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Sermons on love for one another:

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  • Love One Another Series

    Contributed by Jay Tigner on May 7, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus said that we would be known by our love for one another.

    Coca-Cola Super Bowl Commercial. One of the most memorable commercials that aired during the Super Bowl (don’t roll the dice on what you are not sure of when you have a sure fire thing in your life) was a Coca-Cola commercial that challenged our culture to let go of all the expressions of more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Oct 14, 2014

    People will know that we follow Jesus by our love for one another.

    Love One Another October 12, 2014 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: People will know that we follow Jesus by our love for one another. Focus Passage: John 13:34-35 Supplemental Passage: Love never fails; (1 Corinthians 13:8a NASB) "Teacher, which is more

  • Love Oneanother Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 13, 2015

    Message 17 from 1 John focusing on our love for one another.

    Love One Another 1John 3:11-23 God proved His love by sending His Son to this earth. He came to restore life. He came to bear the penalty for our sin. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also more

  • Love One Another Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 13, 2015

    Message 19 from 1 John continuing discussion of loving one another.

    Love One Another 1John 3:11-23 God proved His love by sending His Son to this earth. He came to restore life. He came to bear the penalty for our sin. Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 1, 2015

    If we want to be true followers of Jesus Christ, we too must see life as an opportunity to love, and we must see people as those to whom we have the opportunity of demonstrating genuine Christian love.

    3-22--05 Title: The Command to Love Text: “This I command you, to love one another.” (John 15:17 RSV) Bible Reading: John 15:12-17 Introduction Among the great abilities that characterized the life of Jesus was His everlasting determination to practice genuine love toward more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed by David Hersey on Mar 27, 2015

    The love we have and show for one another is how we show the world that we are the disciples of Christ. This lesson is going to focus primarily on how we are to demonstrate our love for one another.

    Love One Another In the King James Translation, the term "one another" occurs 41 times. And most, not all, of these phrases are in the context of how Christians are to treat each other. And of the "one another" phrases which do not fall into that category, many of those fall into the "How more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed by Christopher Nerreau on Dec 27, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Today we will look at: 1. Johns Call To Love One Another 2. Jesus Example of Love For One Another 3. God’s Promises to those who Love One Another

    Sermon Title: Love One Another Sermon Date: 12/27/2007 By: Dcn. Chris Nerreau INTRODUCTION What is the key ingredient to a healthy, strong, vibrant church? Is it theology? Is it prayer? Is it good teaching and preaching or the sacraments? Again, what is the backbone if you will of a healthy more

  • Turn On Your Love Filter

    Contributed by Antonio Watson on Mar 28, 2019

    These are worldly and human devices and emotions that can creep into dialogue, our conversation, our message, our tendencies, and even into our lifestyle. It is only through God’s love that we can guard against and remove these carnal contaminants from our spirit.

    Turn on Your Love Filter 1. Setup: there are different types of things that contaminate our spiritual environment. Things that poison the atmosphere. Words, actions, deeds and often times with good intensions. These are worldly and human devices and emotions that can creep into dialogue, our more

  • Live To Love

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 23, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    The best expression of our discipleship is our love for one another. Our love for one another is founded upon His love for us.

    Read John 13:31-35 It is the night before Jesus is crucified. The twelve apostles are eating with Jesus that most important of all meals – the last supper. • Jesus had just indicated who would betray Him. Verse 30 ended with Judas leaving, to do what he needed to do (in the words of more

  • Practicing Love Series

    Contributed by Ed Sasnett on Sep 16, 2015

    Christians demonstrate their salvation through obedience to the command of Christ to love others as He loved.

    In 2004 we learned of the abuse and humiliation of Iraqi prisoners at the hands of American soldiers because of pictures and videos made public by Australian television. Iraqi terrorists immediately made their own film as they brutally beheaded American civilian John Berg. In the film, they more

  • Love One Another

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on May 4, 2013

    1 Peter 3:8-9 gives us a descriptive picture of how we should treat each other. It offers a positive look at how we should act, a negative look at how we shouldn't act, and, a look at how our love for one another will bring a blessing.

    Today, let's take a look at some instruction from the Holy Scriptures on differing attitudes. Attitudes what a difference they make in every part of our lives! Different attitudes of cashiers under certain circumstances. Good cashiers: Friendly, pleasant, courteous, smiling If situation more

  • The Great Commandment Of Love Series

    Contributed by Christopher Benfield on Jun 27, 2018

    Surrounded by legalist and religious tradition within the Temple, Jesus was questioned by an earnest scribe which of all the many commandments was greatest. Jesus answered with a convicting and compelling statement.

    The Great Commandment of Love Mark 12: 28-34 Jesus was often questioned and challenged concerning His interpretation of Scripture. Who better to know the word than the Word Himself? In this chapter He was questioned of the Pharisees concerning paying taxes, of the Sadducees concerning the more

  • Lesson 11: As They Are Taught By God To Love One Another Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 3, 2018

    Just as God’s love is a holy love, so our love for God and for one another ought to motivate us to holy living.

    7/16/18 Tom Lowe Lesson 11: As They Are Taught by God to Love One Another (1Thessalonians 4:9) Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 4:9 (NIV) Now about your love for one another we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. Lesson 11 Introduction The more

  • The Ultimate Test Series

    Contributed by David Welch on May 13, 2015

    Message 15 from 1 John focusing on loving one another as the ultimate test of sonship.

    The Ultimate Test 1John 3:11-23 John wrote these letters in the latter years of his life. He wrote as a tender father would write to His dearly loved children. It is filled with tenderness and endearing language. “Beloved, dear children, my little children, brethren, dear friends.” more

  • Precious In God's Sight

    Contributed by Stephen Aram on Jul 1, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    Do you realize how much God loves you?

    Sometimes when I’m wrestling to figure out what is on God’s heart for me to preach on, I’ll take a pictorial directory of our church family, look at the pictures one by one and pray, “Lord, what is on your heart for this person, for that family?” I did just that this week, thinking about this more