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  • What In The World Is God Doing? Series

    Contributed by Vance Elzinga on Jun 22, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    How do we get on board when we don’t understand what God is doing (compares Jonah with Pentecost)?

    20070527 – What in the world is God doing? (Jonah/Acts 2) INTRO– How many of you like surprises? Think, now… Jonah is full of surprises – or God is… • Tomorrow morning you’re going! • Nineveh • The fish is a surprise – oh no you don’t • And Nineveh holds still more surprises – Jonah is sick of more

  • God's New World Order

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jun 6, 2017

    I. God's New Age Has Arrived in Christ Jesus! - Jesus Resurrection inaugurated God's New Order II. Jesus Commissions Us to be His Witnesses - to be His Change Agents

    Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20 (Call to Worship - Psalm 8) God's New World Order I. God's New Age Has Arrived in Christ Jesus! - Jesus Resurrection inaugurated God's New Order II. Jesus Commissions Us to be His Witnesses - to be His Change Agents INTRO: Grace and peace from God our more

  • The Light Of The World Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Mar 11, 2010
    based on 17 ratings

    God’s desire is to have His people enlightened and able to enlighten by the power of the Spirit of God. God’s plan for Israel was for her to be light to the nations. God’s plan for His redeemed Spirit filled Church is for her to be the light of the world

    ZECHARIAH 4: 1-5 THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD (The Lampstand in The Fifth Vision) [Isa. 9:1-7; 60:1-3; 62:1-2] These visions supplement one another beautifully . The previous vision of the removal of the filthy garments [by the pre-incarnate Christ] indicating how moral obstacles were to be removed more

  • Unchanging God In An Everchanging World

    Contributed by Robert Simmons on Feb 24, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    Exhort congregation that we serve an God who is faithful and true

    Look with me at how this world has changed in the two millennia since Christ’s birth. Empires have expanded and vanished; brilliant men and their ideas have enlightened and been forgotten. Poverty, plagues, persecution, prosperity, have criss-crossed with the history of humanity. Men have more

  • Find God In A Godless World Series

    Contributed by Roger Thomas on Jun 1, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    The praying life overcomes the downward tug of a godless world.

    Finding God in a Godless World (Directions: Part 3) James 4:7-10 Dr. Roger W. Thomas, Preaching Minister First Christian Church, Vandalia, MO Review: In our previous study we explored the normal human tendency to be independent and self-reliant. Independence and self-reliance are good more

  • The War Of The Worlds

    Contributed by Phillip Krueger on Nov 20, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    God’s unfolding strategy for defeating Satan.

    THE WAR OF THE WORLDS FCC 2-12-06 1. Today, we are going to examine the longest, bloodiest, most interesting war in the history of planet earth and how it affects us. a) We will be reminded that Jesus is the Savior of the world promised from Genesis to Revelation. b) We will learn just how much we more

  • Promoting Authentic Human Development In An Outsourced World Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Oct 10, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    New social justice problems have emerged in recent years, straining systems of insurance and welfare. How shall we as Christians respond?

    Monday of 28th week in course October 12, 2009 Caritas in Veritate The queen of the South and the men of Nineveh will rise up and condemn the generation of pharisees for not believing in Jesus. At the end of time, they will also condemn the pharisees of our day for not believing in Jesus or His more

  • Not Of This World

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jul 9, 2015

    Daniel 1

    NOT OF THIS WORLD (DANIEL 1) Avram Grant is known as the manager who succeeded Jose Mourinho at Chelsea Football Club when the latter left in 2007. Grant was unaware of his father's full story as a Holocaust survivor until he was a teenager when he heard his father screaming in his sleep. His more

  • Sold Out To God Or To The World? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 18, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    What are the signs of good leadership? Abram exhibits them as he and 318 men take on a whole army. Then Abram must make a choice - serve God or the world. How would you respond?

    In these two chapters we have two amazing accounts - the first of Abram and how he routed a whole army with 318 men - and the second, we get our first real glimpse at what many feel is the pre-incarnate Christ - Melchizedek. Verses 1 - 12 The city-kings around the Dead Sea paid tribute to more

  • Living In A God Hostile World Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on May 18, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Exposition of Daniel 4 about the example of how and how not to live in a world that hates God

    Text: Daniel 4:1-37, Title: Living in a God Hostile World, Date/Place: NRBC, 5/17/09, PM A. Opening illustration: talk a little about the hate crimes bill that will potentially make preaching against homosexuality a crime… B. Background to passage: This is a strange way to begin a text, but it more

  • Yes - God Is At Work In The World

    Contributed by John Huyser on Jun 4, 2024

    As people of God’s Word, we may approach the Bible with a bad assumption: We presume somehow God is less active now than he was in the narrative of the Bible.

    I. Introduction – Slide 1 In Acts 16 and 17, Paul’s second missionary journey left little question. God was at work in the good and tough times: • In Derbe and Lystra, the churches there are growing. There God brings Timothy into Paul’s life. • In Phillipi, God brings Lydia and her entire more

  • "God's Yes, To The World's No"

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Apr 2, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    An Easter Sunday Sermon

    Easter Sunday Sermon Luke 24:1-12 "God’s Yes, to the World’s No" 24:1* ¶ But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices which they had prepared. 2 And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, 3 but when they went in they did not find the more

  • What In The World Is God Doing? Series

    Contributed by David Asch on Oct 20, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    In Mark 1:15, Jesus says the kingdom of God is near, meaning that in the person of Jesus God’s kingdom comes near. If the kingdom has come near, what in the world is God doing?

    WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOD DOING? Mark 4:21-34 INTRO: In Mark 1:15, Jesus says the kingdom of God is near, meaning that in the person of Jesus God’s kingdom comes near. God has arrived on the scene, to establish his rule, take back what is his. If that is so, then I have some questions: 1. Why are more

  • God's Grace In A Corrupt World Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Oct 18, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    The 14th sermon in an ongoing series in the Book of Genesis. In this sermon we see that God has always been a God of grace and mercy

    Genesis (14) (God’s Grace in A Corrupt World) Text: Genesis 6:1-8 By: Ken McKinley Before we begin this morning, I just want to let everyone know that my sermon is probably going to be a little bit shorter than normal. I’ve had an incredibly event filled week. So; just letting you more

  • Trusting God In An Unjust World Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 19, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    In today's lesson we learn that we can trust God even though the world is filled with injustice.

    Scripture We like stories with happy endings. Whether the story is in a book or movie or even in real life, we like stories with happy endings. Sometimes, however, stories don’t have happy endings. Sometimes stories have sad endings. And although we prefer stories with happy endings to more

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