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Sermons on lest any should boast:

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  • Boasting

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on May 25, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    What Paul is about to do in this passage is contrary to his character. He never had any problem boasting about Christ and telling of His sufferings, but he was always hesitant to speak of his own painful experience as a servant of the Lord. However, bec

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: A sightseeing bus was making the rounds through Washington, D. C., and the driver was pointing out spots of interest. As they passed the Pentagon building, he mentioned that it cost taxpayers millions of dollars and that it took a year and a half to build. A little more

  • To Boast Or Not To Boast?

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Sep 2, 2003
    based on 21 ratings

    The Christian is to go around boasting about the goodness and the blessing of the Lord in his or her life. But the Christian is to never go around boasting about their good works or there personal accomplishments. We are to give credit to the Lord for wor

    To Boast or not to Boast? Thesis: The Christian is to go around boasting about the goodness and the blessing of the Lord in his or her life. But the Christian is to never go around boasting about their good works or there personal accomplishments. We are to give credit to the Lord for working the more

  • Boast In The Lord!

    Contributed by Michael Otterstatter on Feb 4, 2002
    based on 78 ratings

    Through these verses the Apostle Paul removes any thought of a believer boasting over anyone other than the LORD.

    It happened in the jungle one day. A lion with a big ego went around asking the other animals who the king of the jungle was. “Who’s the king of jungle?,” the lion roared at a monkey. “Why…you are, Mr. Lion,” said the monkey with fear in his voice. The lion went on and found a zebra. “Who’s more

  • That I Should Boast - Ash Wednesday Series

    Contributed by Chris Surber on Feb 24, 2009
    based on 9 ratings

    As examination of Issac Watt’s "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross" in light of relevant Scripture.

    That I Should Boast, Galatians 6:14 Introduction A young boy complained to his father that most of the church hymns were boring and old-fashioned, with tiresome words that meant little to his generation. His father challenged him with these words: “If you think you can write better hymns, why don’t more

  • Be Boastful

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on May 23, 2004
    based on 41 ratings

    This sermon underscores the need for believers to focus their lives totally on God b/c He is the only reason to boast.

    “BE BOASTFUL!” Jer. 9:23-24 INTRO – 2 young boys got into a bragging match about their fathers. “My daddy is stronger than your daddy.” “Well, my daddy can run faster than your daddy.” “Well, my daddy can beat your daddy up.” “So what, my mama can beat my daddy up!” (illus. from sermon by more

  • Lest They Forget

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Nov 7, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Reminding our children of their rich heritage in the LORD.

    LEST THEY FORGET Psalm 78:1-7. Psalm 78 is entitled a “Maschil” of Asaph, thereby signifying an INSTRUCTION. It is one of the longest Psalms in the Book, not only outlining a history of Israel, but encouraging us to LEARN from this history (cf. Psalm 78:8). Mr. Spurgeon, in his ‘Treasury of more

  • Boasting

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 14 ratings

    3 things from James that help us avoid boasting: 1) Wisdom 2) humility 3) Right ambition

    Boasting Jas 3:13-18, 4:13 KAC CU 18/11/02 The dominant theme of these passages is, really, BOASTING - Jas, no doubt, found it necessary to address as they were just like us! o A) Human: competition is part of the human nature, fabric of life § Not necc bad. But is corrupted by our ‘fallen more

  • Boasting In The Cross

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Apr 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    By the resurrection Jesus overcame sin and death; but the cross is where He made atonement for sin. It was the cross in which Paul boasted, and the cross was central to his missions and preaching; therefore, it should be important to us.

    In Galatians 6:14, the apostle Paul declared, “God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” The resurrection is the power behind the Christian’s faith, for it was by the resurrection that Jesus overcame more

  • Are There Any Sinners In Your Church? Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Sep 9, 2018

    The story of the Pharisee and the publican is the story of two great sinners. One knew he was a sinner and acknowledges it before God. The other knew not that he was a sinner and boasted of his righteousness.

    Are There any Sinners in Your Church? Luke 18:9-18:14 9 He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others: 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus more

  • Today Is A Day Of Boasting

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on Dec 1, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    We boast about many things ... should we not verbally confess the goodness of God and boast in who He is and what He has done for us.

    Thanksgiving is almost here- I have declared today to be a day of BOASTING! I am giving us all permission to boast today. It is easy for people to boast- almost second nature. We easily boast about things that have happened in our lives or things we have done/accomplished. As people we like to be more

  • Lest We Forget

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Nov 14, 2023

    What is the spiritual awareness lesson from John 21:1-14? We must not forget to tell the world about Jesus.

    Lest We Forget John 21:1-14 Rev. Dr. Michael H. Koplitz John 21:1 After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and He manifested Himself in this way. 2 Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, more

  • A Boost For Not Boasting!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Oct 21, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    In this message Yours Truly endeavours to give a boost as it were for not boasting unnecessarily by bringing out the Biblical mandate on what we need to need to boast about and what we need to be silently thankful to the Lord for!!!

    A Boost for not Boasting!!! Probably you have heard this story before but here it goes again...a tale involving a frog prone to self-boasting and his two crane friends who planned to “live happily together ever more

  • Lest We Forget Series

    Contributed by Leroy Redding on Jul 10, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Joshua #4

    LEST WE FORGET Joshua 4-5 How’s your memory? How well do you remember? No, don’t worry, I’m not going to quiz you as to what the sermon was about last Sunday. But I would like you to think about your memory this morning. "A well trained memory is one that permits you to forget everything that more

  • Lest We Forget

    Contributed by David Rogers on May 9, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    This is a sermon for memorial day or homecoming services. It talks about us remembering who the master is and who is the servant.

    Lest We Forget Hebrews 12:1-2 Good morning. I want to welcome everyone here today. It is a wonderful day when we all can return to the church were we grew up in and see old friends and family that we may not have seen in a long time. Memorial Day is a tool that we can use to help us remember more

  • Lest We Forget

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Sep 8, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    Let us not be individuals or a nation who has forgotten their creator and sustainer by disregarding God’s commandments, judgments and statutes. This NEON sign in Deuteronomy was not only a warning for the Israelites but is also a warning for us all and a

    Opening illustration: Roland Allen tells about a veteran missionary who came up to him one day after he had delivered his sermon. The missionary introduced himself and said, "I was a medical missionary for many years in India. And I served in a region where there was progressive blindness. People more