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  • The Sacrifice Of Blood

    Contributed by William Rushing on Jun 20, 2002
    based on 16 ratings

    A look at the Day of Attonment and the important role of the blood in sacrifice. This sermon helps to illustrate Christ as the lamb of God.

    I. Introduction (Leviticus 16:1-2) A. The Blood Sacrifice 1. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) 2. No Forgiveness with out the shedding of Blood (Hebrews 9:11) 3. The Life of flesh is in the blood. (Leviticus 17:11) 4. There was blood from the beginning (Genesis 3:21) B. Yom Kippur more

  • The Day Called Good: A Place Of Atonement Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Jul 9, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    This ten day period leads up to the Day of Atonement, or what the Jewish people today call Yom Kippur.

    (I am thankful to Rob Bell of Mars Hill Community Church for many of the ideas presented in this message) Please turn with me to Leviticus. It is the third book in the Bible. I know many of you were probably reading Leviticus just this morning. Let’s go to chapter 16. When you think of more

  • The Tales Of Te Two Goats

    Contributed by Charles Mccall on Jan 20, 2007
    based on 17 ratings

    The tales of the two goats was fulfilled in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Leviticus 16:1-22 Topic: The tales of two goats In the passages of scriptures, God gives Moses some instructions to teach Aaron about the two goats that was to be used in a sin offering for the children of Israel. Aaron, who was Moses brother and a high priest for the nation of Israel, he more

  • The Day Of Atonement Series

    Contributed by Gregory Neill on Jan 31, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Lesson 8 in a series on holiness as seen in Leviticus; Examining three great pictures from the Day of Atonement

    The Day of Atonement Leviticus 16 – Lesson 8 I. Introduction A. Atonement 1. Definition a) From the Hebrew word, kapar. b) Literal meaning is to cover. c) Hebrew meaning is to ransom and to remove with a price. d) Used 16 times in Leviticus 16. 2. Demanded a) God’s holiness demands action against more

  • Sin's Atonement

    Contributed by Sam Peters on Mar 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A message comparing the priestly sacrifices of the Old Testament with the Priestly sacrifice of Christ our High Priest.

    Sin’s Atonement – Lev. 16:1-17 & Heb. 9:11-26 Lev 16:1-17 16:1 The LORD spoke to Moses after the death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they approached the LORD. 2 The LORD said to Moses: "Tell your brother Aaron not to come whenever he chooses into the Most Holy Place behind the curtain in more

  • Pass Over Me: The Day Of Atonement

    Contributed by Richard Sams on Sep 11, 2002
    based on 59 ratings

    This sermon describes Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Israel, which concludes a 40-day season of repentance; its purpose it to examine our own divine appointment with God.

    Pass Over Me The Day of Atonement (Order of Worship & Sermon) Praise Team: “Rise up people of God and stand in the presence of your appointed meeting with God. This is a time of worship. Lift up your hands in praise and celebration to Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who holds the power more

  • The Greatest Cover-Up In History: The Atonement

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Sep 25, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    The Hebrew word Kippur or Kâpar literally means to cover-over or to cover-up. Yom Kippur points to the greatest cover-up in history.

    THE GREATEST COVER-UP IN HISTORY: THE ATONEMENT LEVITICUS 16:1-22 God established one day in the year to be set aside for Israel to observe that gave the most solemn representation of two facts – the sinfulness of men and God’s provision for a cover-up for men. That day is what we know today as more

  • Why Baptism? Series

    Contributed by Darrin Koone on Sep 20, 2001
    based on 35 ratings

    A sermon on the historiacl context of Baptism.

    (Luke 3:1-3) In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar--when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene-- {2} during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God more

  • How Is Access To God Made? Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Jan 25, 2010

    Because Christ is our High Priest, you must come to Him for atonement and removal of your sins.

    I. Access to God is only possible through the atonement. 16:1-5 A. Entering God’s presence cannot be taken lightly (1-2). 1. Improper worship was met with death. 2. Proper worship must be done on His terms. B. God prescribes the more

  • Three Pictures In Atonement Series

    Contributed by Moy Hernandez on Oct 27, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has, by His suffering and death, made an atonement for the whole world so that whosoever will may be saved.

    Three Pictures In Atonement - Captain Moy Hernandez, Jr. Leviticus 16:1-34 We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has, by His suffering and death, made an atonement for the whole world so that whosoever will may be saved. We wanted to make sure that as we continue our Sunday to Sunday study of more

  • Three Pictures In Atonement

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jul 21, 2003
    based on 126 ratings

    Today as we study Lev 16, we will stroll through the art gallery of the word of God. And as we look upon the walls, we will see 3 masterpieces, 3 great works that bring to life the power and the purpose of the day of atonement.

    THE THREE PICTURES IN THE ATONEMENT TEXT: LEVITICUS CHAPTER 16 INTRODUCTION The apostle John, wrote in his Gospel, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life". And that same apostle in the book of more

  • The Scapegoat: A Communion Celebratioin

    Contributed by John Harvey on Sep 29, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    The Israelites celebrated the forgiveness of sin by using goats, one to be a sacrifice and one to be sent away carrying the sins of the nation.

    “THE SCAPEGOAT: A COMMUNION CELEBRATION” OCTOBER 2, 2005 Intro: Today, we are going to celebrate the communion of our Lord. We are going to look at the way the Israelites celebrated the forgiveness of sin as we prepare ourselves for the celebration. The Day of Atonement was the High Holy Day more

  • We Have A Scapegoat

    Contributed by David Mcnally on Feb 8, 2014

    In the OT the blood of sacrificed animals was shed to take away the sins of the people and this had to be done annually, but when Jesus went to the cross on our behalf in obedience to the Father's will, our sins were taken away once and for all.

    Leviticus 16:1-22 Our Scapegoat Do you remember, when David Cameron, Nick Clegg and the Coalition took over from Gordon Brown and Ed Balls after the last election, the new Chancellor of the Exchequer found a note from the outgoing one saying 'There is no money, it has all gone!' And so for more

  • Torn By Unseen Hands Series

    Contributed by Allan Quak on Feb 28, 2018

    At the moment Jesus died the curtain in the temple was torn in two - God has left the building.

    Message Matthew 27:51 Torn By Unseen Hands There is something about curtains that just makes us want to know what is behind them, isn’t there. Curtains have the ability to make us very curious. Example: Visit to a Heritage Home and they always seem to have one or two areas sectioned off. So more

  • The Scapegoat Reboot Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Oct 3, 2018

    The two goats of the Day of Atonement represent two aspects of a "reboot": Making atonement for sin, thus rebooting the relationship with God, and 2) the scapegoat, rebooting ourselves by removing our guilt. The two aspects of atonement are both needed.

    THE SCAPEGOAT REBOOT—Leviticus 16 Your computer or phone is slow, or acting strangely. Is it a virus, or malware? Do you have a poor connection? What do you do? REBOOT. If that doesn’t work, recover or update, and then reboot. (Note to preacher: Scott Adams has a book on the comic strip, Dilbert: more

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