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Sermons on look with compassion:

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  • Believe Week 8 - Compassion Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 16, 2015

    Believe week 9 looks at Compassion

    Believe 8 - Compassion Psalm 82:3-4 November 9, 2014 It’s hard to believe we’re in week 8 of Believe. We’re moving very quickly and I’m really liking the progression of the topics. After today, we only have 2 more weeks until we finish the first section of Believe. To more

  • Genuine Faith Sees People The Way God Does Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Jun 20, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

If we see people the way God sees people: We won’t discriminate based on externals. Look at the marginalized with compassion. Treat others with the same mercy we desire

    Genuine Faith sees people the way God does 2:1-13 “What we do is what we actually believe…everything else is just talk. ?If we see people the way God sees people: 1. We won’t discriminate based on externals. 2:1-4 ? 2. Look at the marginalized with compassion. 2:5-7 3. Treat more

  • Compassion - Compassion - Compassion

    Contributed by John Gullick on Jul 26, 2016

    A sermon that looks at Jesus compassion and how the believer can also exress compassion.

    compassion - compassion - compassion Mark 8New International Version (NIV) Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand 8 During those days another large crowd gathered. Since they had nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples to him and said, 2 ¡°I have compassion for these people; they have already been with more

  • Motivated By Compassion Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on May 11, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    On this special day set aside to honor mothers, we want to look into compassion. Mother bring compassion into life, & the Christian community certainly needs more compassion. Here Jesus not only demonstrates His power over death but His tender compassion

    LUKE 7: 11-17 [Mother’s Day] MOTIVATED BY COMPASSION [1 Kings 17:17-24 & 2 Kings 4:32-37] MOTHER'S Day has come to be one of the most appealing and impressive days in the life of the American people. Today from the President in the White House to the humblest tenant in his apartment more

  • What Jesus Looked Like

    Contributed by Gerald Roberts on Mar 4, 2024

    what does Jesus look like? The story of Mandylion meaning Towel. Jesus looks like compassion, love, understanding, and good.

    John 2:13-22 “What Jesus looked like” 1. Description of Jesus: The Letter of Lentulus (/'l?ntj?l?s/) is an epistle of mysterious origin that was first widely published in Italy in the fifteenth century. It purports to be written by a Roman official, and gives a physical and personal description of more

  • The Compassionate Christ Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Nov 12, 2002
    based on 24 ratings

    Looks at the compassion in Christ’s life and encourages believers to follow His example.

    THE COMPASSIONATE CHRIST JOHN 5:1-9 INTRODUCTION… Looking at pictures of Christ before Christmas READ JOHN 5:1-9 CENTRAL QUESTION: WHAT WAS IT THAT PROMPTED JESUS TO HEAL THIS MAN? BIBLICAL NARRATIVE SEGMENT I would like you to see the place that Jesus found as He entered Jerusalem. This was a more

  • When He Looked Up I Looked Down

    Contributed by Jerry Stepp on Mar 8, 2007
    based on 20 ratings

    A personal meeting between Christ and Zacchaeus while travilg the dusty road

    WHEN HE LOOKED UP, I LOOKED DOWN LUKE 19:1-10 INTRODUCTION ~ Back in the early days of movies, the movie company hired 2 people called “barkers.” ~ One would talk bad of the movie and the other good. ~ They would get you thinking so much, you would come in to see which barker was right. ~ more

  • Looking Through God's Eye's

    Contributed by Joseph Bachman on Nov 27, 2004
    based on 30 ratings

    We need to look at people not through the worlds eye’s but through God’s eye’s

    Looking through Gods Eyes By Pastor Joe Bachman 11/28/2004 How many times have we heard this statement? You need to look at things and people the way God looks at them. You have heard people say just ask yourself wwjd What would Jesus Do? Or when some one does something to you people tell you more

  • What Was Jesus’ Primary Emotion Toward The Lost?

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Feb 26, 2014

    A look at the compassion that Jesus felt toward the lost and how we can move to be more like Him.

    WHAT WAS JESUS' PRIMARY EMOTION TOWARD THE LOST? It was compassion. - Matthew 9:36. -Matthew 9:13; Matthew 9:36; Matthew 12:7; Matthew 14:14; Matthew 15:32; Matthew 18:27; Matthew 20:34. - Jesus’ primary emotion toward the lost was compassion. - Look at how often it comes up just in more

  • The Character Of Compassion

    Contributed by Greg Waddell on Mar 5, 2001
    based on 216 ratings

    A fresh look at the meaning of compassion as displayed in the character of Jesus.

    THE CHARACTER OF COMPASSION Matthew 9:35-38 Compassionate people . . . I. Cross forbidden boundaries. A. Compassion drives one outside the conventional boundaries. . . . Routine is the enemy of compassion. . . . Jesus broke the routine . . . stepped outside the normal . . . He wanted to see . . more

  • A Cry Of Compassion Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Mar 22, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Third in a seven part series that looks at the last words of Jesus on the cross.

    Most of us, if we’re really honest, would have to admit that when we face difficulties in life, our tendency is to focus on ourselves. We ask questions like “Why me?” or we get angry with God because we’re focused on ourselves. I think that’s especially true when we come face to face with death. more

  • The Compassion Of God Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on Mar 21, 2022

    The message of Hosea 11 is for you and me, not only wayward Israel. The family life of Hosea and his wife Gomers serve as is an illustration of how our sin breaks the heart of God. Now the focus is on God’s compassion and redemption.

    There is a difference between compassion and concern. If a man falls off an ocean liner, we will show concern by yelling man overboard and look for help. Compassion would be at the risk of our own life; we jump in and rescue the drowning man. Compassion is much deeper than concern. In Hosea 11 we more

  • Showing Compassion

    Contributed by Jason Cole on Mar 12, 2007
    based on 37 ratings

    A look at the example of the compassion that Christ showed and how we should imitate His example of compassion.

    Confessions: I Struggle to Show Compassion Like Christ Did Introduction: I learn more and more about the importance of being honest with ourselves, especially concerning our relationship with Christ. I think that sometimes we as the church live an idealistic life. We don’t like to admit faults; more

  • Look At Yourself

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Oct 15, 2023

    Taking a long honest look at ourselves is one of the hardest things for us to do. Admitting that I need help, something is wrong in my life is very difficult.

    Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his more

  • Faith Requires Risk

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Feb 9, 2015

    This sermon is the kickoff for our Evangelism Campaign. We look at compassion as being at the center of us reaching out to win others to Christ.

    Faith Requires A Risk 2/9/15 1 Kings 17:7-24 John 9:35-38 The amazing thing about God is that when God wants to do something, God can use anybody to impact others for the kingdom of God. I want you to meet one such person. Here is just one person, an eleven year old who is involved in more

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