    This is the final installment of a series I did on I Corinthians 13, dealing with the fact that "love endures all things, and never fails."

    “The Power of Love” I Corinthians 13:8-13 March 23, 2003 Love of Another Kind – I Corinthians 13 Theme Intro “Kids say the darnedest things”, they say, and so Art Linkletter, and more recently, Bill Cosby, made a TV show out of the concept! When Anthony was little, we got a kick out of the fact more

  • The Love Of God

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Jun 4, 2003
    based on 176 ratings

    The Love of rich and pure, how measureless, and strong. It goes beyond the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell !

    THE LOVE OF GOD Revelation 1:5-6, I John 3:1 This morning my subject is on something that we all need to know, that each of us need to experience. It is something that will change our past, and redirect our future. It is something that will ease the pain of broken hearts, and shattered dreams, more

  • God Of Love Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Jun 16, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    God’s amazing love is sown to us through the incarnation, the cross and the Holy Spirit

    God Stories – Attributes of God The Love of God John 3:16, Rev 12 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 has almost become a throw away verse for people who have grown up in the evangelical more

  • God's Love

    Contributed by Mark Elkins on Jun 28, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Understanding that God is love. True love isn’t an emotion, it is God! And God’s love transcends everything. Nothing can keep God’s love from anyone!

    A couple had been married for fifty years. “Things have really changed,” she said. “You used to sit so close to me.” “Well I can remedy that,” he said moving close to her on the couch. “And you used to hold me tight,” she said. “How’s that,” he said as he gave her a big hug. “ Do you remember more

  • Perfect Love

    Contributed by Paul George on Jul 2, 2003
    based on 26 ratings

    The foundation of Christian doctrine is laid in the word of God. The confirmation of a doctrine is found in our own experience.

    The text has two words in it that make up all there is of religion, love and fear. All pagan religions of the world are founded on fear of their gods. Christianity is the only religion in the world whose substance is love. There are scholars who claim the love spoken of in verse seventeen is not more

  • God's Love

    Contributed by Paul George on Jul 8, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    God’s love for His people is everlasting and unchanging.

    The Book of Malachi is the transition link between the Old Testament and the New Testament. It has been called, “the skirt and boundary of Christianity.” Malachi announces the advent of the Great Messenger of the New Testament. He supports the labors of Ezra, the priest, and Nehemiah, the governor more

  • Joyful Love Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Jul 10, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Paul is in prison and he has this joyful love because he has a confidence in God. He can write in Philippians 1:6, “Be confident of this that He, who began a good work in you will carry it out until the day of Christ Jesus.”

    Intro: God’s Faithfulness It wasn’t too long ago I was attending a meeting in Scotland. I was in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland and I was looking for a place to park. I received advise on how to find a good place to park. My friend told me to drive up to the top of the nearby observatory more

  • Where's The Love

    Contributed by David Petticrew on Mar 16, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    Uses the Black Eyed Peas’ song Where’s the Love as an outline for looking at the Christian concept of love (points out a few errors in the Black Eyed Peas thinking from a Christian perspective).

    Introduction There’s a song currently towards the top end of the music chart which I have listened to over the past month or so, on the radio as I drive back and forwards to Manchester each week and it causes me to think. You see initially the song appears to be quite Christian in its outlook and more

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